Quakefags will defend this

>quakefags will defend this


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reflex is dead and overwatch is casual garbage so yeah I will play this over them

Who else /dayonesignupbutstilldonthaveakey/ here?


>id traveled back in time just to rip off overwatch

if u play overwatch after qc comes out you have a slim boner and a small dick but if you play qc then you have a fat boner and a big dick

u know its true

this will not become a meme


>overwatch invented shields

>rail stream doesn't look as cool

>Overwatch inverted energy barriers
fucking underages

I wondered.. we QuakeWatch now?

>railstream isn't "minecrafty" enough for Sup Forums

UGgghhhh, why do I even come to this board anymore?

>Character has a generic future shield
>overwatch did it first hur dhur dhur
Pls go back and read a book.

How do you beat this?


he's garbage

>rewarding someone for standing still in an arena fps

So something good came out of a dead literal Quake clone and a piece of shit casual shooter, which is a clone of a game that only exists for a mod from Quake?

I know he is trash
His shield pauses if you shoot and his passive requires you to stand still or move real slow.

the idea is that Clutch could be used in team modes to lock down items and areas

no one will be dueling or playing any other mode where speed is vital with him

Slower movement and shield doesn't last that much

Why the fuck are shields and slow characters in a game based completely around one shotting each other at insane speed? Seriously how do you defend this shit?

this page has some benchmarks and a few "min settings/max settings" slider comparison things



i actually played the beta

If this is a proper quake game, just jump over him.

>overwatch invented barriers

>Why the fuck are shields and slow characters in a game based completely around one shotting each other at insane speed?

Because the ones that dominate the classic arena shooter gamemodes are still the characters that are able to shoot each other at insane speed?

Defensive classes wlll probably shine at the new team modes they are introducing anyway.

who did then?

you press your "it's my turn to win now" button faster

there's nothing remotely like that in this game


>it has an energy shield
>therefore its from Overwatch
I swear blizzfags are the most retarded fanbase in existance

Fixed Issues:


Fixed render crash on opening Loot Boxes
Fixed common in-game render crash
Fixed crash on sending HTML syntax in global chat

Added region auto-select
Fixed lag spikes on picking up Quad Damage
Fixed common freeze from viewing Scoreboard while in Death Screen
Fixed common freeze on Loot Box opening

Fixed back button hitzone
Improved messaging when no match servers are available for the player

Added additional logs to gather info regarding spikes and disconnects
Enabled chat sharding to correctly combine players by 100 per shard
Fixed issue when players might get stuck in Ready State when less than a minimal amount of players accepted the match
Gameplay Balances:

Increase the size of hitboxes for light characters (Anarki, Nyx, Slash)

Its not that, its because we have unique skills now based on characters which I cant understand why to put into an arena shooter

I've tried the game multiple times but the horrible voice acting and inconsistent art just kills me

I'd say novelty factor, since arena shooters are a dead genre, publishers need to pander to other odiances and add some variety to the gameplay.

has the closed beta already started?


>Fixed back button hitzone



>Sup Forums thinks that quake fans hate the game because of muh champions
>in reality every hardcore quaker is exicted to try out the beta

stop talking about games you havent got a clue about you fags

neo-Sup Forums is full of poseurs

The first one was last week and went from the 6th to the 9th.

The second beta starts in about 6 hours and 45 minutes. I'd imagine it will last the same amount of time meaning it will end on the 16th.

quake crapions is already looking shit anyway, this is just the cherry on the shit sundae

tfw no key

You know how to draw?

just got my beta key

Sup Forums R E K T

This video gave me the weirdest glitch when I had it full screen. Once the Sentient words came up it stayed even though the sound kept going. Had to rewind until just after that word came up.

>overwatch invented frontal shields

Are you serious? That has been in gaming going back to before you were even born. Can't fucking stand you Overwatch fags with your shit taste.


>got a key a week ago
>played it for an hour then stopped


this game doesn't interest me since I don't care about the fps genre anymore, in favor of fighting games and shoot em ups

however, I will say this, as someone who dabbled in QW and cpm, it isn't as bad as I thought it would be.


That's not quake then is it?

>make a character that is LITERALLY not how you should play quack

Well i mean at least he has the best VA work

I played Quake 3 Arena to the point where I was failing multiple classes, and QC is seriously so much god damn fun. Anybody bitching about it is an asshat.

makes sense considering most people can't play Quake

I wish Clutch wasn't some Disney looking robot and more of a cybernetics weapon of massive destruction.

Has anyone with a toaster tested QC? I'd love to know how it performs on a lower end qwampooter.


The game has serious netcode issues right now. Shooting the rocket launcher at 60ping feels like 250ping.

Despite all the people bitching that weren't in the beta, Clutch is arguable the weakest hero due to his slow speed and enormous hitbox. The LG melts him.

There's the shoot button.


his backstory is that he was a mining robot that became an insatiable human killing machine because of a botched data transfer.

>Shooting the rocket launcher at 60ping feels like 250ping.
Isn't that because RL has a delay?

>Casual mode with powers
>Competitive mode with powers disabled
What's your point OP?

It can't be that because I've run into similar situations where I got to the red armor or mega and some other asshat takes the powerup while I'm standing on it.

If there is a genuine delay on top of that I really hope it gets be removed because all it does is make combat less precise.


fx8150, hd7970

1080p res

it runs like total shit and I can barely run it and get stable framerates, even on low graphics

>I like the posh voice they've given him