refunds in video games need to go.
it only hurt developers.
refunds in video games need to go.
it only hurt developers.
maybe they should make games that take longer than 2 hours to finish
If a developer is worried that people will refund their game in droves after two hours, that really says it all.
what if it's only like a couple dollar game that's meant to be finished in an hour or two?
It hurts shitty developers
Yeah fuck consumer rights, I deserve money.
A low caliber indie Steam game has an achievement for beating it under 2 hours, and the description is something like "congratulations, it's a freebie for beating it so fast".
>make a game that's 2 hours long with no replay value whatsoever
>sell it for a price high enough for people to bother refunding it
>it's somehow the customers' fault
it's tiny little indie devs complaining that their $20 game takes less than 2 hours to complete so the refund policy hurts them
>The Chinese Room
Yeah, I'd expect a post like that from them, since they killed Amnesia and all.
he's right
>spend two hours trying to get Just Cause 3 to fucking run, couldn't even get to the main menu
>lol u can't refund it
only a jew would demand a two dollar refund
Why don't these shitty developers just use kickstarter instead? That way they won't have to refund anything
its literally not hard to add minigames and side features and shit that are repeatable to bloat gameplay time
Fuck this fucking world.
And they intentionally made their last game move at a sloth-like pace so it would be 5 hours instead of under 2.
I think if a game took me more than an hour to get it to work, I'd just refund it there and then
>gamergate's toxic consumer-first ideology
gets me every time
>less indie shit
How shit can your game be if it doesn't even have content to make it last more than 2 hours anyway?
>make a game that's less than 2 hours
>get heiny-hounded that Gaben was forced into offering refunds due to European law
If your game isn't even 2 hours long maybe you should put more work into it.
So this.... is the power of autism
>toxic consumer-first ideology
>these are the same people who you constantly see bitching about capitalism on social media and who advocate socialism
I thought they were done making games?
Are these not the same people who made that game about the black woman cleaning an apartment?
Am I retarded?
>dear esther devs
what a shock
Oh I get it now, since pc is home of 99.99% of indie titles and to make it in consoles you pretty much need a contract when in of a good game and some coverage is enough
And since journalist and indie developers are the same breed of she scammers
And since the PC market is mostly redpill people who take 0 bullshit and can pirate anything
That means fighting sjw shit truly hurts them
Good, the refund system almost exclusively punishes shitty overpriced artsy games on Steam and doesn't affect the vast majority of good, fair-value games. It also serves to punish greedy devs who try to get away with charging more than they should when they know that pricing a game at $30 vs. $20 means people are more likely to refund. Imagine how many sales Gone Home would've lost if that game had come out after the refund system was implemented.
>muh gamergate
But it was the EU who forced Valve to give out refunds. Goddamn so many fucks who talk politics don't even understand basic shit.
Who cares. The customers are the boss. Try not making a shit game.
So now the Brexit kids are fucked?
>The Chinese Room
Fuck this company and everything it stands for. I'll never forgive them for giving Amnesia and Frictional Games a bad name.
No it apply to countries outside of the EU as well, doofus.
seeing as how the refund policy is active in the US I doubt it will be nulled in Bongistan.
>the mentality of people who would LITERALLY be okay with people dying off painfully and unpleasantly because EpiPen costs unjustifiably high
maybe you should make better games
Nah it's easier to just make it a global policy.
>xbox actually adopted a two hour refund policy
So thats why their pissy about the refunds
>The Chinese Room
>release one short, artsy-fartsy, novel, low-priced game most people bought for $2 in a sale or got in a humble bundle and think you're the kings of high-art in vidya
>start releasing the same type of game only increasing the price and pretentiousness
And yet we know they still make a shitload of cash, like with Firewatch where the devs got so ass-blasted about piracy and refunds but they still made tons of money off a fairly shit game.
top lel
they are still mad about that game. liberals are such a meme
Gamergate thinks YOU matter more than a big company....tell me again how they're not harassing womyn.
The only developers who are against things like this are devs who have games that can be beaten in under 2 hours, with no replay value.
ok i got rid of refunds in video games
Then either customers will feel the price was fair and most won't refund if the game was good, or they should go with Patreon or go with a publisher or something that funds their otherwise unprofitable projects. They could also get day jobs and work on these games in their spare time, or balance boring but profitable games with their creative experiments, as many movie studios do. There's no reason for them to expect to make money because they feel their game deserves to be bought.
when did Sup Forums become mindless authority dicksuckers
I've seen autistic spergs get more attention for less retarded opinions.
I agree with that. Seems fair.
Nobody is refunding 2 hours games after completing them because they want their money back. They're refunding them because they paid $20 for a 2 hour game and they (rightfully so) feel ripped off.
>B-But you pay $15-20 for a movie all the time!
Video games aren't movies. When I pay $20 for a movie and get a shitty movie, that's life. When I pay $20 for a video game and get a shitty "game" then I'm going to get a refund.
they have a couple of points though
What if a game is short but fun and has a fuck ton of replayability like Luftrousers?
