>Sup Forums is suddenly against piracy now
What the fuck happened to this board?
Not paying for games used to be the ONE thing all of Sup Forums could agree on
Are we being invaded by shills and moralfags?
>Sup Forums is suddenly against piracy now
What the fuck happened to this board?
Not paying for games used to be the ONE thing all of Sup Forums could agree on
Are we being invaded by shills and moralfags?
The companies shilled and advertised for so long that gullible people have been mentally cucked into it
>supporting thieves
Do you also leave your property unlocked because you enjoy things being stolen? Fucking degenerates.
Depends. Pirate your normalfag mainstream triple A trash.
Buy the niche weebshit.
What the fuck are you even talking about?
Sup Forums has been a normalfag haven for at least 8 years now.
>supporting degeneracy
kys yourself my man
I've only been coming here since like 2008 so I'm a relative newfag and I don't think I've ever seen Sup Forums unanimous about anything.
It's just false-flagging like 99% of the stuff posted on Sup Forums.
You fags better not buy used games either then.
You're posting on Sup Forums. You are a degenerate.
There has to be people who buy games otherwise it would get to the point no one would make them. Do you actually think game companies would keep making games if they don't get a profit from it?
Because false-flagging shitposters get their easy attention from retards like yourself.
Young millennials brainwashed by corporate media ("How do you expect the developers to even LIVE without having paid them for their exceptionally hard work, user? Don't you want Nier 3? Yoko Taro needs to eat you know.", he says, after the man published several other games as structurally poor as Automata).
Also the influx of redditors and eclipsing of our own brought on by ironic shitposting.
We're all to blame. And these kids' parents. If you're under 25 you should leave.
Is this the designated shitposting thread
Aprilfools showed us a lot of things.
First, leafs like everywhere else are massive shitposters.
Second, modt piratefags are subhuman BR's and other assorted third worlders
>I want to make threads to beg for free shit and to be spoon fed how2pirate
No, Sup Forums has never put up with this shit
talking about stealing video games is not fucking video games
>purchasing a product is the same as thievery
Holy shit you pirates love your mental gymnastics.
There were always retards with their PC GAMING PIRATES ARE KILLING THE INDUSTRY threads.
I evacuated a while ago. I only come here to partake in the shitposting
>Are we being invaded by shills and moralfags?
what's truly pathetic is that Sup Forums is the only board that is actively against piracy. you never hear Sup Forums talk about paying for streaming services to "support the industry" and Sup Forums is all for free software
We grew up, you didn't.
pirate AAA shit
support poordevs
that's how I roll
Sup Forums was a lot less militant about it. That chill nature is gone. Now we have retards like this infesting every thread spamming their non-arguments, false dichotomies and xenophobia for all to see, going on multi-paragraph tirades trying to justify their buying power in an industry that just does not care.
Not the guy you're quoting but I don't.
Learn your shit, you look retarded.
>you never hear Sup Forums talk about paying for streaming services to "support the industry" and Sup Forums is all for free software
Because it doesn't matter.
Whether some people on Sup Forums pay for crunchyroll or not doesn't make a difference, people watch free fansubs of their shows anyway.
But when niche games get brought to the west and everyone pirates them instead of buying it, then they won't bring the sequel over, which actively hurts us here on Sup Forums.
its always been split lul
unless you're talking early 2000s then who fucking cares
>everyone pirates them instead of buying it
no need to be concerned, moralfags are more than willing to pick up the slack
Sup Forums is filled with a bunch of console users who can't figure out to pirate games. Or if you want to be positive Sup Forums realized that you have to buy a game if you want more games like it to get made.
We grew up, kid, which is something that you should probably do at some point.
It's not about morals, it's about basic economics.
Eat shit you subhuman BR. I'll make it my job to shit on piratefags until we get flags to out all the cancer infesting this board.
BR's are also the main instigators of console war shitposting.
desu years ago I was against pirating video games for some reason.
I stopped when I realized that I pirate absolutely everything else I can.
Trannies were a mistake
fuck off gramps
go watch tv
Mostly influx of only console players . Steam sales also doesn't help.
>I'll make it my job to shit on piratefags until we get flags to out all the cancer infesting this board
Get laid, nerd HUEHUEHUE
>someone makes something I enjoy
>They ask for a pittance in exchange
>Sounds fair, thank you
Pro-tip: Some people have disposable income and can afford to pay for things they enjoy. I'm sorry youre 30 years old and live with Mom. Perhaps you should have gotten an education and gainful employment?
Anti-pirates are all shillbots.
And so?
Brazilians are harmless subhumans that infest all of the old game threads, because Playstation/2 is somehow current in their world. Especially when a PS4 is too many mud dollars for the breadwinner of the favela to afford.
mental gymnastics the post
just as bad as pedophile reasoning I swear.
>only trannies hold their farts in on dates, and they're disgusting for doing this
maybe Sup Forums grew up and got actual jobs. not all of Sup Forums but some
Sup Forums grew up and now has a stable income
I'm not gonna buy or pirate any of those types of games
Faggots tried to shit on piracy so they could shill their shady G2A key reseller overlord
>What the fuck happened to this board?
People realized that without paying for games there won|t be any more good games to play. Tough concept to grasp for a retarded mongoloid cuck, sure, but you will just have to deal with it.
