Persona 5

ITT: Girls who should've been part of the party

Pic related. Shiho is a miracle of the universe

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Another persona girl with confidence issues?

kill yourself

Why didn't she go to the cops?
>But Kamoshida is too powerful, everyone would defend him
Literally irrelevant if they got his DNA off of her, and even if he claimed it was consensual it wouldn't matter because she's underage and he's a teacher.

Literal miracle of the universe.

>How to get recruited into the Investigation Team:
Appear on TV once
>How to get recruited into the Phantom Thieves
Be subjected to physical and/or mental torture at the hands of an extremely evil person and pray you blunder into the Metaverse at some point
Doesn't seem fair

Kamoshida did nothing wrong, it's the japanese goverment fault, they should care and treat their Olympic athletes way better

Sae, especially as a romance option.

Japan has bizarre social standards. You're not supposed to make a big deal about shit that happens to you, no matter how fucked up it is. Admitting to getting molested or even raped could eternally tarnish her reputation as well.

The Principal should've been the Tower co-op.

>Spineless piece of shit who has sex with her teacher just to be on the track team
Almost as much of a dumb bimbo as Anne

Now this guy on the other hand has got taste

Did he actually rape her? I thought it was like, only fingers or something.

>Admit to being raped
>Treated like human trash for the rest of your life
Japan is fucking weird

I wish she was part of the team.

Ann flat out says that Kamoshida was trying to take her to Pound Town, and Kamoshida says that since Ann refused he had Shiho take her place.


ITT manchildren who don't understand how the real world or other cultures work.

I wouldn't say its much different here, instead of trash people treat you like you're broken.

I'm at Kaneshiro's palace but they haven't said anything about Kamoshida raping dat bitch, did i miss something?

Maybe the real world and other cultures should stop being retarded

But there's already a great Tower co-op.

it's "implied"

Why is she a miracle of the universe?

It's implied as mishima told her she needed to go to Kamoshidas office after Ann rejected him so he was pissed and wanted to blow off some steam and then the next day she attempts suicide.

It's never explicitly said that Kamoshida fucked her, but both those points together make it clear that he did

A qt using her fortune telling powers to serve as a navigator would be pretty cool.

I was thinking of building an harem and fuck everyone like in other Persona entries.

And then I met her.
Oh shit, she's so best I'm gonna stay pure for her.

That'll be 9 999.99 US dollars.

Then i must be pretty fucking stupid

She ended up way cuter than I would have thought, but I hated how her confidant was just another "evil man is exploiting her, go waste a day fighting a shitty mini-boss to fix her problem" like half of them end up being.

>ANOTHER case of someone not dying when they clearly should have

Fucking Atlus cannot just go through with it. They couldn't kill Nanako off and they didn't knock this bitch off either.

Also, the completely subtle/unsubtle way to say that Kamoshida raped her. The game is rated M, just say it for fuck's sake.

Nanako may not die in the canon ending, but she does die for real in the bad ending.

Or rather maybe you should stop taking whatever a random basement dweller on Sup Forums spews out as anything even resembling truth.

Goro died for real though. Probably.

P5 Arena final boss

>no body shown on screen
Oh please. I can see his return coming a mile away.

Unless it happens in a spin-off he stays dead for real in the game, which I was surprised by as I kept thinking he would come back and come up with some bullshit excuse for why he survived.

He's so returning for Persona 5 Arena

Is there a list of personas that get you weapons?

>not dumping out your wallet to help Chihaya and Sadayo

Farm 10 million on Memento bosses, give it all to the two best girls in the game.

Man I really regret not exploring mementos more, I just got to the point where I HAVE to go in and I hadn't even gotten to the halfway point. The worst part is that level 30 shadows chase after my ass when I'm double their level.

Apt Pupil + Speed Master + Swift Strike on a demon with good Attack. Any random encounter that doesn't have some sort of defense against Phys now ends.

Social Links in each game mostly tend to follow certain themes. In P3, many S.Links are centered around dealing inevitability, circumstances seemingly outside of one's control, or just learning to make the best of/making peace with the cards you're dealt. In P4, a lot of S.Links deal with bonds and how different people react to them, whether it's struggling to make new bonds, working their way through existing ones or making peace with past ones; the rest deal with coming to terms with your own self, or both.

P5's original tag line was "You are a slave. Want emancipation?" So it stands to reason that a good bulk of the S.Links would follow that theme.

Here is the endgame list, it doesn't list some of the effects and there are a few weaker weapons that give better effects like Ryuji's high crit weapon.

I thought she was gonna be a total bitch from her artwork and prerelease info and then met the ultimate p5 waifu.

Guys I'm over 12 hours in and it's still April. Jesus fuck. I'm not a SMT newcomer by the way I've played P2, 3, 4, Nocturne and SJ.

Is this game like 200 hours?!?

