He still isn't playing Sm4sh with mods

>He still isn't playing Sm4sh with mods

What's your excuse, user?

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Though that Mimikyu mod looks nice, and I would like to add more music to the game.

Are they still a pain in the ass to get working?

I modded Sm4sh not too long ago. I wish Sm4sh modding was advanced as Brawl modding, but we shall have to wait a few years.

The gameplay mods haven't made it more worthwhile than alternatives to play yet.

why do people think this memelord is a good character?

I don't know how :(

He's kind of funny and was in two really good games.

>Hatsune Miku
>Paper Mario & Paper Luigi
>Metal Sonic
>Classic Sonic
>Alisa Ilinichina Amiella
>Solid Snake
>Waddle Dee
>Proto Man
>Ruby Rose
>Gon Freecs
>Hammer Bros.
>Travis Touchdown
>Mr. Krabbs
>THICC characters
>BOTW Link
>BOTW Zelda
>Neptunia characters
>Shovel Knight
>Minecraft Steve
>Jill Valentine
>Melee, Brawl & 64 models
>Jojo characters
>motherfucking Guts
>Play as final smashes (giga mac, gigantic bowser, super sonic)
>shit tons of skin swaps (excalibur sonic, clay kirby, outset toon link, etc)
>Thomas the tank
>and over 3,000 more

and characters for the future
>Love Live girls
>Entire Touhou cast
>CN and Nick characters
>more SF characters
>sony characters
>and more
Seriously, why the FUCK haven't you modded Sm4sh yet? I mean, there are no new movesets like Brawl and every character is just an ALT swap at the moment but hot damn. If there is some shit character you've wanted in smash but they didn't get in then modding is the best option.

They exist, huh. Any more with characters such as Fawful. What mods are out?

See for yourself


>He plays Smash 4

>No Dark Matter
Maybe at some point, but I'm not in a hurry.

Is there Doomguy for Smash?

Has anyone made Brittany over Olimar yet? I've been waiting for months

So how hard is it to mod? I'm a lot less afraid of bricking my Wii U now that I got a Switch but I still would keep it active.

You don't have to hack your Wii U in any way at all, believe it or not. You just need an SD card and to use the web browser on your Wii U. At least, that's how I've been doing it.

There's no Project M-esque mod yet so i'm waiting.

Too busy having sex with women

Don't you need that Xampp thing to even get it running?


Where do I get these right the fuck now?

I already did 15 years ago when it was called MUGEN.

Is fawful the only mesh mod? I didn't know that was possible yet

You don't change any files on your Wii U. It's completely brick-safe.

Cloud with actual combos would be so fucking fun.

There are some Melee esque mods scattered around Gamebanana, but don't expect there to ever be as anything as professional or widespread as Project M.

Here's the tutorial I used. Hopefully it works for you too.


>no ridley

Do these mods work for brawl?


Does Project M work for Melee?

Project M isn't a basic model swap

>Sm4sh with mods
I'll just stick to Project M famalan. Backwards compatible with most brawl shit anyway.

>Thomas the Tank Engine
okay I'm convinced

Because I'm busy making a platform fighter engine that allows your own imported characters.

I got so sick of modding Smash Bros after years of I figured I should just make my own engine.

some real underage going on around here. All this was already done what feels like aeons ago for brawl. Nothing new whatsoever.

I stopped playing Sm4sh a while ago

Theoretically, how hard would it be to make a mod that turns off the timer in the masterpieces?



I'm still pretty sure that they wouldn't work because they're made to fit different models from different games using different system exploits.

a smash attack is a smash attack
you can't say it's only half