Only Nintendo knows how to make open world games?

>jungle, desert, fields, sunny shores, snowy mountains, villages
Not one loading time. Is this a Nintendo secret? I've seen it in Xenoblade X and Zelda BotW no but it no other game ever made, especially not handcrafted open worlds filled with things.

Other urls found in this thread:

does the korok forest run smooth on cemu?

>runescape graphics

the graphics are so terrible

Looks incredibly amazing to me in a sea of wannabe realistic games, not sure what your problem is.

Was the game even downgraded? Looks just like tha first teaser to me, except lower resolution.

>Was the game even downgraded?
Lower resolution and worse LOD, otherwise no.

>Only Nintendo knows how to make open world games?
A valid question if BOTW is the first and only open world game you have played.

>BOTW has bad graphi-

But... Even if it does look bad (it doesn't), it's still very demanding for the systems it's on. So this probably isn't a factor.

>we want the princess mononoke audience

Pure cancer.

>Not one loading time

Drones are THIS

It doesn't have good graphics from a technical point of view, but the game looks nice, that's good enough for me.

>Not one loading time.
Fairly sure there are loading times in and out of shrines.
Also I would say the only really good addition to the open world genre is the physics engine which ties to gameplay. Without it, the game would be very bland.

Computing power has increased by an order of magnitude in the last decade bug graphics have been stagnant.

The Switch is less powerful than the xbox 360 but BotW looks better than any modern game except maybe pc games with mods.

but graphics*

>Muh graphics
PC cuck confirmed

Shrines, transitioning into dungeons, Hyrule castle, lost woods, the dark woods to the north all have load times.

People obviously mean loading screens. What is your point, though?

well they got me

Quite frankly they did a good job as that's what the game reminds me of aesthetically/stylistically.

>The Switch is less powerful than the xbox 360
That's not true. The hardware in it is more powerful than the Wii U, and the Wii U is more powerful than the Xbox 360. But subjectively speaking, the art style of the game makes it look like one of the prettiest games to date.

I think Horizon did very well too but in a completely different direction.
>Great visuals and design/artstyle, walk hundred meters and you're somewhere new. Never boring.
>Really good flow and variety in combat. Every approach is viable and some fit certain situations better.
Not flawless, though. Wish the tracking, hunting, scavenging and crafting were more advanced, but it would probably take a much larger world.

people that have only played 3 or so games in their lifetime should not be allowed to post here

Fucking Crystal Dynamics had this open world shit perfected with Soul Reaver years ago. Nobody's caught up

Horizon is procedurally generated. It literally doesn't count.

There is no interactivity, no deeper thought put in anything, no actual variety, just the same recolored assets.

>jungle, desert, fields, sunny shores, snowy mountains, villages
if you replace jungle with forest, snowy mountains with just mountain and villages with 3 big cities you get San Andreas All without a loading screen between areas, 13 years old on hardware that is probably older than you

Name some better open world games.

>The Switch is less powerful than the xbox 360
Are you stupid? The 360 would explode trying to run MK8 at 1080p/60 FPS.

Well main problem being Nintendo is one of only a few companies actually making OPEN WORLD games. other companies are just passing shit off as 'open world'

shit graphics = virtually nothing to load

why? that was not the topic of the OP

>"you only think it's a good open world game because you haven't played enough games"
>doesn't know any superior open world games

They did a great job if that's the case.
BotW might as well be procedurally generated, too. Very little difference from a randomized Minecraft world.

Graphics are very low poly.

Visuals are good, going for anime style

>limited enemy variety
>kiddie shit combat
>empty world
>nonexistent story
>copypasted shrines and 9000 korok seeds
>worst version of stamina/durability systems in modern gaming
>gamecube era graphics
>bu-but dey turk out map murkers?!

OP was specifically talking about load times. I think OP didn't play enough games because he he thinks the only open world games without loadscreens between areas are BotW and Xenoblade which is obviously not true

Yep, Nintendo can do no wrong.

Zelda BotW is 200% handcrafted. Every single bump and every cliff you can find is there because someone put a thought in it.

Not related to the thread then.

Truly masters of the genre

poly count doesn't even matter when 99% of developers don't use it properly

>Zelda BotW is 200% handcrafted. Every single bump and every cliff you can find is there because someone put a thought in it.
.......ok? Every game does that.

how delusional can you be

hundreds of loading screens, literally hours of time spent loading if you beat the game. has to load every time you warp, enter or exit a shrine, and when it randomly reloads the overworld with the "blood moon". it also stops to load when you get close to the divine beasts, but distracts you with sweet cutscenes

Yeah man zero barriers in this game. First open world game ever.

>>kiddie shit combat
I'd bet 600 bucks that the Lynels alone, probably even just the first encounter, killed more people in Zelda BotW than people died in general in whatever open world game you think is good.

We could even prove it, someone just has to make a study and look up hundreds of blind playthroughs on Youtube and Twitch. Not that hard.

Open worlds always have bad combat, Zelda's however works perfectly well without any glitches or something and with a great, fun AI.


I don't think that bet means anything when most Zelda players are kids user.

except those borders only exist at the ends of the continent
there are no invisible walls within the world's area

the HZD invisible walls cut through everywhere in the world and separate it into a bunch of large open areas, you have to pass through loading tunnels between them

and it sure is obvious when you move from one 'area' to another in HZD


>Implying Nintendo is making games for an older audience

I remember my first invisible wall also...

meant for

I only ever see loading screens when I go in shrines since I've played the whole game without fast travelling so far.
And I've enjoyed every minute.

