Why are all the reviewers being so negative about this? I'm actually perplexed

Why are all the reviewers being so negative about this? I'm actually perplexed.

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Because it's bad.

I didn't enjoy Banjo as a kid and i think its pretty good, what's so bad about it?

It's a charming and a fun game to just run around and explore the worlds, but features some of the shittiest minigames I've ever seen in my life.

>shit game made in free engine from industry vets for 10x their asking price
>virtue signaled political stance to avoid political drama
Yeah, i'm starting to think they took the money and dipped and i think the anons who claim the jontron pr bs was purely to divert attention from how shit the game is. Notice how anytime you criticize it they automatically assume you care about jontron in some form? Weird.

Because it's a 90s platformer warts and all. Today's reviewers don't like that shit.

It's a game made for a niche audience.

It ignores 20 years of evolution in the genre to retread 90s game design to a T.

The fact the game is being compared to Banjo-Kazooie and not, say, Super Mario Galaxy is a red flag.

Because it's the new epic Mighty Nr. 9 fiasco

I'm having a lot of fun with the game. Where all the hate comes from I'm not sure. Youtube "celeb" dick suckers? Maybe, I really don't know.

Really, the game that claimed it was going to be another banjo kazooie, turned out to be exactly that, and you think that's a red flag? Lmao literally, this game clearly isn't for you if you think that.

Boring kids game

You, uh, you're the one who brought up Jontron friendo.

Sounds like exactly what nostalgiatards would want

IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE BAD BECAUSE THEY REMOVED JOHNY AND JONTRON IS not actually but not like Sup Forums is smart enough to realize ONE OF US POLBROS

Jontron is paying them for negative reviews.

Literally every review I've read is "We were expecting banjo plus more. We just got banjo."

Banjo is exactly what I expected it to be. I'm not disappointed in any way other than the camera being shit i'm actually really upset about that when they announced this my first thought was "finally, a banjo game with a good camera" but nope its just like banjo's old camera

Doesn't make it better that they keep trying to slyly wink at the camera saying "yeah we know the camera is bad but 90s games amirite? lol"

Do they? I haven't actually gotten that far in the game yet, I havent' seen any instances of them specifically mentioning the shit camera. That's pretty gay if it's true but it's just a gripe for me. Game's still fun if annoying.

Didn't Jontron announce on twitter that he was removed from Yooka-Laylee?

It's Banjo Kazooie without the charm. Which was like half of Banjo's appeal. The worlds look bland, the characters are annoying and the level design feels empty and crude.

This. I kinda like Trowser though.

Trowser deserves to be in a better game.

I hope they aren't too disappointed with the reviews
I want to see a YL sequel

>free engine
so? ue4 is also free and most games are made on that these days
>political drama
political drama doesnt make a game worse, only PR

This is the post modern age of vidya user.

If theres not explicit objectives its shit. If theres backtracking its shit. If theres not constantly something on screen to do its shit.

They foolishly didn't spend 50% of their budget on advertising so reviewers weren't told to like it.

Actual players on steam have rated it 87% compared to faceless, unqualified "Critics" that rated it 74. This includes the usual half dozen sites you've never heard of like "Let's Play Video Games" and "The Overpowered Noobs".

Metacritic has less value in modern gaming than the collect-a-thons it reviles.

It's great, i dun geddit.

I think there's an agenda against true 3D platformers.

haha alright whatever u say

I liked Rextro's first two games so far.

Video game industry today:
>Zelda BotW
>generic OW game with no dungeons, shit bosses, many design flaws, and shitty combat, that gets boring after the first 10 hours
>Gets perfect scores across the web and is praised as the greatest game ever by retards simply cause it's got the Zelda brand

>Yooka Laylee
>literally branded as the rebirth of the Banjo franchise under a new brand, and a love letter to fans of 3D collectathons
>ugh, fucking garbage, 2/10, it does nothing new, fuck this

This is why we can't have nice things.

Back to

I think both are 8-9 out of 10

Fight me

BotW is a 7/10

best I can do

Shit camera
Huge empty worlds
Limited mobility
Dripfeeding abilities
Enemies are a non-issue

They should've copied Kazooie instead of Tooie.


>Shit camera
Just like the past games, reenter is you r friend.

>Huge empty worlds
Unexpanded is kazooie size, expanded depends on the level

>Limited mobility
HAHAHAHA your mobility is far beyond anything in BK or BT

>Dripfeeding abilities
Only if your a fag that doesnt unlock worlds, same as BK

>Enemies are a non-issue
Seriously? they did nothing in BK or tooie as well

>They should've copied Kazooie instead of Tooie.
Is a mixture honestly. I like it a lot but miss certain parts of both.

This, if playtonic dies after this I will be pissed. Even if yooka laylee was awful, maybe Playtonic will get some more funds to polish up other games

Essentially it ended up a worse Banjo Kazoie

Its by no means shit, so id say the 60-70% score is fitting

dude mighty nr 9 2.0 lmao

based shovel knight needs to bury this game alive


These are the type of assholes that will encourage Nintendo to go back to making the 3D World games instead of the Mario 64 style.

