ITT : you poorly describe a game or series and others have to guess what it is.
>You search for your girlfriend but she's not actually there.
ITT : you poorly describe a game or series and others have to guess what it is.
>You search for your girlfriend but she's not actually there.
Other urls found in this thread:
Dead Space
Theres a guy who shoots other guys
Dead Space
Bingo. That was fast.
Mario kart
Real life
post the rest of this, please.
>Go out and kill things, then eat a fetus in the end
Gone Home.
>Your country is being invaded and only these 12 year old kids can save the day.
Demonic penguin servants
You're super depressed because of reasons and don't know what you're doing, ultimately you either kill yourself or get over it
Depression quest
My life
I want /r9k/ to leave
Nice meme
But it's true though
I did not claim that memes can't be true
Thomas Was Alone
People wear hats and you shoot them.
You become a dancing machine.
You walk around and then you don't
Sometimes you think and sometimes you yell
You never eat a fetus, dingdong. An umbilical cord is not a fetus.
Braid or Super Mario Bros.
Your legs may or may not be in an adequate condition. You also follow orders.
You get in trouble because your supervisors think you killed a guy, and then on your quest to prove your innocence, you kill an absolute ton of guys.
you and a kid kill cthulhus
You are an adventurer with both knees still intact.
your legs are ok
Brouzouf Simulator
The Elder Scrolls Adventures: Redguard
Condemned ?
Playing with DSes gets way too real
Thank you for helping remove jian, brother
>A pair of druggies break into a guy's house and dose him so hard that he thought he went into space.
turns out your evil god is an backstabbing asshole
you're out of bubble gum
Shadow the Hedgehog
You were dead all along
a mexican blows shit up on a greek island