Is this the best monster hunter?
>no charms
>no mounting
>no anime moves
>no fatigue system
>good selection in G rank
Is this the best monster hunter?
>no charms
>no mounting
>no anime moves
>no fatigue system
>good selection in G rank
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The monster selection n MHFU is so shit dude, I swear. I started playing a couple days ago and I just realized that the only cool mons to fight in this game are Jang, Garuga, Tigrex, and Nargacuga, and Grooga doesn't even have his signature beakslam until (I assume) G-rank.
People talk about how much harder MHFU is than the later games and I'm not really seeing it. Sure, monsters do slightly more damage and you're missing QoL option like a non-cancerous cooking system and a more convenient farm, but the monsters are missing a ton of moves and little quirks that make them more difficult to dodge. The extra difficulty people talk about in MHFU comes from numbers instead of the monsters themselves.
MH4U is best
FU fans, despite their abrasive attitude, are at least not gen-warring shitheads like the 3rdGen fanbase.
FU is good but it's hard to say any MH is definitively the best, expect for 1st gen which is definitively the worst although it has its charm points
it's my favorite with 4U being a close second
It sucks.
Hitboxes are massive, only the newer monsters like Kuga, Lavasloith and Hypnoc had good hitboxes.
I'm pretty mad hypnoc isn't in Gengen actually, it seems like a good beginner boss.
>no mounting
It really should have been teamwork based rather than what we have now.
>no fatigue system
4U handled it well by making it a mechanic of HH(and to an extent, Hammer) as well as a signature state of Deviljho. The joke here is that rage takes priority over fatigue.
mah nigga
DONT LAUGH it gives me RA+2, s+1 and HGE
Freedom Unite is absolutely the best, not because it did any one thing better, but just because it's greater than the sum of its parts. It feels good to play. The village feels good to be in, the areas feel good, hunting feels good.
>>no fatigue system
What is that?
I've only played Freedom 2 & Unite
I'd also like to ask, having played only those two games, which one would be a good game to continue on with the series? P3rd? 3U?
P3rd then 4u. Gen/XX sucks ass and 3u''s atmosphere was meh at best.
3U then 4U
>The ridiculous hitbox on the Plesioth's hipcheck
That bullshit will forever be ingrained in my mind. The horror
>Made it to G Rank before I discovered the cats and the kitchen.
I made incredible use of the farm before I figured that shit out.
All right, looks like 4U is a solid contender for second game to play. Now, 3U and P3rd were both 3rd Gen, right? What are the pros and cons between them, if it's not too much a bother?
Also, what's so bad about Generations/XX?
Plesioth Tailsweep is worse toobiehatch
Its like an AOE with how fuckhuge his body is
hahaha no. who do you think taught tribabbies about it.
The movesets for the weapons are absolute garbage, they don't feel fluid at all, the HH has the worst moveset I've ever seen and playing songs is fucking awful, its almost like te game wasn't made for humans.
>he doesn't know where you can roll through the attack
lmaoing at ur lyfe nerd
>great atmosphere
>decent pacing
>motion values
>excellent balance
>easy as piss
>limited selection of monsters
>no grank
>great balance
>good graffix
>dead online
>underwater bullshit
>limited monster selection
>subpar atmosphere
>casualized mh
honestly i recommend p3rd
Why do they only add one thing with every game holy shit
>I'm pretty mad hypnoc isn't in Gengen actually
lavasioth and hypnocatrice were frontier only monsters, when they were introduced into a main game (FU) tons of japs complained
>Also, what's so bad about Generations/XX?
It's a meme to hate on Generations just like it was a meme to hate on 4U, ignore retards like him.
3U has Miralis, while P3rd has Amatsu
>>casualized mh
p3rd is the easiest and most "casualized" MH to date, 3U is much better difficulty wise, fuck off
Underwater was the shackle keeping certain monsters from going full retard Except Abby, he's straight up full retard
But the first gen didn't have any charms let alone charm points.
also heres why GENshit sucks cocks
>subpar atmosphere
>gathering quests
>awful balance
>casual shit
>fanbase is AWFUL, arguably worse than tritards
>styles are shitty and some are useless (aerial chargeblade, adept IG)
>hypers are artificially difficult HP walls
>hyper deviant astalos
>G rank is terrible
And if you criticize it genbabbies will tell you your taste is invalid. They are literally the bastard children of redditors and newfags.
>powerful weapons
>ezpz 50 def
Underwater was cancer. They could have fixed it by giving the weapons a 5% range bonus.
