What's the longest game (story wise) you've played Sup Forums

What's the longest game (story wise) you've played Sup Forums


Upboated :D

The answer is, and probably always will be, the original Playstation release of Dragon Quest 7.

You do not understand how fucking long it is compared even to other RPGs unless you've actually played it.

Trails in the sky SC for me.

Still haven't completed the story. Started almost a year ago.

Yes, they're technically two games,
but they may as well count as one.

Xenoblade Chronicles.
It was so long I didn't even finish it.
I stopped after reaching the snowy lands.
How far was I?

You still have some ways to go

I think it was Xenoblade for me as well. But I enjoyed like 90% of it so it was time well spent.

Part three comes out in three weeks.
Hurry the fuck up.


Well then in that case I'm gonna go with Final Fantasy. Still haven't completely finished it and I doubt I ever will.

Honestly, once I'm finally done with SC I doubt I'll be touching another one of these games for a while. The combat and the backtracking are so boring after 80+ hours.

That's how I feel towards the end of every game in the series and I push through towards the end.

Then a week later I want to keep playing.
I just love the world so much.

Probably not the longest I've played, but so far Tales of the Abyss is turning out to be one of the longer ones. Barely any sidequests, but every time I think the game is gonna end it just keeps going. I'm really liking it so far.

But that's the problem, I'm nowhere near the end. Heck, I'm not even halfway through SC. When I said "80+ hours" I was talking about both games combined.

Just stop posting.

I want to say this, and when my endgame reward for unlocking all 108 characters corrupted before it ended, I wanted to sudoku on the spot.

>my series should count as one game but not your series

You're a faggot.

Probably Namco x Capcom. Not that it was hard or grindy...battle length as you hit the halfway point just goes apeshit.

Well I don't know what to tell you, the gameplay is simple. Nothing bad nothing amazing. If you find the story interesting you'll pull through it and if not then the game's probably not for you.

100% Witcher 3 was probably the longest for me.
Dragon Age Inquisition was also very long to 100% even if it was really disappointing. I only played it as it was the only game I had when I got my PS4


>it was orginally planned to be even longer

Yeah the part where you're in Zeiss and have to walk all around putting down earthquake devices sucks but it's gets a bit better from there out. Until the last two chapters where you won't make it through all the backtracking if you're weak willed

And you're retarded.

DQ IX is probably the longest it's taken me to finish the main story of a game, something like 67 hours, but that was with some dungeoning.

If you mean how long did it take me to clear the story then technically FFX because I spent 200 hours filling in the sphere grid for everyone and getting ultimate weapons alone

play better games user

I deeply love these games though, they're just very long and I try to beat them too fast.
Probably better enjoyed over a longer stretch of time.

I really like the characters, that's pretty much the only reason I'm pushing through.

>Yeah the part where you're in Zeiss and have to walk all around putting down earthquake devices sucks
Literally the part I'm at right now. Thanks user, good to know it gets better.

You haven't played Trails FC and SC, you don't know what you're talking about. Just stop.

Yeah! I remember day after day of getting home, sitting down to play, eating junk, and continue playing. And it just kept on going for another story twist or reveal.

>You haven't played Trails FC and SC
But the story continues beyond SC into 3rd, Zero, Ao, Sen 1+2+3 and Falcom is saying that Sen 3 is the halfway point of the story.
It's fucking long.

First time I played I stopped at Zeiss, not even sure why I just think that must be a slow part.
Glad I went through it again though and actually finished.

The gameplay was boring as hell. If it didn't have plot twists every few hours which constantly were throwing the entire game on it's head, I probably would've quit.