Coming back to vidya after 2 years break any good titles on PS4/PC/3DS (no weebshit please)

coming back to vidya after 2 years break any good titles on PS4/PC/3DS (no weebshit please)


>no weebshit please

i don't anime artstyle but jap games are mostly boring and focus on waifu fag shit that i don't get at all


>browsing Sup Forums and not liking anime/Japanese culture

>no weebshit please

>being a weeb in CURRENT_YEAR
back to plebbit my newfriends =)

i don't mind anime art style at all


rude dude

most weebshit has awful gameplay.

>t. angry Sup Forums fag

Is this the thread where we post our anime waifus?

The thing is, this is an anime discussion website. You are not welcome here.

t. Subhuman redditcuck

Western games have gone to shit my man. Weebshit has come back from its 7th gen slump and is currently on top.

I suggest you take another 2 years off and maybe western games will come back by then.

>no weebshit please

name five good games that aren't just waifu fag bait

it's only been 4 months and you know most games come out in fall.
also name 5 good jap games that came out.

Gravity rush 2
Zelda BOTW
NieR automata
Persona 5

zelda is the only I'd actually play on that list. you forgot yakuza too.

Doesn't mean the rest of the games aren't good.

>no weebshit
maybe you should take a break from here as well.

Zelda Gravity rush Persona 5 and NieR are waifu shit

you can't waifu an android

legit low gravity trash
oh boy another souls game
oh boy fantasy high school with boring combat

Get out Pipee, I won't spoonfeed you.

>persona 5
>not waifu shit
this is a joke post right? the dating sim elements are the only reason the persona games are popular.

Thanks for telling me that you are mustards, now its alot harder to take you seriously.

nigger i played persona 4 for 10 hours before dropping it. how the hell anyone can take that cookie cutter turn based jrpg combat on a home console is beyond me. mind dumbing grinding in dungeons is acceptable on mobile games that you play while taking a shit but when i play on a 30 inch screen i want a more engaging experience. given how popular the persona games are over the rest of the SMT is a clear sign that people are in it for everything else than the gameplay.

reddit frogposter

>all these triggered weebs
One does not need to play japshit to enjoy video games


Dont come back gamings dead there is literally no games on any platform worth playing

Stop falseflagging, you have already shown that you can't be taken seriously.


>there is literally no games on any platform worth playing
If you play on PC

Oh wow, 2 years! Remember the announcement for No Man's Sky? Well it fucking destroyed everyone's expectations - best game released in the decade. Go for it.

P5 generic weeb shit
Gravity rush 2 generic weeb shit
tales of bersaria same as above
zelda BOTW bad gameplay 20 fps shit open world
NieR automata generic weeb shit with ASS
Yakuza 0 great game
RE 7 shit resident evil

No mans sky was one of the freshest multiplayer experiences of last year.

And how many of these did you play?

every at least 1 hour each you can rent them for like 10$

Then what is a good game to you?

Sure you did.

a game with good gameplay and story which jap games don't have

Name one. Because as far as I know, western games haven't had good gameplay and story since 2006.

>insert any GTA

Underage detected. GTA games are absolute garbage, not even good by open world standarts.

They are good you are just butt hurt weeb


>Go to certain location in the map
>Shoot some dudes
Absolutely remarkable gameplay.

>no weebshit
oh you don't belong here at all

>game is a shooter

Oh my, almost forgot.
>Dick around with policemen
>Buy shark cards
>Do repetitive races

not him but you can boil down literally every single game into this to make it sound shit
for example Nier
>Go place
>attack robots

>dying light
>let it die (for a couple days it will be fun atleast)
>rocket league (if you like competitive rocket powered flying car soccer/basketball/hockey/ and some other game types)
That's about the only ones I can think of that weren't absolutely 100 percent garbage

But NieR also has a good story, something that GTA doesn't have.

>good story
maybe if you've never read even a mediocre book. video game standards for "good story" are pathetic.

Have you played Soma? It's the only game that sprang to mind about a game that legitimately impressed me with it's story

Why are weebs so easy to trigger? Not everybody wants to play dating sims and moeshit pandering trash like Neptunia you fucking /mlp/ retards. Japanese games are fine but anime art style is a red flag that says the game will either be kawaii uguu baka or "nothin personnel" garbage.

no, guess i'll have to check it out though since i enjoyed the penumbra games

I like weebshit and ponyshit, blow me reddit.

go play underrail

Ah, quentin being a faggot as usual.

You are on a fucking anime discussion website. You either have to like anime, or fuck off to reddit.

>you HAVE to like anime
>shitting on anime gets more (you)s and keeps your post at the top of the catalogue for a longer period of time

whoops looks like you're retarded

>video game standards for "good story" are pathetic

Lots of games have good stories like Deus Ex or Soul Reaver, and if you count environmental story telling stuff like Thief Gold or DeS. Plus, there is also Infocom games which are extremely well written.

>>shitting on anime gets more (you)s and keeps your post at the top of the catalogue for a longer period of time
Because people will call you out for being retarded. Go back to plebbit, you don't belong here.

>Because people will call you out for being retarded.

Yeah, OP definitely isn't the biggest retard in this thread, sorry. Not that it matters, all that is important on bump systems is remaining at the top of the board.

Hilarious trump meme you got there user! xD

Who is the biggest retard?

Shut up reddit

Sorry, this is the video games board. No prequisite to like anime, this isn't your safespace.