I wonder how Bandai Namco feels winning JRPG of the gen


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>winning JRPG of the gen

Are you high, user?

I'll never understand Tales fags. The series is more miss than hit, and even its high points aren't spectacular.

It's the Tales high which occurs after you've beaten the game or have done as much as possible
I enjoyed Berseria way more than most modern Tales games but it still reuses assests with a grpahics engine that hasn't been changed or improves since 2011
The other shortcomings are also prominent but the experience of the game is good enough that people belief the game is better than it is
Eventually the high will ware off and the player will be able to look at the game critically and see the faults t has and what improvements they can make for future titles

Tales of Berseria is an amazing game despite its few flaws. PS3 graphics, Level design...

How the fuck did they even get the high when playing through the game's shit fucking fields and dungeons? Literally the majority of the game is spent in the worst fucking designed world I've ever seen in a jRPG, and this is considering the shitfest that was Xillia 1 and 2 fields and dungeons. Berseria somehow marginally made those aspects EVEN WORSE.

well Zestiria actually does it the worse when it comes to boring as shit world and dungeons
like most rpgs, the more you play it the better it gets over time
the good outweigh the bad in Berseria and it progressively gets better the more the game offers to the player
I can understand the feeling of Berseria being a good experience, but after some time I realized there still some shortcomings such as the problems you listed
I guess some things just don't bother people as badly as they do for others

Why did all the Talesfags come out again after P5?

>Tales games
>Anything other than the microwave pizza of JRPGS

Obviously they don't want P5 taking all the spotlights

>FFXV is so completely forgotten that people need to use Tales to shitpost P5.

I like Tales but come on.

Bandai Namco made Persona 5?

This, they're fun, but don't expect much from them

Except, Main protags "dying"


It bothered me greatly seeing as how only the combat and character interactions every now and then were fun to me. Even the characters didn't really stand out to me as being a better cast overall than other Tales games due to them being annoying as fuck a lot like how they spout about MUH CREED or MUH ANGST or WE'RE DEMONS so fucking much. I guess it is just par for course for the "anime" kind of personality tropes but I can't find myself liking the cast anymore than another Tales cast. And if I wanted to move the story along or do sidequests, I have to slog across huge fields and boring ass dungeons filled with nothing but insulting "puzzles" that are literally just obstacles I press X on to move past. What was the fucking point of these things? My friend and I made it to the point in the story where we needed to awaken the other empyreans or whatever they are called because Innominat was being a shitter and we dropped it because the fields and dungeons just kept dragging on and on. Magilou was great boner fuel though and I don't even typically like flat chested girls.

wrong diddly ong

You're right, ALL ME

Why aren't you drinking, Sup Forums?

I am confused...

they haven't changed this formula of boring dungeon design since Xillia from 2011
those who do can like Xillia all they want, for whatever dumb fucking reason, but it was the gateway to the extreme mediocrity with modern Tales games with the one commonality being shit world, environment, and dungeon designs
I wish that they would look back at some of the series best dungeons that were creative and enjoyably to see be completed in whatever unique way they could instead of just walk over here press this, okay walk that way

Some salty talesfag false flagging, why are you confused.

You dropped it right at the end...

But Falcom is winning overall, user

They haven't changed their world and engine since they made Trusty Bell / Eternal Sonata.
This game, 9 years later looks better than Berseria now.

I did notice that Xillia was the turning point for badly designed worlds. Even Graces for all the shit it gets about FRIENDSHIP at least had a nicely designed world/fields and a few dungeons with actual thought out puzzles.

Really? I mean it felt like the game had gone on a long time but I was waiting for a world changing event similar to other Tales games where you are introduced to a new and different environment such as another planet, etc but it never came. I mean we might go back and just finish it but everytime I hear the characters talk about CREED or point out the fact that they are DEMONS all the while running through empty fields and dungeons filled with nothing, it really just kills my fun.

JRPG of the gen is Persona 5

>Berseria doesn't even have a real western release
I might play it when I'm fluent in moon though, currently studying an hour a day

My Nigger! Legend Of Heroes series has been one of,if not,the best JRPG that I've been playing throughout the years. Although I will still say that I'm a fan Tales Of series and Persona when it comes to JRPGs.

If we want to get specific then I would also say Graces f actually started the mediocrity train sue to being a wii port
I gave Graces f a pass because it was the first new Tales game in the west in like 5 years
but Graces f did a lot mundane, boring things with its characters, world, soundstrack, etc
But it did well as well as Xillia, so I feel they mentality was "alright we can half ass our games as long as we got Tales of the title and we're good"
For some reason I feel as though Baba was the main man who was keeping up this mentality of just make it good enough it doesn't have to be great, and then it turns into a fucking train wreck like Zestiria almost killing the series

I can't say I remember any music in Tales games beyond the PS1 days so none of that is memorable to me for a long time. All Tales games have its ups and downs in terms of cast but I don't consider the Graces cast to be any worse than the rest, besides for their constant FRIENDSHIP shit that they pour on during the main quest but I don't find that anymore annoying than Berseria's constant reminding the audience that they're DEMONS and they got their own CREED. I vastly prefer the world design of Graces over Xillia and onwards simply due to the fact that they take control of the camera and give you a sweeping sense of trekking through the wilderness rather than giant open field after giant open field filled with sparklies to collect.

underrated post

Yakuza 0 could technically be considered an action JRPG. It decimates Tales of Berseria.

I will say the Tales dub is slightly better than the P5 dub.


>microwave pizza
I've never known about this

The 3rd soon

I haven't played either but my friend is a huge fan of the tales series and he says he likes P5 more

>Sup Forumselvet in this thread
Nothing new here.

You're friend is not wrong
As a Tales fan myself, you'd have to be lying if you don't think P5 is the better game, or you haven't played it

I'm talking battle music because lets face it, the best part of Tales is the battle system and not the cringy story. Any attempt to make a scene dramatic and powerful typically comes off as so bad it is good kind of funny.

Maybe it is just nostalgia but the most memorable music in the series to me was youtube.com/watch?v=QrwjQm15978 simply due to it being the fight where Leon betrays you. Shame the DC was never localized, probably my favorite Tales battle system and still used beautiful sprites back then.

You can't compare them. Just buy both if you're not a fucking poorfag.

>you're a poorfag if you have to choose between two games that take one gorillion hours to play
I also take 20 more hours than the average play time for some reason.

P5 is better and Automata is much better.

I put 90 hours into it and it's ok. Good, not great, I liked it less than eternia, but more than other tales. Not even near the greatest jrpg of this gen.

>Not even near the greatest jrpg of this gen.

It's subjective.

PS3 version when?

>Not even near the greatest jrpg of this gen.
Not going to start a shitposting contest over this, but which do you think it was?
inb4 P5

Jrpg is not a genre.

The Tales of series is an action RPG.
You're welcome OP.

I didn't play p5 yet and I find all smt games persona including kinda boring. But it may be yaeh. I liked xcx but it's peronal and I also think it's a very flawed game and worse than xenoblade chronicles.