Muh dick

muh dick

Oh good, new bread. Here's my trainwreck of a doodle.

There was an attempt. Still a lot better than I could do though, so good job user.

Thanks. I just wanted an excuse to try and draw Ribbon Girl and more Shygal stuff.

new arms thread. Sweet. Who is best girl and why is it still min min?

Keep trying, don't rest on your laurels.

The past can only be relived for so long.

Ganbare, drawfag-kun

This, you can only get better, mate

That's cool

>tfw used to draw better than this
>stopped drawing for 4 years
>can't draw for shit now

It's shit give up don't listen to all those other dumbasess

>use it or some indian kid will do it better than you ever could and you'll lose it

nice b8, m8 I rate 0/0

Is ramen actually any good? I only eat Campbell's chicken noodle soup, and I remove the shitty chicken bits from it. I just like the broth.

ramen is fucking delish, user. Get some

Ok but I'm kind of a picky piece of shit who only likes trash food like greasy pizza and fried chicken and fish sticks.

You could put foie gras and a whopper hamburger in front of me and I'd eat the burger

Depends on the place, but generally yes

kek ask the cook to deep fry the ramen first.
"just grease my shit up, senpai"

Ramen is pretty much a junk food user

Who is she gonna fist with those?

can't wait for the sequel

Man ARMS threads are so damn cozy.
I'm glad there back for the time being.


this, I'm cozy as fuck. Too bad the Sup Forumstards will ruin these threads when the game comes out

Minmin is fucking cute and I wanna eat her

Do we know if she's the final character?

She's certainly not. In the direct we saw 4 more characters they neglected to edit out.

At least 10 characters.
Here's tangirl, goggleman, cyclops and slimedude

you don't realize tangirl will btfo min min on the sexy chart
>that chocolate skin

Shygal is the dumbest of fetishes.

MinMin is my wife

don't touch or even give her the eye


I want her to eat my noodle

gonna give min min the soy sauce if you catch my drift

So are we going to have to deal with shovelware threads now that Nintendo is making one?

which of the fighters do you think will make it on the smash roster?


fucking cut your fucking toungue out

make me, user


Nintendo just can't stop featuring blonde haired blue eyed women. And my dick had never been happier. Why doesn't Nintendo ever come under fire for not featuring darkies? Is it because it truely ok when Nintendo does it?

go fuck yourself that word is the kind of thing a faggot says

Hopefully none so they can't get ruined.

Is some one forcing you into these threads!

by darkies, you mean delicious browns or boon-looking nigresses

Spring Man with Ribbon Girl as an alt costume.

>literally the only version of this game play that exists

i dont think you know what that word means


but they already have a darky girl in this game, they haven't announced her yet but you can see her here

None of Nintendos prominent characters are delicious brown
>this ARMS girl

It's rare but they have had playable black characters before in F-Zero, 1080 and Wave Race.

Never had the real deal, its on the list of shit to do when I hit Jap land next year, but you can get some good stuff in the markets. Pic related is great, bonus points if you add a sliced up hard boiled egg and chop up some jalapenos to turn it into a full blown inferno.


>gook shit
korea was a mistake

Jesus people are fast at this shit


Splatoon had porn within 15min of its E3 reveal.

someone has that pic of minmin with muscleman's ramen man and idolmaster's harate next to her?

That's one ugly ass design. What's this from?





never underestimate the amount of 1. artists looking for a niche to fill or 2. people looking to claim waifus first


>Womb pops out of her stomach like a spring loaded boxing glove

fund it

Gluteus maximus

Cervix Punchers.

Thank you, anons.


>that dragon strap on her back

no prob

howed she get it on?

Lupin did it first

>How does this major-league athlete get assistance with putting on their equipment?

It looks so tired

terrible absolutely awful it looks like shit

Anyone else notice that Minmin's breasts are bigger than Ribbon Girl's?

How can Ribbon Girl even compete?

Flat is justice.

I want to drink Ramen broth out of minmin's asshole

>Chinese dragon arm
>Ramen arm
>kung fu duds with a modern touch
>hat is a ramen bowl
>hair is noodles
>dragon eyes

That's pretty rad.

Just remember not to buy this game or support it in any way. Sup Forums shouldn't fall for this. Sup Forums is better than this

What game should I support then?

Sequels, every sequel,

Open world games

Breeding Season

I thought that died due to Schwig leaving and making his own game.

Why do Nintendo fags always have the biggest fucking victim complexes? Jesus Christ


No u

I personally don't consider any character interesting until I'm sure they actually HAVE some character.


Nintendo fans will unironically masturbate to this.

Nintendo fans just need a name and face and their satisfied

Still no electric black guy confirmed?

My girl Inkling doesn't even have a name and I would dick her so hard.

This game is going to be next splatoon, screen cap this

I swear to god, if Nintendo pulls this shit...

Although frankly, I'd at least like it to be a qt black chick, so I could waifu her.

That's common knowledge

Splatoon is a lot of fun, I don't know if this game can deliver on that.

>Punching each other with spring arms won't be fun

I found this gem on furaffinity

Doujins about their spring-hands used as onaholes when?

They fucking know this game is shallow as fuck so they're loading it up with waifus to sway the easily manipulated

And it's working

Well, is comfirmed arms can have electric element.