Even that is not an excuse. Why should i waste my money on videogames and not save them for primary stuff?
Reading this post requires a tinfoil hat
>hate niggers stealing
>support piracy
Why spend money on anything? Name literally one thing you can't get for free.
then leave, your primary focus is obviously not video games and its culture and you should go away somewhere else
All that pirating resulted in everything that's not a AAA title becoming F2P or having microtransactions up the wazoo. Stupid piratefags like you literally wrecked the games industry.
>Why should i waste my money on videogames
Don't. Enjoy being cucked out of playing good games by Denuvo instead.
If you have to choose between necessity's and Vidya then you shouldn't be playing Vidya and instead should be improving your life. Or just continue acting significant while you flip burgers and live in income based apartments.
>Total War post-Shogun 2
Go ahead then because no one gives a fuck. Pirate all you want but we wouldn't be having this stupid conversation about pirating if there weren't poorfag threads about Denuvo and shitting on people who buy games.
Expensive DLC aside, Warhammer is my favorite game in the series. It has a pretty insane amount of content and variety.
No one stay 17 forever... we got jobs and can afford to pay.
Kill yourself fucking NEET
a McChicken
It's Denuvo's shillsquad that started posting when Lords of the Fallen was released.
>mfw LotF technical support threads on Sup Forums
>acting significant
Fuck yeah capitalism and social elitism.
most of denuvo threads are created by buyfags stating denuvo is unbreakable tho, only from today on the piratefags will started shitposting DENUVO BTFO
Gee I dunno, what's the main difference between Sup Forums and the rest of Sup Forums
Sup Forums also don't make threads daily about how they enjoy their free media and laughing at people who pay for Crunchyroll or Netflix. Sup Forums doesn't have people who love free software shit chimping out like somalians because they didn't have to spend 10 mudbux to buy a piece of software.
>not the best Total War game
Go back to crying about improper Roman sandal models on TWC, cuck.
>kill yourself yourself my man
>muh video gaem 'culture' and memes
You are cringe
This is what happened. There are no shills just ebin straws and shitposters
HAHAHAHAHA 90% of Sup Forums threads are about shitposting, politics, virgin-shaming, porn, anime bullshit and bait. I know that Sup Forums is famous for being ALWAYS contrarian about what most people think, that's why now there are so many people accusing pirates while before it was encouraged (the daily "why haven't you hacked your 3ds thread?" for example) by everyone on this board. Either all of you moralfags are just falseflagging while being under 2000 layers of irony as usual or you are just a cancerous redditor who buys every dlc at full price thinking to do a good thing for the industry. Either way, go fuck yourself, we are tired of you.
Hey look another retard that dont know how old millenials are.
Well fuck
You have to go back.
He's right though. If you're that fucking poor that you have to pirate games to play them you are the definition of insignificant. You don't support the industry you leech off of. You mean nothing to nobody.
>he thinks video games have a culture
top kek
ur a loser m8
those are secondary focus, if someone's primary focus was something like politics they'd be posting on Sup Forums
Hey Denuvo-drones now that 0-day piracy is gone shouldn't you be waving around those super improved sales numbers?
Oh they don't exist? Well that's a surprise.
>Hello and this is Totalbitchtits, here for another round of Hearthstoneâ„¢
>But before we begin, I'd like to briefly address something.
>As you know, I am an unbiased consumer-rights advocate
>I live for the consumers, which is why you should use steam
>I was at valve a couple of days ago, to talk to them about the future of PC gaming.
>Steam is the future of PC gaming
>Now that we have that out of the way, I'd like to briefly talk to you about G2A
>If you use G2A you are literally worse than a pirate, please support pro-consumer platforms like Steam.
>You should literally pirate your game, instead of buying from G2A
>Buy from Steam instead
It started with the godawful "sweetie" forced meme faggot and now it's escalated to the shitposting masses. Not one thread started on the subject in the past couple of months has had a serious OP.
everything has a culture
Are wild pandas as dumb and friendly as zoo pandas? Every other type of bear is aggressive but pandas be weird.
>shouldn't you be waving around those super improved sales numbers
Here you go, piratecuck.
>if you're under 25
"Millennial" by definition is quite large andI feel sick being in the same generation as children who grew up on the teat of trash fires like ODST/Reach.
>Implying poor-cuck pirates ever intended to buy.
Niggers gonna nig
>Not paying for games used to be the ONE thing all of Sup Forums could agree on
top kek, no. That's some strong revisionism you're trying to force there.
>muh speshal gamer culture
please leave redditor, it's painfully obvious
>Redditors now falseflag about how Sup Forums used to be
This place has really become a shithole after the reddit invasion
The anime industry is fundamentally different from the video game industry. The former doesn't give a rat's ass about western audiences, they don't even acknowledge western anime fans exist.
if it's any consolation millennial generation ended in 1995
I am not BR nor a nigger, but all of you are xenophobic aristocratic richfags who don't realize that some poor people actually work hard, byt they don't earn enough and are mistreated. You hate them just because they're poor.
Go on! Genocide the poor and nuke third world countries!
Jesus will be proud of you!
>shogun whatever against WARHAMMER
oh god you are a fucking idiot.