>purchase game
>flimsy and light as fuck case
>no instruction manual to read while you shit
why is this blatant Jewry tolerated?
>purchase game
>flimsy and light as fuck case
>no instruction manual to read while you shit
why is this blatant Jewry tolerated?
Go digital
On one hand the lack of instruction manuals in modern games means a big part of the fun is gone, but on the other hand it makes future emulation easier because you don't have to worry about finding a download for the manual or worrying if maybe nobody ever scanned it at all.
>Try to read the digital manual.
>Nothing but the required warnings and legal information.
>>flimsy and light as fuck case
Games used to ship in cardboard boxes, stop complaining.
>because you don't have to worry about finding a download for the manual or worrying if maybe nobody ever scanned it at all.
Who does this? Who the fuck reads a manual for a game past the age of 10?
>buy physical PC game
>inside is just steam key written in
why do they even sell them
>tfw the case and the disc is worth more than the software
>muh instruction manual
God I hate the autism fueled culture that's taken over this board.
His head is so disproportionately tiny that it's actually grotesque and difficult to look at.
I literally saw a huge stack of Xbox One copies of Five Below the other day. I thought you guys were just memeing, but I was wrong.
you must be one of those real gamers who only play cs:go with their dudebros
good goyim.
Whatever, thanks to this Jewery we're getting physical copies of more niche games such as Parappa and Pacman Championship 2.
>buy PS2 game
>get fat manual that didn't even fit the box
>have great ads for other games in the box
i kinda understand them cutting back on manuals to save money, but i don't understand why they removed these ads, i guess devs don't make enough games any more to fill a pamphlet?
Only on the dweeb boards like Sup Forums, Sup Forums, and /r9k/ would someone say this as an insult. Grow up.
Less plastic is fine by me. No instruction manual, however, is bullshit. I like reading through them and seeing the art, assuming it's a game with good art direction, so usually not a shootbang game or sports.
Have they patched PaRappa's horrendous input issues yet?
I wish digital manuals were more common
>ywn be 10 years old again, and mom takes you to Funcoland where you can pick one game.
>ywn pick that neat game, spend the car ride home looking through the instruction manual, reading the controls, the back story, and looking at the art getting more and more excited as you get closer home to play it
>buy used copy of Persona 4
>comes with beautiful colorful manual
>extra Soundtrack disc
i fucking love when i get surprised by bonuses i didn't know about.
>normie faggot comes out of facebook group hole
>comes to a site with a reputation for autists
>"dude, stop doing things i don't like"
yeah, i am mad. go fuck your wife, normal faggot.
I bought a used Japanese PS2 game the other day and the weight of it was so nice. The manual was a good size and it also happened to still have one of those survey cards and an advertisement for some performance by whoever did the song for the opening of the game. I'm 12 years late to go to it but still, I love when I get shit like that in used games.
I really do miss muh manuals. The cases look so empty, cold and lifeless now.
going through some of my games right now, didn't know this was a thing, it was inside Ace Combat and it's a PS2 VR headset.
probably fucks up your eyes.
>Shadow of Rome
Man, I wish.
Doesn't get any cheaper than this shit, not even a colorless slip of paper telling you the manual is online.
i also miss the pandering to horny teenagers.
>that's taken over this board.
It was here before you were newfag
man fuck PS4 games. they are by far the worst when it comes to content inside the box, all the legal information being printed on the back of the sleeve.
Older games DRM involved answers found in the manual before CD keys and stuff were a thing.