Pc STILL hasn't surpassed this

>pc STILL hasn't surpassed this

What's wrong, """""master""""" race?

Other urls found in this thread:


>playstation fan baiting PC gamers
>PC gamers lying and saying UC4 looks "like shit"

There, saved us all time

It's not possible for us to surpass something that we started off being superior to.

It's not possible for us to get something like that because all the high powered games are coming out on console and ported to PC as an afterthought.

Stop samefagging OP. Your thread is shit and you should feel bad

It's the journey that matters.

Anyway, this actually looks better than any PC game.

>tfw no PC game can compete

aww cute

>consolekids excited they're finally catching up to Crysis

Glad you could join us for all of one game.

>that retarded amount of exposure

>this is viewed as "good graphics" on PC


is this real life?

what game?

B-but we got Bayonetta after 8 years of petitions.


This looks terrible.

Is it a PS3 game or something?

Far Cry Primal

Horizon Zero Dawn

These screencaps from your power point presentations are beautiful tbf.

Really makes you think......

It's called a desert,get out more

These both look like shit
OP needs to stop same fagging


How can console cucks compete?

>Hasn't seen Star Citizen
Your turn peasant.

>that LOD

>graphics tread
>pee-keks post multi-plat that look the same across the platform
>get BTFO by ps4 exclusives that weren't gimped down by pc port


Every time.