Yeah it seems like they're over it now?
It seems silly that the games don't borrow animations/skeletons from each other.
>>powerful weapons
Whoa, so just like every relevant fucking game in the franchise? Kill yourself you fucking retard.
>Hyper deviant astalos
What did he mean by this?
You forgot to mention that it also has the best version of the Hunting Horn
In gen 3 and onward, monsters can be put into a fatigued or tired state where their movements are slower, they stop to pant, their projectiles fail to fire, and the occasionally fall over while attempting certain moves.
Nice non arguments faggot, your opinions aren't facts.
To this day I still get really nervous while fighting Plesioth and treat it as a really serious fight
You first tritard. Your game had subpar mechanics and polluted MH's fanbase, bringing in tumblrtards and redditors. P3rd, minus the difficulty and lack of G rank, was a mechanically superior game. Neck yourself, faggot.
Proving my point every time.
>And if you criticize it genbabbies will tell you your taste is invalid. They are literally the bastard children of redditors and newfags.
But OP, instead of just less shit how about
>charms should be craft-able or have a feeding system or whatever
>mounting should involve teamwork
>some of the anime stuff wasn't terrible, demon mode for instance
>fatigue is good, fuck you
>Maybe if i fill my post with buzzwords I'll be right
Go back to FU and never come back.
MH3U still the best
literally a perfect game
Not an argument. Tritards are THIS buttblasted someone didn't like their mediocre entry-level game. Sad!
Okay dumblrite
Who is this guy? He's spammed on /mhg/, I want to know.
>fanbase is AWFUL, arguably worse than tritards
The fact they still try to deny Mantis is still amazing. The only thing I'm hopeful is that at least they'll replace 3rdGenners as the gen-warmongers in the 5thGen.
Its both amusing yet sad that 4U has become a massive boogeyman to these XXfetuses.
now this is some absolute fucking shit taste
FU and Dos Horn is unfun garbage
>Boring and Slow recital mode that can not function as an attack except against punching bags
>All your moves are garbage except superpound and superpound>hook when knocked down
>Absolute garbage craftables
P3rd is a garbage game but it introduced the best version of HH to the franchise. Nothing but improvements.
Build a rope with your garbage contrarian opinions and hang yourself, nostalgia-baby
Massive 3Ubabby whose blogposts resembled closely to the shitposts of Tribabbies on /mhg/. Goes by Monhun Musings nowadays.
They've definitely made some improvements to the HH, don't get me wrong, but what I really fucking miss was being able to chain 2-3 songs into one
Every time I crafted a new horn I'd sit down and figure out all of the most efficient ways to play all of my songs at once
Tritards are worse, trust me. They create autstic infographics to win a fight on an anonymous imageboard about a photon-screen electronic game about raping animals.
Tell me more. I'm legit curious.
I used the diablos Z + rath soul Z mix to get that, it wasn't any prettier
Not sure how to feel about the cosmetic armor layer in MHXX. Looking fabulous and having godlike armor skills was fun
Neither is your post, dumb cuck.
>Need certain stats depending on weapon choice
>ALWAYS look like a fucking clown suit
That's the only thing that ever bothered the hell out of me about MH games. But the new one will FINALLY have transmog. No more clown suits.
>you like this game version so you must be shit
>my game version is the absolute best
Literally an entire thread full of babies.
I like Freedom Unite the most because it had the comifest threads on Sup Forums. I just miss 2006 Sup Forums in general, people were nicer and knew what they were talking about then
Freedom Unite is the best of the classic Monster Hunter. 4U is the best of the Nintendo Monster Hunters. Also, they both have the largest batch of content between them in the entire series.
You're not an argument. Your own immediate family knows this, but no one brings it up at the family gatherings, nigger.
Not with those hitboxes.
no fuck off, FU is complete trash in every way compared to 3U/4U and probably will be shit compared to GU too
FU (and it's garbage predecessors) still stink their shit into the newer games with trash like dromes and khezu
its good but theres too much item boxing which drags a lot, also it takes forever to get to the fun hunts
the hunting is solid tho, excluding the gimmick monsters
The fuck kind of rebuttal is this?