So we still have a n64 shader and free DLC coming, right? Any other unmet stretch goals?

Alt-right goons slam the game because of their pal JonTron.

That's literally it. The game is good.

Dear Yooka and Laylee,

Welcome to the club.

Sincerely, the best game on the 3DS.

>alt-right goons
>not people who want another tortanic/mighty number 9 fiasco

Holy fuck, you just made me legitimately mad that Odyssey will probably may very likely have bad reviews because "it's too hard, there should be more checkpoints" "the last two mario games didn't need me to control the camera, why this one?" "I felt like the cutscenes could have been improved with voice acting, it's time for nintendo to get out of the stone age" "Bowser kidnapping Peach is such a tired trope, why can't she be a strong playable character like in 3d world"

I will fucking be pissed if so

This was a pretty good game, and it controlled well, but damn if it didn't hurt my eyes squinting at that tiny screen and cramp the Hell out of my hands no matter how I played.

It would have been better as a Wii U game, where you used a wiimote instead of a stylus.

Not with that control scheme

>inb4 git gud

Repeat ad-infinitum It won't become real, Excellent game with shit control scheme.

I wouldn't mind a different story. At least they're mixing it up a little and now it's Bowser trying to marry Peach. That adds a little more complexity.

It's one of the reasons I enjoyed Sunshine, there was the whole Bowser Jr thing, and the potentiality of familial relations. Added just a little more stakes.

Sup Forums's countercultures don't fail to surprise me.

Well I'll be honest with you, I'm pretty tired of Bowser after spending literal decades with him and him still doing the same goddamn shit all the fucking time but that's besides the point

So far I've had a lot more fun with BotW than I'm having with Yooka Laylee. BotW is so much more fun to explore.

But the stylus touch screen combo is capable of so much more. Kid Icarus would be literally impossible with a sluggish wiimote motion aiming bullshit.

Shooter aiming in order of best to worst is as follows.

KB+M>Gyro>Touch Screen>Powergap>Twinstick>Wiimote

Yooka-Laylee's average, but it's nowhere near Jimquisition 2/10 levels of bad. The fat fuck can off himself for all I care.

Okay then, Gyro controls for aiming. Basically something that won't cramp my hands when I'm doing a lot of movements such as it is with the tiny stylus on the tiny screen.

I thought Star Fox Zero controlled well with the gyro controls, and had a great time playing through those levels shooting that way without even looking at the second screen. It felt really intuitive.

But I'm also a realist, and recognize that people can't wrap their heads around Gyro controls unless they're for subtle movement, as it is with LoZ and the bow aiming they've done on the 3DS, Wii U, and Switch.

Because not everyone enjoys playing infantile games OP.. it beggars belief there are so many manchildren who are still living in the past an refuse to grow up.. drink some beach to fucking end such your pitiful miserable existence you waste of skin an organs.

Way to prove peoples skepticism of bad reviews just being jontron fanboys or alt righties who think you should be able to say black people ruin america by bringing up jontron and politics immediately especially with Sup Forums babies first word "virtue signaling".

If you have the chance to go back. Try focusing more on flicking the reticle and then tapping the screen to stop it where you want. Less carefully sliding it all over the screen. Also 9/10 people get into the habit of grapping really tight on the stylus because things are intense and it's almost entirely where the cramp comes from, pretty well independent of gameplay.

Sliding it around

If you git gud at KI:U you're reticle can teleport all over the fucking place.

If people in the 90s acted like the average person today does in response to something new and improved in vidya we'd all still be using dpads for everything.

yeah even if you don't like this one, it'd be nice to see what they come out with next

your reticle*

so it's exactly like rare's previous games

>it controlled well

Did we play the same game?

>Really, the game that claimed it was going to be another banjo kazooie, turned out to be exactly that, and you think that's a red flag?

The problem is that before the game's released, the developers have adamantly Yooka-Laylee would be an evolution of the 3D platformer; not just a retread.

>"But the team isn't satisfied to trade on nostalgia. We don't want to make a knockoff. It's about capturing a tone and a style of game more than it's about just replicating everything. They want to do new stuff now."


Some aspects of Yooka-Laylee are a step back from Banjo-Tooie, such as the unnecessarily large worlds with no warp pads.

I do like the game. I think there's a good foundation here for a sequel that significantly improves everything, however, Yooka-Layee is disappointingly stuck in a time warp.

How does anything he said prove that?

I still have the game, and have a larger 3DS now (the new one with more horsepower and the analog nub). Maybe I'll give it a shot again. If they had support for the nub I might give that a try too, just for comparison, but I don't think they ever added support for the second analog stick add-on peripheral back in the day.

I think a lot of people like to say the controls were bad because it hurt their hands, and I don't think that meant the controls were bad.

It was really easy to point to your targets, and it was vital to be able to move so quickly to them, because there could be so many of them coming at you so fast, adn they could move so erratically too, which made the game more challenging and enjoyable because of it.

