What is her end game?

What is her end game?

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teasing leon


To keep finding outfits to out-sexy the last.

My dick i hope

Exploding Leon's balls.

new game +

blue ball leon until he becomes the ultimate bioweapon himself

What's she looking at?

Sherry's tits

Carla has her beat in RE6, hers is the better costume.

Cucking Claire.


To steal Chloe's style to get rid of Leon.

It didn't work.

>implying Leon isn't a total chad who fucks every girl

Some women just want to watch balls grow blue.

Who even cares at this point. The RE storyline jumped the shark ages ago.


What is she thinking?

Cucking who? Claire needs no man and she is happy with her life, you can tell about how strong she was in REV2 when she had to fight Neil or how awesome she was in Degeneration with the umbrella.

Ada on the other hand is just a MarySue who sleeps with a lot of men, you canĀ“t trust her, I hope she dies in one of the games to make Leon forget about her already.

Carla Radames > Ada Wong

at the mirror and wondering why she's mexican

t. RE7 fag

>C-Claire needs no m-man!!! S-she's happy a-alone!

Fucking Clairefags, i kek everytime

Finding other ways to cuck Leon.

>Claire needs no man

That's because she is one.

What is her endgame?

>loli with mind control powers
> not jumping the shark

T.actionfags always butthurt that his games are crap

This shitty meme needs to die ASAP.

>He doesn't like loli Alex Wesker

I think reddit would suit you more

Capcon hasn't decided on Leon's hair color yet. I doubt they've thought much about her.

Nah, Ada's outfit is sexier than Carla's. Carla's just looks tacky.

Yeah alex totally have mind control powers dumbfuck

And thanks to remember that that mind transfer is a thing in RE too...fucking retarded

I miss when RE was just about zombies...

Leon is more pathetic with his yellow fever, he has spent what, 20 years after the spy who keeps trolling him? Claire is too busy protecting people with Terra Save.

You are just using a bad picture, she looks amazing in that outfit

>still a shitty face
> they need to stop reeeeeeeeeeee

Get fucked tranny lover


To be Nowayfagged by Chris and Leon.


To die protecting best girl

>double cucked by Ada and Jill
wew lad

>reminder both Claire and Chris can beat up Leon "twink" Kennedy with ease

>only 2 more months until we're disappointed REmake 2 isn't shown off at E3

Nigga, why you gotta lie for thats when she smacks that fat jewish man after they escape the airport



gee man i watched the damn movie

i was just joking you know

Claire could probably still beat him up tbqh


>yfw E3 is about to end when you see the Umbrella icon appear on screen and Hideki Kamiya runs on stage.

the guy directing RE2Remake is CV's level designer

>Hideki Kamiya
He doesn't work at capcom anymore

>only 1 more month until we're disappointed by Vendetta

Couldn't they at least give us more pre-release material? The memes would at least be better than the movie itself


Get out

>The memes would at least be better than the movie itself

RE General fags need to neck themselves.

He doesn't even work anymore