Are you ready for Prof.Towa?
Trails of Cold steel 3 new info!
First for best girl wins the Reanbowl
can I play this without playing trails in the sky and the other cold steel games
>tfw not hyped about coldsteel whatsoever
I just want Kevin's game.
>"as she tries to seduce newcomer professor Rean at every opportunity."
He can't continue to hold back!
Unfortunatly you can't.
What about me Rean?
Le Guin wants to fuck Laura though.
She got the weapon to do that at least.
Do I have my revisionist goggles on or did we meet a teal haired Saint Astraea girl in CS2?
Post pics.
Wait, I thought she already had that brigadier general who was always with her?
wow 2 extra students who will be part of your party and I doubt they are the last, so they get one game to get developed and the rest of class VII are done. funny
Well, it wasn't like most of Class VII were barely involved at all in CS2 except for Rean and Emma. I'll give you Jusis and Fie at least.
I hope Jusis comes back and gets to be a troubled teacher with Rean to binge drink
He's too busy running his providence since Rufus fucked off to run Crossbell.
I just don't like the fact they keep adding superfluous characters, half of class VII didn't need to exist.
He'll get someone else to do it eventually
This meme again, they each have their own chapter in the game and are involved if you bring them with you, it's last like saying Agate and Tita had no role in SC cause their story was done in FC and you didn't bring them with you.
Seeing more and more characters added in CS3 is actually putting me off.
>Agate and Tita had no role in SC cause their story was done in FC
Too bad Agate and Tita do more of value in Chapter 5 than Machias or Elliot do for the entirety of CS2 following their reunion, which is itself only important for being the first.
Tita is the only one that comes close to CS2-level irrelevance, anyway, and at least she fills the token loli role that CS2 needed Fie, Millium, Altina, and Towa for.