How come this game, thousands of years old, still has not been surpassed? How come no tactical video game can touch it...

How come this game, thousands of years old, still has not been surpassed? How come no tactical video game can touch it? They all get lost in fluff and 'crits' that trivialize the core experience, have zero variety and no balance to speak of.

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>Strategy game
If anything chess is a memory game on the same level as a "flip the cards to make pairs" game.

>tfw started playing chess recently after seeing a thread on here
It's so much fun, though it really sucks to think that I can never really be good ever.

you're confusing anticipation with memorization. One is a core mechanic, the other a requirement for high level play.

I mean, it's a well-designed game, but it's not that great.

Also watch that guy's flash tournament videos. You will see how average to advanced level players get baited.

try any srpg

It would be a lot better if it didn't have like a dozen weird, unintuitive, extremely specific, pointless rules that only apply in a tiny fraction of cases that the game picked up over those thousand years.

No strategy involved at all, it really is just a memory game

>not Go

It was surpassed.
By Bloodborne :^)

>turn based
>not open world
>no leveling or progression system (pawn promotion doesnt count shogi does it better)
>limited customisation options
>no romancable characters
>no Lgbt characters
>MP deader than sc2

meme (((intellectual))) game

>t. have never even played chess once

chess has an extremely simple ruleset for an extremely complex game.

might as well play with your shit pebbles you nigger

Who [Staunton] here?

>white vs black
>white gets to go first
Das rasist

House of Staunton is great. Still have the set I took with me to nationals in high school.

That horse head looks like it could be a meme

Tetris is a perfect game, but not so much a test of tactics than a test of skill.

>memorize a few trillion viable lines
>other than that know the basics of how to win if someone deviates from those lines and plays poorly

You really don't need to be smart for the game, a good memory and a basic understanding of tactics can get you to Super GM.

>You really don't need to be smart for the game

Yet Bobby Fisher is the only American World Champion.

chess has already been solved

look up how many volumes on strategy and theory there is on chess and common strategies

the game only retains it's status because it's fun to see how fast you can beat it.

It's about thinking faster than the other person which is a timeless challenge.

It's basically the vs mode of speed cubing.

no, read this what poster said
Even if you memorized everything you still need to be able to identify, process and counter fast as fuck

whats the best chessmod?

Nuclear chess.

4-D chess

New Game+ is literally the exact same game, difficulty isn't even changed. Who the fuck designed this shit?

At least the auto saves are reliable.

pretty good except the last one's not really true


>New Game+ is literally the exact same game, difficulty isn't even changed.
Not really, I mean assuming new game plus is a rematch, you'd switch colors and then things become quite different. Could be harder or easier depending. Usually harder if you're black.

>At least the auto saves are reliable.
It's easy as fuck to hack the autosave as soon as your opponent turns his head for a second.

Chess 2: The Sequel (which sounds like a joke but is an actual game made by David Sirlin of FGC fame)

>Female character is the strongest one

Fucking feminists.

>Usually harder if you're black.

Really makes you think