Is Battlefield 1 already dying? I got bored of the default maps and caved and bought premium...

Is Battlefield 1 already dying? I got bored of the default maps and caved and bought premium. I can't find a game in the DLC playlists. I can only find games in the default playlists. I thought this franchise was popular enough to sustain slightly smaller playlists a few months after launch?

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Isn't she like 40? I bet her baby has autism

i thought boobs made like a teaspoon of milk

Is she storing her breastmilk? What the fuck?

She's your mum?

My mom was like 23 when she had me.

Women produce a lot of milk while lactating you morons. They pump the excess and store it for when they're not around to breastfeed the baby.

1. Convenient when baby is hungry but mom's not lactating
2. Convenient when mom is lactating but baby''s not hungry

Bruh, it's pretty common for women to do that. Sometimes it's easier to feed a baby from a bottle. Apparently, some women even sell their breast milk?

Depends on which plattform you play.

Pc has the lowest ammount of players and i have the newest DLC on Ps4 and i always find maps for it

i want to be Kaceytron's little baby tampon boy. i want to turn into a little crying baby and then suck on her breasts. her magic breast milk would turn me into a little baby tampon boy. she would stick me up her hoo-hoo and i would wait with anticipation spouting little baby goo-goo ga-gas waiting for her to bleed all over me. i want to feel her Kaceytron blood inside my little goo-goo ga-ga baby tampon body. i want to absorb her hoo-hoo juies inside my little baby tampon boy body and goo-goo ga-ga like a little rolly-polly baby boy. it would be orgasmic to know i am one with her hoo-hoo Kaceytron blood and i would giggle and goo-goo ga-ga and yelp with little baby boy excitement as i roll around in her Kaceytron hoo-hoo and revel in her red juices, slurping them into my soft little baby tampon boy goo-goo ga-ga body. then i want her to pull me out and squeeze and wring my little baby tampon boy body so that her Kaceytron hoo-hoo blood and juices spill all over her Kaceytron face. it would hurt and i would scream in pained goo-goo ga-gas as pain envelops my little baby tampon boy body until i reach full climax and turn back into grown human man.

Why does this picture turn me on so much

damn, ur mom was a slut.

It was like that in BF4 as well. Like a month after they come out the DLCs are literally a waste of money because no one plays them. Ever. It's a vicious cycle of no one playing them because no one plays them. They were fucking retarded for putting DLC maps in their own playlist instead of lumping them by game mode.

it's to sell via craigslist

Is Bad Company 2 still active?

No she wasn't, she was married to my dad for 2 years before I was born

whatever you say slutspawn

>this is ok
>twitter deletes my account when i post my cummies

her breast milk looks like potato salad lmfao

what a nadty fucking dumb fake gamer bitch. not even good enough for titty milk lel

On PC no. Used to be until BF1, Maybe more people came back. I used to find full BR servers all day last summer. Checked last month and all were empty.

Btw... its still fun as fuck in case you were wondering.

>wife is pregnant
>won't let me suck her milky titties because it hurts
What's the fucking point

Please leave, Tommy Leet.

Uh, those are prime child bearing years. Nothing wrong with having a baby at 23.

The whole concept of DLC fragmenting the playerbase pisses me off. They should find some other way to monetize the game and give the extra maps out for free* (*obviously "free" as in included with the game you paid for).

Why is it yellow?

Id bet dollars to doughnuts that 95% of Sup Forums were formula babies

Your mothers didnt love you enough to give you titty juice

sell or donate

Just you wait until the piss vomit shit machine comes around and your wife doesn't want to fuck you any more. By the way, the piss vomit shit machine is only going to grow more powerful.

Is breast milk supposed to be yellow?

She's mixing it with semen to give the baby extra protein.

I would like to know this as well.

you know, this could be a white baby he's talking about. not some one in a fucking million Mexican or nigger babies that you could devalue to the point of referring to it as a "piss vomit shit machine."

Shame for it to go to waste...

#whitepissshitvomitmachinesmatter amirite?

Oh, don't worry. I know. We already have a two-year old.
She had the birth control that they stick in your snatch and somehow it fucking moved and her dumbass waited until after twelve weeks to decide that she should go to the doctor.

Is this what we've come to? Denying that a baby doesn't piss vomit and shit a lot when it's white?

All milk turns yellow when frozen.


Hmmm, I suppose I've never tried to freeze milk before.

What did he mean by this?