The problem is that the console is and stylus are just so damn small, and it has to be held in your hand to some extent, it's just a trap for hurting your hands. On a home console, with the same control method, I think people would have enjoyed it more.

The arcade games have been underwhelming. I think the mine cart mini-games were a fun idea, but whoever thought of the controls should be fired. Boosting instantly with the thumbstick is dumb. How can the devs behind the original Donkey Kong mine cart levels fuck up so bad?

They never added support. Sakurai actually went on record to say that if Kid Icarus Uprising were to ever get a port or sequel on another console twinstick aiming would continue to never be an option in the series because it is too slow and he doesn't want to have to design around the knuckledraggers who prefer it.

people don't actually want 3d platformers back

Having played the game a bit now, there are some new elements to it in the short amount I've played.

I like the option of using the main collectible to either explore a new world or open up new elements of the current one.
The tonics that are unlocked for completing what are effectively goals or achievements are pretty good too.

The health system and the power system being tied together using the same recovery item is pretty intelligent.

But there are still things that just feel wrong. In this day and age, with games like Jak 2 and III being a thing, it should be super easy to just point and shoot if I want to. I feel like it was actually even easier in Banjo-Tooie.

As such, I know people have been saying it slavishly adheres to the old stuff, but I don't feel that way, I just think that it has some poorly implemented things here and there which can bog down the average experience.

I feel like the only person who liked the BOTW bosses. Ganon never really felt like the all encompassing evil entity he was said to be in previous games, but for once he is able to manifest physical beings in his likeness through sheer dark will alone, and people fucking complain.

I do.

N you don't

>a 20+ year old game did it, so it's acceptable for a modern game to do it, too

>virtue signaled political stance to avoid political drama
>Notice how anytime you criticize it they automatically assume you care about jontron in some form? Weird.
Yeah. Weird.

Because it was what it advertised itself to be, not the second coming of Banjo Kazooie style games. Also people who haven't even heard of the game spreading bad ""reviews"" because of 'muh jantran'.

>people fucking complain
The complaint is that they're simple and easy and don't live up to that suggestion of ominous manifestation that had slain the champions 100 years ago.

Y I do

Difference is this still plays off the main characters' mechanics. The Rextro shit is a mess of different gameplay concepts.

First world is ok, but it's all downhill from there. Most feel like big empty places with way too much walking

Camera is absolutely terrible and the manual controls may as well not exist because the auto control will fight you. Makes it nearly unplayable even if the rest of the game was actually worth playing

Thunderblight and Waterblight gave me some trouble, especially Thunder, but yeah the other two are pretty easy.

Still, Zelda bosses have never been too tough. Despite these being easy, they're still on the tougher side of the spectrum of Zelda bosses.

it's not the new naughty dog cinematic experience so it gets bad reviews

Because they are racist

People wanted a new Banjo but forgot that Banjo sort of wasn't great to begin with. I can't name a single collectathon that's actually polished and well-made all around.
Mario 64 is still the best in the genre, how sad is that?

This. Every world keeps getting worse.

Because modern gaming jornalists are pink haired, skinny or fat SJWs that grew up playing Uncharted and Mass Effect. The whole concept of a 3D collectathon platformer doesnt compute with them. They suck at the game, say the worlds are confusing, when in reality, half the fun is memorizing the worlds and where youve been and discovering mew areas you didnt know were there. Every review Ive seen stems from "the game is confusing" to "the gameplay is dated" to "the controls are bad". Why have I had virtually no hiccups or trouble with any of the controls? Oh yeah, because I grew up playing DK country, Banjo, Conker, Mario 64 and have a lifetime of platforming experience. The game is absolutely 10/10 if youre a core fan of old RareWare games. If youre one of the cringe little 13 yeae old edgy faggots that is bitching over jon tron, or if your complaints are the game is too hard or confusing, GO PLAY COD AND MASS EFFECT and leave this game to the true fans that are enjoying every second of it.

As of now. It goes B-K > B-T > Y-L > DK64.

I dunno. I think the original Spyro trilogy have held up super well.


Mario is actually a good game, and it's only the best in the genre because it focuses on collecting the least. The only things you need to collect are stars, which are at the end of certain goals in a level, meaning the devs actually had to think of challenging things for you to do rather than just place more stats everywhere randomly.

Collectathons like Banjo were basically tech demos showcasing how collectibles could be placed and used in 3D environments since those were still pretty new back then to most people.

I really feel like they made the levels overly large and empty in the Banjo games.
It's like they were so excited that they figured out how to make big 3D levels that they forgot to make good levels while they were at it. they really do feel like tech demos more than games to me.


Because I can't masturbate to the game over sequence.

Banjo-Kazooie's worlds weren't too big; you could get to anywhere you wanted to be from the center of each level in 15 seconds or less and there's something relevant (i.e. jiggy, honeycomb, mumbo skull, mumbo hut, minigame) just about everywhere. But you are right about Banjo-Tooie's worlds, most of them are unnecessarily large.