Then you'd probably play it past the two hour mark.
>Endure through some awful game hoping it gets gud
>Give up after an hour
>Get less money on refund because this shit game is actually only two hours :^)
How about no you entitled piece of shit, make good vidya and you won't have these problems.
Sounds like your stereotypical liberal to me, and liberals aren't really that fond of socialism.
That's a good game, compared to A machine for pigs that was shit.
they don't feel ripped off and don't refund so they can play it again.
only devs that pump out trash complain about refund because it ruins their little scam
Do you think these people think before typing shit like this out or is just sort of a stream of consciousness deal
>tfw seeing my edits posted
>Toxic consumer-first ideology
Here's an idea - Make a game longer than two fucking hours. Or better yet, make an actual fucking game and not a walking simulator from the script of your failed movie/book.
I'll do away with refunds if I keep getting sweet deals like this
>derailing this thread
But user, a lot of the best games can be beaten in under 2 hours
A great way to fix this would be to implement this, but also devs must disclose how long the game is. People who don't want a short as shit game don't buy it, and no one can complain that the refund system is being used unfairly.
With no survivors?
>When I pay $20 for a movie and get a shitty movie, that's life. When I pay $20 for a video game and get a shitty "game" then I'm going to get a refund.
So you allow Hollywood Jews to shaft you but game developers have to deal with you being too stupid to google a fucking gameplay video?
>write things like "This 2 hour thing is just cock
>expect to be taken seriously as a company
Why does it seem like the word 'toxic' is now toxic?
How long before these people declare it as such?
>When I pay $20 for a movie and get a shitty movie, that's life.
I can see why people treat the average consumer like a retard.
With all the fucking games on Steam imagine what a nightmare it would be to actually implement this system. The 2-hour thing isn't perfect but it's more than enough time to find out if a game has bad technical issues, is just plain shitty or isn't what you hoped it would be. It's basically a forced demo for every single game.
I don't get why they are saying refunds are bad.
Are they seriously worried about losing the single sale of the one guy who downloads a game to distribute the pirated copy?
This is why we needed Trump.
That argument is retarded. You're drawing such an arbitrary line with no explanation
Name 5 games
Speedruns don't count because less than 1% of people playing games give a shit about that
lmao who has that kind of money
The average person will not beat this game on their first few attempts and it'll end up more than 2 hours
Wait is this a bug?
this is why you give away the game for free and make money off of trading cards.
>percentage of game completed
Except this would require sizable manpower to determine a game's "completion." Basing it on Achievements means Developers just make the "complete" achievement the first one or something stupid. 2 hours means they front-load the game's quality. Every system will be abused. Get over it.
This is what video game retailers are doing... forcing demos for all the games they sell.
How about you not make games with less than 2 hours of content?
>toxic consumer-first ideology
>it's toxic for people to look out for their own interests and make sure they're not getting screwed over
Oh my god, these people have the same mentality corrupt mega corps execs do.
These people are so easily influenced by 30+ year olds who try to make a career out of blogging about video games. Inferior devs and game bloggers have made a big circle-jerk, got pissed off when they were found out and called it gamer gate and branded it as racist/sexist.
Look at kotakus comments. They are useful idiots for devs who have no passion and produce shitty games. The type of devs who main concern is the risk of mass refunds rather than people enjoying their work.
such a stupid design by steam, making 'what you save' in green always makes me think this is what i'm paying.
>buy game on false advertising
>89,99 + 23,49 DLC
>spend some time fidgiting on menus getting the screen to turn out right and working around the bad optimization
>game is only 3 minutes long
>clear free speedrun bonus objectives effectively clearing 120% of the game
>another 20,- gets removed from my bank account
>can no longer refund
wow thanks indies
Mega Man 4
Castlevania: Rondo of Blood
Mighty Switch Force
Doesn't look like it. It's been at that price for a while now.
I'm not sure but I have 5 copies of this now.
I know what I'm playing with my buddies this weekend.
What if its a $40 game that has a 2 minute playtime and i want my damn money back after discovering how short the game is
>Still seeing movies at the theatre
>Not having a huge as fuck backlog 50x the size of your video game backlog to watch at home on my equipment
>Paying some guy to sit and an dark room
And if your game does have less than two hours of content but is still decent, chances are people aren't gonna refund it unless you charged a absurd amount for it.
I won't refund a game if I actually enjoyed it and I think most people wouldn't either.
If your game is shorter than 2 hours, you might aswell make it a movie. It's some shitty walking simulator anyways
>weaponized refunds
Isn't this game shit, though? I have it and never bothered playing it. I do like Endless Legend though.
>an arbitrary, pain in the ass to implement, and easily abused metric
what a moron
>Ha ha! I'll take back the money you never had in the first place! The perfect plan!
It's decent. Combat is too random and the late-game slows to a crawl with too much micromanagement.
Depending on the type of game I'd be fine with this so long as it's something like 40%. There's a lot of games out there that barely even start by the two hour mark because of shitty forced tutorials and scripted events out the ass.