What does your physical Wii U games collection look like Sup Forums?

What does your physical Wii U games collection look like Sup Forums?

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It looks like Zelda BotW, Xenoblade X, MK8, and Smash.

I didn't purchase any games through the online store, as I can always find the disk for less than they were asking.

BoTW, #FE and Rodea

I've been waiting for the clearance dump once Switch goes full swing to pick up a couple more.

I sold most of my games to buy a PS4.
I pirated BotW.

I remember you. You got that PS4 for 175 bucks. Where did you get it, if I may ask?

What country are you in? My parents bought me a PS Sound bar a few years ago, and it came with a plug like what you have.

I'm not at home, so I can't take a pic right now. But I own the follwing titles physically:

Donkey Kong
New Super Mario Bros. U + Luigi U
Nintendo Land
Star Fox Zero
Super Mario 3D World
Super Mario Maker
Zelda: BotW
Zelda: WW HD

I also own MK8 and Splatoon digitally.

I sold all my wii u games for ps4 games. I might as well sell the console at this point since cemu is a thing. I dont even use it to watch anime anymore


Not him but we have those plugs in Hungary

Why would you use it to watch anime when you can get a Roku 3 with a USB port for sideloading .mkv's for like 40 bucks?


>only a retard buys a Switch
>owns an Xbone as a European!!1!

I liked to have portable audio through the game pad jack and would sometimes use the gamepad to watch on bed ao it was comfy. Now i just use my PS4 but streaming was already getting unwatchable on it anyway for some reason. My PS4's wifi band also sucks did but it doesnt buffer uncontrolably at least. Im starting to regret my wiiu now..

>I've been waiting for the clearance dump

European here. I've bought a bunch of cheap Wii U games since the Switch was announced. But I'm still waiting for Pro controllers to drop in price. So far, they only seem to rise though.

I bought Sm4sh for Loadiine. Still regret it.

only own MP10 because it came with the system when I bought it second-hand

Game, it was during the holidays.

I live in Madrid Spain.

Yeah, I only used my WiiU for BotW, prior to, it was collecting dust. I can't even be bothered to pirate other games for it, though Pokken and 3D World might be alright. I might also go back to MonHun and Bayo. Still waiting for the Smash 4 modding community to kick up.

My sister bought it, she's a massive dudebro, I just borrowed it cause I wanted to play Killer Instinct and Rare Replay.

>i..it's my sisters, im just pretending its mine!

Bayonetta 2
Tokyo Mirage Sessions

Digitally splatoon and some indies, is that okay Sup Forums ?

>is that okay Sup Forums ?

No, you don't own any of the must-haves.


Splatoon because it came with the system and can't be traded in.
Everything is pirated.

That's it

follow directions, not posting your pitiful game console collection

i erased retard from my sentence cus i thought it was too harsh, even tho u are a retard and u deserve it

it's a standard plug in most EU country


Why are some cases European and others Australian(?) ?

Cheapest place at the time was ozgameshop, they mostly deal in UK copies.

legit physical copies :
3d world
Bayo 1-2
Dong Freeze
Wii Party U
Zombi U

rest is pirated or from club nintendo
