Worst games of their trilogy

Worst games of their trilogy

Fak off wanker

>saying that r&t 2 is better than 1 or 3

fuck off yourself wanker

It is better than both

why? its nice to have insides on the mind of a psychopath

3 is the best

I like All 4 One the best!

Why ?

Because I played it through about 2000 times, didn't do that for the others. It was just the most enjoyable one for me

new ratchet and clank game at e3?

3 > 2 > 1 > Deadlocked > TOD > ACIT > Who cares.

After all these years I am still genuinely curious on what is the purpose of the robot cigar.

I liked CiT more than ToD but yeah, pretty much this.

well hows a robot gonna smoke a real cigar?

Internal fans?

I'm here to post Jak II (also known as Jak II: Renegade), the 2003 sequel to Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy. Just so you all know, I'm going to kill Praxis.

R&C 2 is the best game in the franchise. Best guns and best levels. You cannot prove me wrong.


Have you replayed it recently?

Seriously. Don't do it unless you want a lesson in frustration.

i platinumed them all what exactly do you mean?

Just replayed it last year. It's way better than RC1.

2 has the worst difficulty curve for first and half of the 2nd play through.

Like the enemy health and damage output just jumps so drastically, that it isn't until you get the platinum bolt weapons does the game balance itself out.