>the idle t-pose that khezu and the dromes occasionally jerk into, eerily still for a moment before beginning their next attack
I don't like it
3U and 4U are the only ones worth your time, gen ultimate may be too when it comes out but who knows
Poogie Hunter is shit
SHIT I tell you
Iguanadon is radical as fuck and anyone that doesn't think so is a fucking nerd
He literally can't stop giving two thumbs up
This. Keep the tigrex and narga, and garuga as a casual filter and delete the rest. Nothing of value would be lost
You're the physical embodiment of a non-argument. Everyone around you stops and stares and thinks "wow this guy, what a non-argument he is!" Your boss doesn't take you seriously. Neither does your mother. Or your cat, you catshitter. You are not spouting non-arguments. You ARE the non-argument.
>and delete the rest. Nothing of value would be lost
But user, my favourite Monsters are Shogun Ceanatur and Chameleos, why are you doing this to me
No dude you don't get it.
If someone has a clownsuit on, you know (within a certain degree of accuracy since they fucked this idea up with charms) EXACTLY what they're going to be capable of, once you're familiar with the clownsuit standards for that game, that is.
Transmog fucks that up completely. Plus it's cosmetic so who gives a fuck, once you hunt in your clownsuit long enough, it becomes YOUR armor, the armor that YOUR hunter wears.
Just check his stats before the hunt
Its not like you can't see exactly what skills people have active
or just bring back the superior crimson qurupeco
every monster in gen 3 that is a counterpart to the ones before is superior, only exception may be barioth vs narga
Relevant to the clownsuit discussion
chameleos has a good design but is piss easy in terms of elder dragons, better to put in other monsters who miss iterations like alatreon
>Exhibition A: Tritards in denial.
Git gud shitter.
Chameleos is cute. CUTE!
It's time to dress like a total slut amirite?
>He doesn't play as an old man in Monster Hunter
I started with FU, I never went back after 3U was released and neither should you
>he will argue that yian kutku/dromes/khezu are better than qurupeco/aggis/gigginox because of platform war autism
But that just draws out the process of weeding out shitters.
Knowing at a glance vs having to check everyone's stat page individually far outweighs the cosmetic benefit that transmogging brings.
Or you could just git so gud that armor is nothing more than defense to you. Outside of HBG (which I play), you don't ever need an armor skill. Even with that you really don't NEED it.
My nig
Kut ku is better than qurupeco. Kut ku at least has the decency of not summoning other monster to fight for him. The dromes can be improved by making them more unique. Gigginox sucks ass though. Do you like an unguardable poison move?
You don't have to like Tri to know that Qurupeco is the vastly superior birb in every way possible.
it's funny how LBG manages to be the least popular weapon in every game. I wonder if SA jumped too the top 5 since it became the absolute shitter weapon in gen
I'd try that if the armors for males were better designed. A classic example is Jhen armor. The horns on male armor is atrocious.
This is why I'm hype as fuck for the cosmetic armor slots
I can finally look like a hardened veteran hunter instead of an edgy WoW character covered in spikes and shit
>hating rajang
>limited monster selection
>Compared to P3rd
What is with Sonyfags and being deluded?
This chart is 100% correct.
Reminder that nobody gave a shit about Rajang back then, and even praised him before 4G was localized
Yeah LBG is pretty rubbish when HBG exists.
Gen actually made it really fun with the Full House Art.
As for Swaxe, it's just incredibly mindless in Gen. Axe mode only existed if you fucked up the transforming draw attack.
>Kut ku at least has the decency of not summoning other monster to fight for him
dung bomb?
>the dromes can be improved
so can every monster, nice argument retard
>gigginox sucks because I can't dodge his attacks
your opinion is forfeit, don't bother replying to me I won't respond
>Exhibition B: Tritatrds making Pokefag-tier infographs
>limited monster selection
>subpar atmosphere
>casualized MH
that's funny because it was the hardest MH game before 4u
Then you need to check out some male gunners.
That shit is sweet.
After apex rape ape high rank rajang was actually pleasant to fight in X
LBG in gen is super fun. Full house coupled with the crazy elemental pierce rapid fire shots, feels really nice obliterating the monster
>All that redditspacing
>And lack of capitalization on non-greentext posts
But I think Yian Garuga and the Dromes are cooler than Peco and the Jaggis
I'd like to see them all in the same game at once though, no reason why they can't all return
>FUcker can't refute anything so all he can do is resort to buzzwords
>He's actually going to defend the Dromes and say they're superior to the jaggis.
>hypers are artificially difficult HP walls
Shitters who play a monster hunter for the first time are supposed to shriek "artificially difficult HP walls", what the fuck are you doing
I can respect tian but you have to be fucked in the head to prefer dromes to jaggis