Dragon Quest fans..... BLOWN THE FUCK OUT

Dragon Quest fans..... BLOWN THE FUCK OUT.

>no gimmicks
>weapons break the moment you think about making them spawn

>Weapon durability is a gimmick


Repeat with me:
Musou are cancer
Musou are cancer
Musou are cancer
Musou are cancer
Musou are cancer
DQ: heroes is a bad musou too.
this genre need to fucking die

this guy would love I Am Setsuna.

I think this guy just got way too carried away with people finding things interesting that he doesn't.

>all dragon quest are hack n slash

What the fuck.

>Can Get DQH2 on PC for $44 or PS4 for $47

>PC could only run DQH1 at 40-60fps
>game doesn't have good grafics either way

What platform should I get it for, Sup Forums?

>All Dragon Quests are hack and slash
t. Retard who has never played a Dragon Quest game

DQH2 is worse than 1

I thought this was satire at first, comparing a Mosou game to a Zelda game is pants on head retarded.

literally knows nothing about dragon quest

Breath of the wild is an RPG.

Dragon Quest's ENTIRE APPEAL is the fact it hasn't "evolved" out of classic jRPG gameplay like every other jRPG has done. Hell, even the Neps are moving away from turn-based and turning action-y.
The demographic which RELIABLY buys DQ don't WANT it to turn into Tales Of Final Fantasy: Prepare To Cry Edition. If they ever stopped then Dragon Quest would probably just be retired instead of turned into an aRPG.

>berserk musou

play the same level 100 times

if musou were hand crafted they would be better but it seems all of them are quick cash grabs that are made by third party chinese and vietnamese after the main studio finish the foundation.

>all DQ games are musou
>BotW isn't a similarly simple game, just stretched out over a gigantic empty map

Fuck this commenter

Are NEET brand monitors any good?

It's very much a gimmick in BotW.

They're the finest cum-stained TN panels you can buy, user

That was about where I stopped reading. Why is it people who never know what they're talking about have to be the loudest long winded people out there?

>bum rush hyrule castle
>have all the best weapons right away
>never have to worry about weapons again
Yeah, the durability sure was a gimmick huh

Being able to circumvent it doesn't make it not a gimmick

You shouldn't listen to and form an opinion from Youtube comments.

I imported Dragon Quest Heroes 2 for the Vita and without a lick of nip knowledge beat the game.
The game is simple as fuck and they're retarded for skipping the Vita version for localization since this isn't a game that sits well for long play-sessions. The Vita version runs perfectly fine 90% of the time too and has enemy-filled maps everywhere.

>dragon quest
>hack & slash

this is JUST a spin off

why the fuck are youtube commenters retarded ?

Nintendo Switch.

>blantant shill, provocation and falseflag for clicks and view counts
And Sup Forums will fall for it everytime

ARPGs need to die.

I think you're misunderstanding. The weapon durability isn't a gimmick because of how the game works. You can go literally wherever the fuck you want after you get the paraglider. If items didn't have durability, there'd be no reason to just go to hyrule castle, sneak around, grab the weapons and never worry about items ever again.

Is this supposed to be English?

Just because they made the gimmick integral to gameplay doesn't mean it's not a gimmick, it means the games design is shit

It's been coded by a high tech cryptic language known as Fluoride and High Fructose Corn Syrup

The Switch version is literally the worst version by a large margin.

It'd be okay if the framerate didn't drop whenever you entered combat. It's just a bad port.

PC dude. Imagine if you ever feel like replaying the game it won't be stuck on pee ass four

>Zelda Musou

>Dragon quest musou
Stale, boring, same shit

what the fuck is wrong with people these days?
can we get back to the good old internet era where we are still discovering stuffs?
when people are not so entitled and retarded.
and not triggered by every single small stuffs?

I liked it, but the game isn't doing any favors in pushing the genre.
It does what it does solidly though, but like I said earlier, it isn't a title that can be played for long periods of time.
Musou lovers will find it too simple and non-musou lovers won't pick it up anyway.
DQ fans may get it but it plays best on the Vita which was skipped in NA.

>Tfw I can't play the new dragon quests because I hate toryama's human art direction.
>I hate those blockheads too much to play the ones that use 3d models and the sprites made avoid having to look at that
I know they'll never do it but I want a return to sprites or an alternative artstyle. I hate that I'm not playing a game because of the art direction.


do people just say 'sophisticated' whenever they want to note something as positive. This kind of pseudo intllect needs to die. Either through genocide or suicide. I don't care which. E-mail this faggot what I said. Hopefully he will kill himself and his family and anyone with his blood so I never have to read his horseshit again.