Wish game looked like this, can't stand the fucking washed out filter they gave it somewhere during development.

>these are considered difficult by Zelda players

Literally everything in most open world games is random.

Not just terrain, but also NPCs and how they react etc. They don't even follow any direction anymore. In Zelda BotW literally every single NPC is unique and has a unique name.

Don't compare it to your western shit games.

No they're not.

good open world games actually manage to create borders around the game world without invisible walls or a lazy text on screen

>9 years in development

Are you 12? It's a video game, of cousre there are barriers somewhere.

those are the easiest enemies in the game, but I agree that overall the game was far too easy

But that's wrong you fucking retard.


Most Twitch and Youtube streamers aren't kids, though.

>This was one of the most advertised and shilled features of BoTW

Tell that to the guy I was replying to


someone shit in my pants

send help

bravo, zelda managed to keep up with fucking elder scrolls

no they aren't, those are red bokoblins, the easiest mooks in the whole game, you fight them a minute into the game

even the reskinned enemies have improved AI. Silver bokoblins are more aggressive, run zig zag around you and will dodge bombs by running around them or kick them away

>posting cemu bullshit

Is the entire game blurry like this?

>literally everything onehits you
>all blind playthroughs on the internet show people dying 200 times in the first few hours
>literally arrow out of nowhere on the way to Zora's Domain does eight hearts
>waste all your equipment on one Lynel fight

No, it wasn't. Zelda isn't supposed to be a curazy game. Retard.

There is a huge difference you autist
One is an invisible wall that prevents progress until you reach a certain point, which shouldn't be a fucking thing in open world games
The other is the end of the explorable map
Though I agree that zelda handles it in a retarded way

Didn't SA have those when travelling between cities? Or am I just thinking of Vice City.
Also the SA Map does a fucking amazing job at feeling bigger than it actually is.
Shit is tiny

Graphics are not the highest quality, but what's amazing is how beautiful they make it look without amazing graphics.

This games style, graphics, and rendering are made to use the best of what they have, and the sure as hell did a great job with it.

does for me

No other open world game is this interactive, varied and vibrant. SORRY.

You don't know what blurry means, do you? Click the picture and don't look at it embed in this thread. It doesn't look blurry.

you're thinking of VC, VC was the last gta map to have load screen between islands

>Though I agree that zelda handles it in a retarded way

a low effort way
retarded way naw
They could have made it more elaborate, like letting you sail out to sea until your raft is destroyed. But having the game set on a continent rather than island means you'd need some clever way to stop players going off the land sides too
a waste of development resources imo when they could just wall it off

>Was the game even downgraded?
No. Look at the GDC 2014 footage. Fugly textures and craptastic framerate everywhere.



>a game industry record breaking $13.5 million USD Superbowl ad was spent to advertise this

I meant Game Awards.

Wow a whole one enemy is difficult. And Lynels are chumps after the first encounter. BotWs combat is probably the worst part about it aside from the framerate. The movesets on weapons are so simplistic, but there is barely any visual flare to make up for it. The parry tells are painfully easy, and the dodge mechanic can be exploited by just random presses. And once you get to late game enemies with large health pools, you can't use creative world elements in combat anymore because they do jack shit for damage. You just run up, swipe your sword back and forth, fling the enemy, run up , rinse and repeat with maybe some bowshots to the face.

no but these are

get gud, cuck

>had to go to the literal 4 edges of the massive map to find 'barriers'

You are kind of proving our point, this game is all about freedom. If you can see it, you can go to it, and you can probably climb it too.

A random YouTuber also found that the skybox is miles high too, you are likely to freeze to death before reaching the top, took him something like 200+ octoballoons to reach?

>that comfy house in the snowy mountains
How can other games compete?

Love the colors in this game, nice water. A horse in real life would probably do the same thing, btw. It just wouldn't look this dumb for obvious reasons.

nothing to load = no loading times

>kiddie shit combat
good God it's like you haven't played the game. The incentive to kill by pressing Y Y Y is so barebones because it would distract people from trying to be creative with how they take out the enemies by other means. You obviously didn't know this therefore we can deduce 3 things from this alone.
>You suck at vidya
>Your underage is showing
>You only care about cinematic story bullshit which must mean your a sonybabby
pls leave

thats not even a bug
horses can swim in this game. Its on too steep a surface to get up on land, so its just treading water
the only thing missing is that horses can swim indefinitely and won't drown

>most vivid open world game there has ever been
>nothing to load
>kekeke :D

>Zelda BotW is 200% handcrafted.
I don't think I grasp how important this is to you. Is it a "game feel" thing?
If we transfer this argument to combat, you could argue that Horizon's with every interaction between different weapons and machine parts is fully hand-crafted while BotW, with its physics engine is partially artificial.


its pretty easy to reach the sky's invisible wall if you use a mine cart flying machine (mine cart + crate or 2x mine carts)
its quite high, but its not 'miles'
its definitely much higher than it needs to be. You can go like 100 feet above vah ruta and paraglide above it and through it
but its just a 3d model flying around, theres no collision or actual dungeon there

that snow cottage was comfy as fuck

Objectively it's a graphically weak game, lacking many graphical effects that are considered standard these days, for example ambient occlusion or even anti-aliasing.

However the game still looks nice due to simple cell-shaded art style and strong art direction.

except horizon also works around a physics engine so what exactly is your point?

>93 replies, 36 posters

You mean like a windy cliff to the north, an impossible to climb mountain to the west, a blinding sandstorm to the south and an endless sea to the east?

Because it takes some effort to see those messages, you gotta try to break the game to see them

>Not one loading time.