When was the last time PC got an exclusive worth mentioning?

When was the last time PC got an exclusive worth mentioning?

yesterday bayonetta?

I'm a Sonybro, but Civilization 6.

> exclusive

pc and ps4 best combo.

Don't need exclusives when you have the definitive version of every multiplat

> muh 1% better graphics

When was the last time PS4 got an exclusive worth mentioning?

that's not what exclusive means.

He means PC only.

PC legit has no games

HOWEVER it has the best versions of old games thanks to emulation and the best multiplats.


Whats it like living in NeverEver Land?

bitch are you retarded?
PC dominates in the 4x games. Also RTS and TBS games

This also

>4k BoTW

there are 3 games worth playing on both sides.


i dont care if you think its a shit game. you cant deny that its a really popular game.

PC has best, and the most exclusives, more than any console ever will have. You just don't like most video games, which is more an indicator that you shouldn't be part of this hobby.

Congratulations, you can play the game on a bigger screen and see the lack of details on textures designed for 720p.

>best game for PC is undertale
>best game for ps4 is bloodborne

Master race, right guys?


When was the last time a PC dev/publisher was cancerous enough to pay to not have the game appear on other platforms?

>PC Exclusive

Don't nintneniggers have this too?

but it is a shit game tbqh

there are no textures in botw. what makes the game look good is the lighting and shading

You do realise that the scores of many of those PC games have been derived from ~10 reviews, right?

Every single pc game is an exclusive because you will never get those kind of graphics and fps on consoles.

PC's last great exclusive was BF 2142 prove me wrong

It gets the best version of every multiplat, PLUS its own exclusives.

PU:Battlegrounds is huge regardless of what you think of it.


Steel Division: Normandy 1944


>the lighting and shading

wow, you must be really fucking blind.
either that or you havent played enough games so you dont know what games actually have good lighting.

>there are no textures in botw

PC doesn't dominate 4x and strategy, it's literally the only platform because consoles won't allow you to use mouse and keyboard


Planescape torment EE, although just a remaster, definitely worthwhile.

Beamdog cant fuck up enough to make it not worthwhile.

>to pay

It's ridiculously easy to make a PC game not appear on anything else. Just let it require aiming or keyboard shortcuts.

Total war warhammer
Dwarf fortress
Arma 3
Star citizen (when it finally comes out)
Hollow knight
Deus ex 1

>subjective opinion

Right now: Quake Champions.

Even if it turn out to be shit, which will not be the case, that's a legendary name worth mentioning.

True but our PC exclusives are literally genres and memes that are killing video games

the world would be a much better place if Day Z and League of Legends never existed.

framerate being above 20 is also a pretty good perk

And better controls.
And mods.

>because consoles won't allow you to use mouse and keyboard

thats really up to the developers if they want to support mouse and keyboard on consoles.

ffxiv on ps4 allows a mouse and keyboard setup without any third party hardware like the xim.

answer the question, fagboi

>This game doesn't count because I say so

Go home Todd

>its not on a console so its "not worth mentioning"
get fucked consolefags

>Deus ex 1

>Dwarf fortress
>killing video games

>Total War Warhammer
>Dota 2
>Path of Exile
>Hearts of Iron 4
>Battle Brothers

pc got no games

>Even if it turn out to be shit, which will not be the case
>which will not be the case

He's not saying it doesn't count he is just pointing out Bloodborne is a much better game

FNAF series

Undertale was pretty terrific

Also PC will always be the best way to preserve games after console generations end.

Haydee. Even better with sex mods

we are talking about popular games not memes

As an idort, BB is mediocre at best. Probably in the same league as undertale.

First statement: False

Second statement: True

>Dwarf fortress

Every Emulator every game since 1992.

As a fellow idort I would have to disagree, that being said I fucking hated earthbound and consider it the most boring game I've ever played.

> better controls
For some genres, yes.
> And mods
No really. 99.99% of the games only have very basic mods that don't do anything worthwhile. And with the increased attempts to curb piracy, devs have been locking down access to game data even more.
Games that come with full modding support, like Oblivion, Fallout etc. - I would say they can even qualify as PC exclusives.

