Let's play solitaire, Sup Forums. What should be my first move?
Let's Play Solitaire
change the fucking deck you cloud faggot
You can put the 2 on the 3
this what the fuck
Am I the only one who used the astronaut?
What deck do you want?
I don't know how to play this
Queen of Hearts onto King of Spades
custom deck with dicks on it because you're such a faggot
No I can't.
OK. I'm holding off on changing the deck since I don't know if it causes a new game to start.
What now?
>Not playing Freecell
fucking plebs
2oH to 3oS
I'm going to go ahead and look at the first three cards up top. Tell me whether to use the card if I can use it or skip it to see what the next card is.
skip 3 times
skip #1
OP can you screencap all our cards? Beats needing to manually go after one by one
yeah that's probably better
4oC on 5oD. then deal again
8oH on 9oS
Deal after that, I guess.
try putting the 3 onto the 5, just to see what happens
Fusion summon Jack's Knight and Queen's Knight.
Nice solitaire, grandpa
>this is the best thread on Sup Forums right now
Let's all just sit back and think about that for a second.
Alright now I'm going to try to do what the other anons said, in post order.
Fuck you, Solitaire's a great game.
What do?
I'm only going to post the cards up top that are new.
I've still got that 3 of diamonds at the end.
swap the 2 of hearts with the 2 of diamonds
If you try to put a card where it doesn't belong, all that happens is that card(s) fly back to their original spot.
King to E5
can you make a gif of that happening?
I have no idea how to make .gifs. If you want to tell me how, I'll try.
By the way, I only see one move I can make right now. Should I go ahead and just do obvious moves?
no, wait for your orders
Solitaire IS a great game. No arguments here.
But let's face it, when this is currently the best thread on Sup Forums, there's a problem.
But then, we've all known Sup Forums's had problems for years now.
I think he's gone rogue; gonna have to send in a team to take him down
Are you a phoneposter or a macposter or something? Just open solitaire yourself and try it.
NO! i need to know that HE did it! i need to see it
You're fucking dumb.
No, I'll follow orders like a good boy.
Spider solitaire is way more fun.
look I just need proof that he did what I asked of him ok? its the principle of the thing
It's pointless, and it just makes him take longer to post.
Not that he's even posting anymore.
Nobody gave me any orders except "switch the 2 of hearts with the 2 of diamonds" which I can't do.
I'm waiting for somebody to tell me to put the 3oD on the 4oC because it's the only thing I can see to do right now.
put the 3 of Diamonds on the 4 of Clubs
now we're getting somewhere
Memorize the layout of the deck so you can get the kings/queens/jacks out
Put the 2 of spades on the 3 of diamonds fuccboi
I bet you can't even run it at 300 fps.
I think we're fucked, lads. I'm not seeing any more I can do after this.
Pretty sure the fps is highly limited
Show us what's in the deck.
Okay, I see your point. Not that there's much to do apart from waiting for a remission.
since it takes too long to repost everything and nt much changed:
>10 of diamonds
>King of Hearts
>Jack of Hearts
>8 of spades
>2 of clubs
>5 of spades
>2 of diamonds
What the fuck
I'm pretty sure Solitaire is programmed to end the game if there are no moves available.
There's gotta be a move, but I'm not seeing it.
in the deck are, in order of appearace:
>7 of clubs
>5 of diamonds
>3 of spades
>Ace of Hearts
>6 of spades
>10 of diamonds
>Ace of Spades
>8 of spades
Start over and set the amount of cards per deck shown from 3 to 1
I mean, I know I'm not playing in Vegas mode, but come on. I'm not that casual.
Move in both aces
ok what the hell
Ace of Clubs to .. what the fuck is the pool on the top right even called anyway?
there are three of them, I assume you mean move all of them?
I missed the third one, so yes
move all three aces to the top, move the 2 of hearts to the top, move the 3 of hearts to the top
I'll take both aces and aces of clubs as all three of them.
Wew, we're already off to a better start.
in the deck, in order of appearance are:
>7 of clubs
>5 of diamonds
>3 of spades
>Jack of diamonds
>Queen of diamonds
>6 of diamonds
>7 of hearts
>8 of spades
10 of hearts to jack of clubs
is there even anyone else playing
Take the four and five of Hearts
I'd like to remind everyone that moving the king can potentially fuck us over if we really need to get another king down.
Move the 6 of Diamonds to the 7 of Spades, then the 5 of Spades to the 6
Lurk more
I assume you meant 5 of clubs.
the cards in the deck, in order:
>7 of clubs
>5 of diamonds
>3 of spades
>Jack of diamonds
>Queen of diamonds
>10 of spades
>8 of spades
deck 6 of hearts
8 of Spades to 9 of Diamonds, then take 7 of Hearts
I miss classic solitaire, win7 solitaire doesn't have the nice card themes
The 8 of clubs is the only new card in the deck we can use.
>this casual scum posts on Sup Forums
pic extremely fucking related, faggot
welp, looks like I'm going to abandon the second round
it was fun while it lasted anons, thanks to everyone who participated
This is a really comfy thread