ITT: Sup Forums in 2007
ITT: Sup Forums in 2007
I like videogames
Hey video games sure are good and all the people I like are still alive!
Sup Forums didn't exist in 2007, silly OP.
>Playing with Sup Forums on BYOND! on FF Legacy
>People not crying like little bitches over recurring threads dedicated to a game with discussion of that game in one thread instead of nine
>People not crying like little bitches over Pokemon
I miss those days.
crysis looks fucking sick
when's the next UT coming out?
Oh, God.
I can't wait to play the next half-life
What's your favorite PS3 game?
Have you guys seen two girls one cup? XD
>Halo 3
>Mass Effect
>Assassin's Creed
>Call of Duty 4
>The Orange Box
>Super Mario Galaxy
>MGS4 soon
>GTA4 soon
>Super Smash Bros Brawl soon
>Paper Mario 3 soon
This year has been good bros, let nothing divide our vidya love
Holy shit, 2 girls 1 cup is ten years old.
And I'm eating ice cream right now.
Not chocolate though.
Lol Hoenn Confirmed
Guys I can tell the future in a decade Donald Trump is gonna be president.
>ywn play halo 3 and cod4 for the first time ever again
>ywn fight with your bros over which one to play on 360 ever again
Fucking video games viral marketer.
new meme xD
The guy who beat up Vince McMahon at WrestleMania? Pffffft.
Hahaha, whatever faggot. Next you're gonna tell me we'll also have a nigger president.
Post more Stephanie.
>those pedobear gifs
Oh lawd nostalgia
why are you getting nostalgic for a game that was released this year? What's stopping you from playing right this minute? Did they die or something? lul
I really like runescape as it is right now! I hope they don't change it!
I wonder what i'll be playing in exactly ten years from now?
Now that the dust has settled, was he right Sup Forums?
every time
Portal is a fucking great game, I wonder what games Valve will be releasing in a decade.
>mfw normies will never get those cake is a lie jokes