The easy answer is just about any 4x or RTS game. No console has any of them, and there are so many good ones.

Civ 6, Crusader Kings, Stellaris. I'd say City Skyline but I think that's coming to Xbone? But one of the best parts of our current generation is that porting between consoles and PC is easier than ever, so I would imagine all platforms having less total exclusives.

There hasn't been a good a RTS in ages.
4x front has been pretty good though.

Literally every popular/relevant exclusive is on PC (or nintendo)

Dumb sonybro

(these would be the most played on the ps4 if they ever got a port aswell)

>I fucking hated earthbound and consider it the most boring game I've ever played.
As a felow idort, I would like to say that you are incredibly retarded.

I don't play them so IDK, but isn't Total War an RTS? Warhammer came out fairly recently.

>the best way to preserve
The best way to preserve a game is by having it in box with manual.
Yes, City Skylines is getting an xbone port
Undertale, which makes a mockery out of everyone that spent money building a powerful rig since it's something that looks like it came straight out of the ZX Spectrum

I guess you can buy every console, but you still can't put a price on good taste

um Total War Warhammer? dunno about DOW 3 tho. Does starcraft 2 void count?

I don't really consider that an RTS per-say it's more like a 4x-RTS hybrid.
-No Base Building/Resource Collecting
-Campaigns Structured like a simplified 4x game

Also didn't like Warhammer as much as Rome 2 in terms of campaigns, bu for multiplayer it's the best since Shogun 2 which in my opinion is the best.

For me first Crysis, which is why I have swithced to consoles.
Squadron 42 is another one I might be interested in, so I am hoping for console version. No pint in buying gaming PC for one game.

Total Warhammer

What is this meme with undertale being PC's best exclusive? Have none of you tried dwarf fortress?

Every SC game after WoL blows, there is a reason it's dead as a meme sport game. When Day[9], Mr My life of Starcraft, doesn't play your game any more you have done something horribly wrong.

PC isn't about exclusives, its about doing everything consoles do but better

I remember the time when console libraries were made up of mostly exclusives and everybody was happy with it.
Today console get 2-4 shitty cinematic third person shooters a year and they act like it's the best thing ever.
Do they lace their controllers with LSD and put subliminal massages in their startup logos or is this generation of vidya playing kids just plain retarded?

If that's all PC has to offer it's kinda sad

really dont want to have to buy a PS4 for Persona 5, but also don't want to get 20 FPS on PS3

Just to know
>Every game ever made is made via PC
Deal with it.


Nioh is the last one I guess

Arma 3 and Squad..
no reason to play anything else

>game you like? shit. play game i like

grow up

Damn that's a really good cosplay

Console games are programmed using the APIs provided by console manufacturers. You would have to make heavy modifications to convert it to directX.

That's pretty meaningless considering "definitive editions" don't make sales.

>PC exclusives exist b/c dev decision and better experience on KB/M.
>Console exclusives exist only to improve sales of consoles
Really jogs the nog

Mil-Sim faggots are the weakest race

It's actually really simple.
>you like Singleplayer games
get a console
>you like multiplayer games
get a PC

there are edge cases like "fighting games" wich would be better on console despite being multiplayer but i think you guys get my point.

>movies makers use PCs to edit their movies
Literally a movie machine

Later this year with Mount & Blade Bannerlord


What current-gen console do I buy if shmups are one of my primary gaming interests?

>League of Legends
Really justifies building a high-end gaming PC

desu most of the /fgg/ guys are PC bros though it doesn't matter when you got a stick my man.

and yet not a single person in the /fgg/ is anywhere close to good
hmm really makes you think

Why do you buy pieces of hardware for reasons that aren't based on the hardware itself?

What do sales have to do with game preservation/things that benefit consumers?

because we live in a fucked up world where exclusives are a thing a good looking piece of shit that runs fast is still a piece of shit my dude

You can play Bayonetta in 8k right now.