Dq heroes 1 and 2 are terrible crossovers that fail to be either games they combined.

Its a bad dq game, and its a terrible musou.

It also runs like dogshit, so people use that as shitpost ammo against the switch. Despite hyrule warriors running fine on a wii u. But nah, its the hardware, couldnt possibly be dev incompetence and low budget and effort

It only runs badly on the Switch.
Even the Vita version runs well.
Source: That stupid video + me personally playing both the Vita and PS4 versions

DQ H is not musou tho

First of all
>literally who?
>not realizing DQH is a musou spin off
wew lad

yes it is.

>SE refuses to bring over the vita version despite bringing over builders for vita in the west

its not fucking fair

they are absolutely not.
moveset is way more poor compared to musou
arenas tiny, not enough enemies.
DQ H is just a mediocre arena action rpg with tower defense elements.
no musou there.

You can hate on musous all you want, but as someone who likes them - DQ H are not musou.

It's not, in the traditional sense. It's more of a tower defense game, but it's not a musou.


Licensed Musou are cancer but it's easy money so they'll keep getting pumped out. Main DW and SW are the only Musou games anyone should play.

youtube comments are an even lower hanging fruit than twitter screencaps from nobodies


Dude it's THE dragon sage

>DQ H are not musou.
yes it is

Something about not wanting to cannibalize sales but then they forget to mention that the Vita version sold stupidly well with like 170k units sold in Japan alone. The PS4 version sold around 200k units too, but they should have brought over both since it was a highly-anticipated title even in NA
>mfw it flopped on Switch with only 25k units sold thus far

they are referring to the "heroes" DQ games. which are, indeed, hack and slash games.
still though, dumb youtube poster probably thinks all dragon quest games are like that.

its funny how the dumbass says DQ games have no sense of innovation when DQXI is pretty much a big improvement compared to past games.

What you say is true but that just means it's a bad musou, doesn't prevent it from being a musou.

They're not. They're tower defense games using a musou base.

I like mosou games especially the Empire ones

man you are dumb
HW was pretty ok tho, I know shit about zelda so franchise hardly mattered for me
it's not even trying to be musou, that's the point. There are bad musou out there, but it isn't one.

>It's not musou but it's using a musou base.

Right, nerd.

A new mainline dragon quest games hasn't come out for years. Kids probably wouldn't know that Heroes isn't the main thing.

only musou "base" there is crippled moveset, not enough to tie game to the genre

I doubt kids even know DQ or want to play a jrpg

You're ducking retarded. BotW let's you interact with your environment way more than DQH. Something as simple as surfing down a hill into enemies is way more satisfying. Not to mention you get basic physics in Zelda like momentum and friction, DQH is an extremely rigid game with shallow combat and extra stupid enemies.

Please fuck off.

yes it is. no amount of mental gymnastics you do, will suddenly make DQH not a musou game. give it up already, they are and always will be regarded as musou type games. and correctly so, since they are musou games.
>b-but the map size is different
>b-but it doesn't have as much combos
>b-but it has unique mechanics that aren't in musou
boy are you retarded

>there is crippled moveset, not enough to tie game to the genre
The fundaments are all there. A crippled moveset doesnt make it another genre you idiot. If anything, it makes it a bad entry.

>DQ: heroes is a bad musou too.
Its one of the best musou games to date. In fact, most licensed musou games are better due to new and unique mechanics.
DW and SW are the most bland iterations of the genre in that regard. Games like DQ and HW are miles ahead in originality as musou games.

He has a point. BotW is a perfect example on revitalizing a series.

>mental gymnastics
sorry, we just played all these games and can tell them apart, when you with your irrational hate because someone doesn't make games you want - can't tell them apart.
Yet you keep posting how much you hate musou.
Tsundere much?

>keeps changing for the worse
>keeps stagnating for the worse

Dragon Quest Builders 2, when?
I want to make Alefgard even spiffier

I hope they make a sequel and do true first person.
I want roofs.

>fundamentals are there
only fundamental is moveset.
amount of enemies doesn't count as fundamental.
Small maps with simplest design, very short missions, no allied forces for the most part, no proper advancing thru map.
Literally nothing similar to any musou aside of crippled moveset

>Yet you keep posting how much you hate musou
i actually love them. which is why I love DQH, since is a fine example of how to elevate the musou formula.
reading comprehension much?

