You pirate Western games?

>you pirate Western games?
>lol I don't care
>you pirate Nintendo games?
>it's beat down time!

Other urls found in this thread:

I only pirate western games.

I pay for Japanese games because they deserve it.

>accurate representation of nintenbros


I rent games like an adult

>this still holds up true today

where i live they are same price as new ps4 or pc titles

I only pirate Japanese games.

I pay for Western games because they deserve it.

Looks like I made someone angry :/

I know it's a shitpost thread but I just realized something. I don't care about games anymore, I don't care about the industry, most devs, future releases, games and all.

I pirate them because they mean nothing to me, just another distraction from my life problems. ~I don't care if the whole game industry blow up next year, I'll just move to something else.

I don't care about your problems or opinions. People who only use their hobbies as escapism aren't even fans of the hobby to begin with.

>aren't even fans of the hobby to begin with.
Remarkable deduction. Did you get that from the "games means nothing to me" part?

6/10 would b8 some

I pirate everything I can and there is nothing that anyone can do to stop me.
This board is (or at least was) fully pro-piracy.
>daily reminder that if you are against piracy you should leave this place
>piracy on Sup Forums
>piracy on Sup Forums
>"carry on"
>piracy on Sup Forums
>piracy on nu-Sup Forums
Fucking corporate cucks.

I pirate every game I can, those that I can't I don't play. I was raised believing paying for software and other imaginary goods is retarded.

Just a general statement about escapism dorks. You won't care about the next hobby you take up either.

>playing nintendo games
Maybe 20 years ago, but today? Nah

this tbqh

You can't compare vidya to music, movies or even anime.
They gain huge profit from live shows, merch and theater releases

Videogame series and devs depend on sales if they're low, say goodbye to series you love, especially if they're niche to begin with. And it has nothing to do with corporation loyalty.

>pirate Nintendo games
I would if there was anything worth to pirate.

>you shitpost with megumeme?
get the fuck out


>playing western games
>still doing this in in the year 2020 minus 3


When I was in some Nier PC threads, holy shit never seen so many shills and faggots before.

>people enjoy the game and want it to be successful so that the publisher keep on investing into games like this

>piracy lowers sales
When this meme is going to die?
If modern developers stop to make shitty broken games who need patchs on release, they will stop to lose sales.
If developers and publishers stop raping games BEFORE it realease, sales would be boosted.
Also if they stop to make exclusive games, sales will be incredibly boosted.
>And it has nothing to do with corporation loyalty.
Sup Forums is, unironically, filled of corporate shills who just ignore everything else besides his loved company.
Everything it's about "my company".
So yes, I choose to be a parody of this shitty industry, who does nothing besides spit on costumers face (the ones who pay for it and yet are so cucked enough to accept it) and not support any company on this joke.

I used to pirate shit all the time but then I realized SJWs and feminists were hijacking the market so I started buying most of the games I want or at least waiting until they go on sale or end up in a humble bundle.

companies will just stop releasing on PC. not that i care, i have a superior PS4

>i have a superior PS4
This is not console war or corporation loyalty threat, cuck.
If games stop to be released on PC, you as consumer will pay even more.
But it's too late anyway, the gaming industry is now a fucking cancer, thanks for paid costumers who accept anything.

>not playing best of both worlds
such an adorable child

>you pirate Western games?

Good, you're doing God's work son.

>you pirate Nintendo games?

Meh, one man's trash is another man's bandwidth I suppose.

>You pirate Taro games?

Sup Forums - We love to suck our benefactor corporate overlords dicks. Please buy more games, only 69,99 plus tip

Pirating to try a game to try it or with the pretense you will buy it later is fine but if you're doing it out of malice or your that poor I have nothing but disgust for you

The same thing applies to music
If you like it you buy the album to support the band to show your support, if you don't they'll think their marketing or product fucked up.

We have the freedom to pirate but at the same time we're a capitalist society and must support good content.

>you can't pirate for console.
This is what console cucks actually believe
I pirate everything I can. its the way famalam


>new games are 80$ in Canada, potentially 85$ if they implement the new environment tax
>expecting people to pay 80$ for something when they can get it for free

console pirating happens way less and the console usually isn't even cracked open until years after it's release.

Alright commie

>environmental tax
>on a digital product

I don't pirate because it's actually legal so it can't be called piracy

>tfw illegally downloading a game 100 times so the developers lose 100x more money.


This I could buy games like an autist or I could spend that money on socializing

If you're Canadian then don't you dare throw away your money on these ridiculously expensive video games. If you spend $85+tax per video game, then you are directly supporting the Cuck Minister and all the reprehensible bullshit he's doing.

Your kind is not welcome here.
Leave, leaf.

You know the sad thing is that if they actually took that concept seriously it'd be considered Grand Theft after pirating a game 17 times. In ten years people might be going to prison for felonious software piracy if these fucking bean counters get their way.

I usually pirate just to test games since I cant try every 60 dollar game since i'm fucking poor, I think the last game I pirated and bought was the witcher 3 since for some reason i just really enjoyed it.

I pay for shit when I want the creators to succeed and pirate shit when I couldn't care less if they keep afloat.

Also it's
>it's beat down! time!

What if I have the money to do so but pirate not out of malice, but because I don't feel like grabbing my credit card?

I guess that comes under the "you'll buy it later" tab.
And if you forget about it then it'll just be as if you didn't even get it.