More like 80 hours.

it's a real slow start

80-120 hours depending on if you TAKE YOUR TIME.


she tried

Reminder that Akechi did NOTHING wrong

Well, being on the Phantom Thieves is way cooler than being on the IT, so there's that.

cmon dude

I swear to God that Atlus mindswiped my ideas for Persona 5 that I came up with back in 2010 or so

>my MC design was almost exactly the same as Potter-kun
>designed a character that looked exactly like ryuji, same personality too
>designed a character that looked exactly like ann
>had a character that looked and acted like goro that died
>came up with masks idea
>entire "other-world" concept, in that you explore the real world but on a different plane

i know nobody cares but this has actually been fucking me up

Atlus has their own team of phantom thieves that stole your heart user

I'm pretty sure I remember explicit dialog by anne that said kamoshida wanted to have sex with her and she rejected him so he asked shiho instead

>sensei stops charging you for coffee and curry after you max her
>was expecting the same for chihaya
>that will be 5000 yen plus tip!

Haru's dad died for real, it was pretty graphic too


Took me 91 hours for my first playthrough

>not wanting to support best girl, especially since she's likely in debt after paying back all her customers who bought the phony holy stones

I hope you enjoy the taste of kamoshidas semen when you go down on her.

>the twist was that they knew Goro was the bad guy all along
>and played him for a goddamn fool
I love how competent the party is this time around.


So what would be a good theme for next one? I think they'll probably handle escapism, especially with how prevalent hikkimori's and otaku are.

Bitch all you are doing is flipping some cards it's not like we are losing anything here.
She could at least give you a discount.

This, her design got me rock hard on first sight.
Kamoshida did nothing wrong.

>>designed a character that looked exactly like ryuji, same personality too
If this is true and we have you to blame for this then I will find out where you live and castrate you in your sleep

I'm so mad I got this spoiled for me because I knew who the traitor was the day it was released in japan and I managed to avoid the real twist until NA release. Would have been so good

he literally only fucked her because Ann wouldn't

She's providing a service and as her loyal, devoted boyfriend you should want to support her anyway.

>I love how competent the party is this time around.
Except for ryuji. I hate how you can't kick him off the team.

That scene was legitimately amazing.

>as her loyal, devoted boyfriend you should want to support her anyway.
Can this meme die already? If she's dating me for my wallet and not myself then she can go die in hell.

That said, I still don't mind paying her for the horoscopes because she IS providing me with a service, it's not like I'm giving her money just because she asked


My ideal persona game has any slink character able to be a team member, and you basically build your team out of those characters.

I got it spoiled in a retarded way, since I was just browsing /vg/ one day and saw an image of Akechi with his thief mask as a palace alert.
I'm guessing it was a mockup in the end because I finished the game yesterday and he never had a palace.

>If she's dating me for my wallet
That's not what I was implying at all. She keeps business and her personal life separate and that's a good thing.

Sorry, it just sounded like “you should give your girlfriend money if you love her”

whats being said here anyway?

its cute and all but I wish I had context

>this entirely misconception about japan again

>Haru's father boss fight.
>the biggest guy get summoned
>I have full Hp, defense buff and evasion buff.
>he uses Big Bang Burger attack
>instantly wipes my whole party.
What the fuck. I don't even get a warning for that attack.

some other user said that it's basically MC wanting to kiss and Sadayo saying that's she's not ready for that.
the box on the bottom then says something like "Permission to hug: achieved"

The "traitor" is barely a spoiler. If you're not a retard it's already obvious that Akechi has been into the Metaverse when he hears Morgana, which makes it obvious that he is the killer, and the one that betrays you at the starting scene. The whole set up thing is another story though, and if you got that spoiled then it must have sucked. It was also a bit obvious how only some of MC's memories were missing, all seemingly related to Akechi, but apart from that, I legit thought I got a bad ending, and didn't expect them to have planned all that stuff.

>go batting for the first time
>home run and hit all the balls
>haven't been able to repeat it since

>I don't even get a warning for that attack.
Yes you do.

Okay anons, tell me, how would your Castle look like?

>tfw this just spoiled me because I thought I already knew the "2 big twists"
Well, time to go kill myself.

On the other hand, now I'm hype as fuck to see this, but still salty.

another used goods?


>doesn't know how far up corruption goes



>Used goods

Nice try

A disgusting cesspool with a game console hooked up

you already stole my heart though user-kun

>has a kid
>is a hooker
>not used goods

user, you need the one where she's smiling.

My dream persona game.
>Black character becomes your team mate.
>His persona is pretty much a big fucking gun.
>Talks like Patrice O'Neal, same attitude.
>The minute he see's his Persona and the fact it has guns he says something along the lines. "What kind of racists ass fuckin shit is this!"
and his name.

I fucking want it, I give no shits.

Also in the next Persona game can we please have characters that are not brain dead fucktarded stereotypes?
Ann and Ruji are fucking annoying as shit.
>Hi im Ann, Kawaii sucky sucky Im put in the back and used as a heal slut why wont you use me in combat Shit-pi.

>muh fuckin adults reeeee.

A lot of P3 links dealt with escapism, since that goes hand in hand with facing harsh reality. Junpei, Yukari, Mitsuru and Akihiko ran away from their problems in their own ways. Hermit, Fortune, Tower and Moon were the same. Maiko's literally tried to run away from her parents' divorce.

Like the worst entries of a battle station thread, my treasure would be an onion cage