DQ: Heroes isn't even a musou game, it's practically a sequel to fucking Mystic Heroes
The 2nd game moves it more towards the RPG side of things than Musou it seems.

needs multiplayer and a free mode where the point system actually applies

You can already make roofs though, it's just that it's a pain in the ass to put a top and makes walking around your building a hassle in how it covers your view unless you make your room ridicously tall so why even bother

DQH is not musou. Even devs during development said it.
it has nothing to do with musou formula.

It's more like an action RPG

I played DQ Heroes and it plays just like a Musou just not total shit like the genre usually is.

everything you say are quantities, not fundamental differences. having the a different level progression doesn't make it a different genre if the fundamentals are the same. having unique mechanics don't make it a different genre either. thats not how any of this works.
>amount of enemies doesn't count as fundamental.
lmao. i know you don't know what you're talking about but the most known of trait of musou titles is slashing through hordes of enemies arcade style

Like I said here , it's basically Mystic Heroes 2
I swear I'm the only fucking person who's played that game

It's amazing how unmotivating it is to play freeroam despite all the tools and resources available for you to go crazy with due to the lack of points, and NPC buddies to give you quests and hang out with

>lmao. i know you don't know what you're talking about but the most known of trait of musou titles is slashing through hordes of enemies arcade style
So EDF is musou too?

>DQH is not musou
yes it is

I played it but remember literally nothing about it. I just wanted to dick the girl because I was a raging ball of hormones that didn't know much about sex and needed release

You know the stages in DQ Heroes that weren't Tower Defense, especially towards the end of the game? It was basically that. The spell menu in battle was basically the same too, you could equip different spells though since each character had an element and there were only 4 characters.

No, it isn't.

Why is this retard talking about Heroes musou shit like it's representative of the series as a whole?

No it isn't. It was seamlessly integrated into the combat schema and exploration of the world. While the game could have done with more moveset variety, handling weapons any other way in BoTW would likely lead to disaster. Plentiful isn't even the right word to use because weapons are even more than plentiful in BoTW. They're ephemeral and becoming attached to them and not using them over other weapons and wasting time in the switch screen is your own fault. (Somehow) Running out of them is your own fault, just like not being prepared for battle knowing which weapons to use, which might break, and which you might need to switch to when they do, is your own damn fault. I hate that theres a right and wrong way to play BoTW, but thats just the case. Its a flaw in the game because there shouldn't be a "Wrong" way to play but literally EVERYONE I've ever seen bitch about weapon durability has ALWAYS 100% of the time been playing the game completely wrong, and has nobody to blame but themselves, but because of course they can't do that, they blame the mechanic itself.

I expected Joseph Anderson to understand that but was recent dissapointed by him after reading his BoTW script. He had the same problem every other butthurt baby had with it. "I can't kill this lynel with early game weapons this game is flawed waaaahhhh."

Can we stop pretending "musou" is a genre? Its a franchise name, not a genre.
DQH is not a musou game, because its not the same franchise. HW is a musou because its a spin off of the franchise. DQH has the same funamentals as a musou game, but doesn't try to be a musou game, by going its own way.
Its the same genre of game, but its not a musou game. Much like Bloodborne isn't a souls game.

Yes. Musou with guns.

>The 2nd game moves it more towards the RPG side of things than Musou it seems.

This is what precisely makes me excited for it; its basically a real action rpg that happens to just have shitload of enemies on the screen.

I hope DW9 is similar in how they are planning to use the open world.

... I'm done here.

Not him but it really is. The same mindless rehashed trash only the biggest autists can enjoy. Many characters but all are just the same shallow shit without an ounce of depth like it's always is in Musou games. Trash mob enemies that put up no resistance everywhere.

The only difference is that it's a little bit more focused towards a focused single player than the free roam unfocused garbage Musou usually is.

so you never really played musou games before to any reasonable extend, thank you for sharing this with us.

this sounds a lot like a critique of dragon quest in general user

>Its the same genre of game, but its not a musou game
No shit Heroes isn't LITERALLY part of the Musou franchise but people have been using the term as genre name too, and rightfully so. Don't kid yourself thinking DQ: H really is "going its own way" in any meaningful sense.
>Much like Bloodborne isn't a souls game.
It is though.

faggot probably still butthurt that DQ has traditional turn based battle system