Yeah storing milk to drink later who does that? oh wait everyone does it but we use fucking cow milk which is worse then human milk

All breastmilk has a slight yellow tinge. Its because there is still a small amount of colostrum still present. Obviously cows milk from the shop is processed to all fuck and bleached to be as white as possible but this is nature my friend

Fucking retard doesn't make milkcicles

>Feeding your baby from a bottle instead of the source
Sure chance to give him autism.

This is not pasteurized milk. This is not bleached colored milk you buy from the store where they make sure it's pure white.

same except it transferred to my cock irl long ago

LOL remember video games?

Wasted youth, basically a female neet. Very sad

>implying the source matters when the milk is still breastmilk

I really want to drink some breast milk right now


t. PETA shitter


>if you're not a slut hooking up with a different guy every weekend you wasted your youth
I want slut apologists to FUCK OFF

>old, decrepit camel milk

>Those veins

I dont like silicone juice

its the actual color of milk, the butter that would otherwise get separated



I thought this was going to be a lactation thread and I feel cheated.

I didn't know I needed this

>Robert Englund in drag collecting his milk in bags
Battlefeild was never going to be big, the need new ideas, not rehashes.

Has anyone made butter with human milk? What would it taste like? If I was a woman, I'd be making butter and ice cream and cheese and all sorts of shit with my breast milk.

>That sudden realization that I've sucked my mother's titties.

you can make butter, cheese.. all the dairy things from any milk with a high fat content.

Jesus fuck at least post someone white and mildly attractive like blasie or that woman from preggomilky or something.

>that sudden realization I sucked my mother's titties when she was a hot young woman

why are you fags so obsessed with race

>tfw my mom had me in her 30s, and she has sausage fingers and a manjaw and is kind of overweight

This. I'd have a fucking field day with shit like that. All you homos want to be girls to get fucked in the ass by chad, I just want to bake bread with my own yeast.

Why would you want to watch a fat nigress with leaking pancake tits?

r/thedonald can't stay on it's containment board.

but did you fuck her?

Looks like a paki

Well, I googled it and found this.

So some women have thought of this and probably tried it before.

how sad this is the mentality of today's youth.

people in early 20 used to get married and started a family back then unlike we who are hitting 30 or more and being lonely and still complaining in an anonymous board

>looked at a picture of my mother in her teens/early twenties
>look at a picture of my father in his teens/early twenties
>sudden hope for the future

I still don't understand how he ended up with a woman so hot and so fucking crazy holy shit my mother has a fuckload of issues don't date a hot crazy woman.

No, but if she looked like she did when she was 20 right now I would.

baby's are always hungry. and where's the intimacy of breastfeeding when it's packed and stored like this.

That's the fucking most hamfisted "HEY GUYS, I TOO, PLAY VIDEO GAMES! TEE HEE~" post I've ever seen. There is literally zero correlation between a gathering profession in a fucking video game to doing something most moms do. Fucking nonsensical shitposting.

I made my mom ugly. She was hot before she had me, but then she got pregnant with me and never lost the weight.

>I just want to bake bread with my own yeast.
are you trying to say you want to make bread by sliming some flour and water with your vaginal drippings? Because that's where yeast grows on people, generally. Possibly your bellybutton if you're a sweaty fatfuck

get with the times grampa, it's not the 50s anymore.

>You will never have a wife & child
>You will never squeeze out your wife's breast milk for your child

even if you had a wife and child i doubt it would ever be necessary for you to squeeze out breast milk

that's not your fault, it's your lazy ass mom.

>you will never have a cute loli daughter to love

>storing milk for more than three days in the fridge
This kills the baby.

She gathered stuff in video games and now she gathered a lot of milk in real life. Stop being mad that a person with a vagina play video games.

>are you trying to say you want to make bread by sliming some flour and water with your vaginal drippings

why do people think playing garbage like WOW makes them video game enthusiasts?

thats a freezer

It does have a huge impact on the psychological development of the child.

>ps3 games
am i being rused?

what about when i'm hungry

>that sudden realization that, by being born and making mom ugly, we all practically cucked our dads


OP I'm so sorry everyone got distracted by the Boob milk, but you brought it on yourself.

Also BF1 gameplay got stale

Would you, Sup Forums?

But my mother stayed hot for an older women, I just don't like older women.

Soon there won't be any white babies, and all that will be left are brown babies for the remaining white men to raise. Better get used to the idea Timmy.

>making mom ugly
Giving birth makes tits bigger and widen the hips, it's the best chance to acquire a better body unless your mom was a lazy fat fuck.