FPS Increasing through prioritization

So I've come across some post saying you could increase fps in games by prioritizing their process(es) and some other crap I couldn't understand. Either way I downloaded and ran some files, I'm not really sure whether it's a legit slight improvement, or just placebo.


prioritizing a CPU thread means the computer will finish that task before attempting others of a lower priority. It will only result in a framerate bump if your CPU is the reason your framerate is low AND it actually has the extra cycles to spare once you do increase priority. Not exactly a common occurrence.

>I downloaded and ran...
You change thread priority from task manager. You now have a virus.

>I downloaded and ran
Oh God my sides user you glorious retard

I don't know, I don't see any signs of a virus on my pc. But it does seem to run gta 5 and witcher 3 smoother, yet idk whether it's legit or just placebo.

>I downloaded and ran some files

There's nothing valuable on my pc anyway, so idc if it's some serious shit, but anti-virus didn't detect anything yet..

>I didn't understand any of what the post said
>but I downloaded the files and ran them anyway

What's the worst that could happen ?

>downloaded and ran some files

>I downloaded and ran some files

I still think it works tho


It actually works, I just ran a few benchmarks and it's some 2% faster than it was before.

your cpu threads are too straight op bend them like this

>I don't see any signs of a virus
That's the whole point of a virus.

These are bent pins on a 99' Athlon faggot

not bent enough

this CPU will really make those games fly

Pretty sure not even the clock boy would be able to solder that

you won't see significant gains by changing prioritization. tiny changes here and there, but for the most part if a game runs badly on your machine, there's very little you can do: it just runs badly on your machine. You won't be able to make a game that runs like shit run well by changing settings like these, at best you'll make it run 1-3% less shit.

why are you gaming on PC if you're so computer illiterate that you don't know how to change your cpu prioritization settings in the task manager

>I downloaded and ran some files
These are the retards that you post with everyday.

literally no difference. so what? 1 or 2 fps boost max? was it worth installing some shady as shit on your computer? enjoy your bitcoin miner dummy

>Either way I downloaded and ran some files

Pretty sure I'd notice if something was mining on my pc.
>mining bitcoins on PC

And it comes in a cardboard box.

free 2 fps, why not

so the guy who doesn't know how to assign proccessor priority thinks he'll just "notice" if there's a virus on his pc

christ you're helpless
please just give up and buy an xbone before you hurt yourself

It works like a charm, still no sufficient evidence to believe it actually does something other than increasing fps.