Gamer fuel thread

Gamer fuel thread

dude weed lmao
smoke weed 420 blazeit faggot
i'm so high

cue dude weed lmao spam and inevitable thread deletion

Cannabis plants are so A E S T H E T I C.
Makes me rage as a gardener that they're still ill eagle here.

This is a 18+ site


I know right? I'm a huge fan of floral patterns on clothes and I have this beanie with pot leaves on it and it's great.
How can one plant be so literally perfect?

I love weed but lately the only games I enjoy are difficult and too emergent to play while stoned.

Booze makes me a better gamer in general for some reason but then it falls off the fucking map once I upgrade to drunk.



no need to eat for an entire day



But user, weed stunts brain development. Surely OP wouldve practiced good life choices and abstained from Marijuana until after his brain had finished developing. Surly?

>tfw all your dealers are dry

you mean AN 18+ site*
lil buddy c:

Didn't start smoking pot until I turned 18.
Dropped acid twice(or three times?) at 17 tho, was my first drug.

>people genuinely consider this to be cute

>smoking the leaf

>tfw cannot find a better anti-depressant

I wanna fuck her

shit like is just trying to hard, its the "just fucking make it huge" trend in food. Like how the fuck are you even supposed to eat that comfortably? Woulda been perfect with just the first part

Post yfw nationwide legalization


going through this feel right now actually. being sober is the worst thing ever no wonder you guys all want to kill yourselves

what's going on in this thread?

I dropped acid once a couple of summers ago and have been depression free since then. It's actually quite weird. Felt like a rebirth. It definitely helped me for the better.


thats fucking terrifying


My fuel for vidya, homework, when I go out, everything

do target stores sell liqour, I feel like getting hammered right now

Oh yeah I did that. The first time I took it made 14 years of intrusive thoughts and suicidal ideation go from being active 100% of the time to 1%. I can agree that it felt like a rebirth.

It's fine after a week or so

beer and wine only

>mfw straight edge kid until I got out of HIS

>never drank or smoked until I was almost 19

>mfw now I get high on 50 cents worth of weed while most people I know smoke upwards of $20 in a sitting

the one near me sells cheap vodka, but it also has a dedicatwd alchol isle

LSD: the gateway drug

12 pack of Coors Light with a Camel Blue smoke break every couple hours or so make for the best long gaming nights for me.

>tfw only play singleplayer games so I've never had to "brb smoke break"

Shit, where is my spelling tonight

I had a similar experience with when I did a ton of kief and alcohol. Got so fucked up I though I was talking to god in a dream and we chatted for a bit while listening to music and drinking together. Had a funny sense of humor and a good taste in whiskey.

I would get gfuel if it weren't so expensive. I want a cool refreshing energy drink without sugar

I was a little grossed out by the jar of grilled cheese and vodka but you know what that seems like it'd be pretty good.

>she'll never make that face while I'm inside of her.

>tfw not a weedfag


>not changing your steam name to brb smoke break when you do

Nope. I've only ever done those 2, although I smoke pretty much every day(I'm gonna go the next week sober so I can lose tolerance and get fucking baked on 420 when me and my roommate go to amusement park)

I'd definitely eat magic mushrooms though. And I'd love to try molly if it wasn't for the fact that it's always cut with meth/other harmful shit. If it becomes legal and I can get pure shit from a doctor then I'd do it.

>gamer fuel
I take water.

I'm so totally sure you're depressed user
Yes please post another "dead inside" image so I can understand your saddening inner turmoil


this is retarded

just do opiates like a regular person

I smoke all the time and tried a few hallucinogens, and mushrooms were definitely my least favorite.

They definitely weren't BAD, but I basically paid $60 to feel like I was melting into my couch for 4 hours. They're just not worth the money IMO.

Yoshi's Story was made to be played high

i feel bad for people that have to go through that stuff.


I've dropped acid 4 times and I'm still a sad sack of shit

acid was fun tho

yeah it's usually pretty fine, i just have trouble getting to sleep for the first few days

the audio for this is even more creepy. it's dead silent except for him breathing.

Fries and cheese w/ avocado sauce. It may look nasty but it tastes like sex
God bless local food places

Mushrooms are the easiest drug to grow at home. You need essentially nothing to do it. Much cheaper than buying.

Trail Mix. Gives you energy, isn't messy, and is cheap.

I usually get one of these every week and spend the rest of the day naked playing games.

>haven't smoked weed or drank alcohol in 6 months

I thought sobriety was supposed to be good, not suck shit.

I used to just get pretty drunk on the first night and that let me sleep. Better than barely sleeping at all.

Every single aspect of that looks absolutely dreadful

I fucking love baking brownies and just relaxing in the loft watching a movie on the projector.

Sobriety is good if drugs were destroying your life or some shit.

>marajuana think again

They were making my life better.
Fuck republicans and their fascist laws.

>Quentin posting

It makes me cringe when people use Quentin unironically.

also celery or baby carrots with water or iced tea to drink

>talking in chat
>playing team games, especially shooters


its legal bitch *blows pot smoke in ur face* what are you gonna do about it


Fun fact: A true conservative believes that you have a right to do whatever the fuck you want with your body as long as it doesn't effect anyone else. A true conservative believes that the government should have as tiny a part in our lives as possible.

It was Reagan that started this neo-Republicunt mentality, and most people in this country are too stupid to think outside of their political party.

>I'm gonna go the next week sober so I can lose tolerance and get fucking baked on 420 when me and my roommate go to amusement park

i know right, smoking helps me when i'm two tents

that's kinda smart. I'd probably do that too, but I can't stand alcohol or being drunk. I'm retarded enough as is

>melting into my couch for 4 hours
Did you sit at home on shrooms? It's much better to be outside walking about when tripping on psilocybin.

sure, if you want to spend twice as much for the same amount of smoke sessions and completely blow up your tolerance

magic mushrooms taught me how to dance.

wish i wasnt a beta autist and knew how to find psychs


The ultimate gamer fuel

arizona green tea and hot cheeto fries.

don't knock it tll you try this combo

>most people in this country are too stupid to think outside of their political party.
I know, it's sad. Just take a look at Sup Forums or tumblr. If you don't adhere precisely to the hivemind, you're an outsider and need to be purged, regardless of how batshit insane their beliefs are.
It's sad to see political moderates being bashed left and right on facebook and twitter because everyone's swept up in this bloodsport mentality. Sad.

Stay mad you fucking hippie fag

My nigga

That's only one type of conservative. It's not a "true" conservative its just the one you like most.

Getting stoned and playing overcunt


I remember smoking my first blunt and being stoned for like half the day.

Now I smoke a blunt and I only feel it for like 1 hour.

check the sticky on /r/alphabaymarket

>TFW have so many connects that I never know this feel
Sometimes its nice having my entire family and boss being burnout drug dealers

*blocks your path*

What does a fat cigar taste like?

I used to do drugs for fun, but now I only use them as a means to understand internal ailments

Alcohol: physical
Cannabis: mental
Psilocybin: emotional
LSD/Salvia: psychological

They're actually enjoyable that way; not just a fun couple of hours.

By "true" I really meant "original"


Some friends and I took shroomies couple years back. ended up going to the woods and stick fighting/doing goofy shit. i remember seeing a family of deer and thinking they're the most beautiful creatures


Ah right on cue, the typical Sup Forums splatters all over his pony diaper the second someone criticizes his precious ideology because he literally has nothing else in his life.
It is you who is mad. I am quite somber in my moment of suffering.