>For fucking DLC
You cannot make this shit up. Lord knows Sonybros and shills will defend this to their dying breath.
>For fucking DLC
You cannot make this shit up. Lord knows Sonybros and shills will defend this to their dying breath.
if its 6+ hrs long i see no problem. its going to be shit thats only worth one playthrough
>6+ hours
>40 dollars
>Sjw company is jewing retarded fans
Very surprising.
They just said it's 10 hours and it's included at no extra charge if you bought the season pass which I think is still on Best Buy's website for $25.
industry standard, does not mean im going to buy it.
How is it DLC? It's a standalone game. Nice b8 though
It's standalone game, user.
Does it have lesbian sex?
Seeing as it is almost as long as U4, I think it's fair.
I will be purchasing this on day one. How does that make you feel op?
Did they restore Chloe's ass or is it still all shrunk down and not-sexist?
I say it's nice.
>nd says it's 10 hours
>stand alone
>comes with another game if you preorder it
I'd pay $40 if I cared about Uncharted as much as I care about Jak
Its going to be 10 hours long. I probably wont buy it but i can see why its that expensive.
t. asslet
Most DLC is short and shit. $40 for long DLC with a lot of content is fine.
Almost any ass can look decent when you bend over or push it out retard.
>it's ok when MS does it
The chick on the left looks pregnant.
>included all map packs for halo 3
We don't know how long is the game. But remember: overwatch has not campaign and was 72$ (the game initially was supossed to be free)
60 leaf bucks for a fucking SJW DLC pack.
Fucking bullshipost chloe ass
That's a whole brand new game with new campaign, horde mode, and it came with 3's multilayer with all dlc. It's not a sjw liberal trash add on that is finished within hours.
Just wait till they release a set with U4 and this or something like they did with U1+U2.
As a fan of the uncharted games this new gritty and dramatic look they gave it on the PS4 is just a turnoff.
It was a fucking Indiana Jones/ Tomb Raider/ The mummy rip off for god's sake. It wasn't supposed to be more than the gaming equivalent to a fucking adventure flick but no, they have to make Nate have a lost brother and give Chloe daddy issues...
Hennig would have never allowed this to happen...
Im pretty sure it's like standalone game
10 hours, isa longer of U3 single player, bitch
It also comes with multiplayer. Stop talking out your ass, faggot.
She actually said the story is pretty much the same one she wrote. Hell, did you see the reveal trailer of it? It was dark as shit.
Whatever, I'm just glad I didn't get another U3.
Don't care got the season pass at launch for much less so I've got to coming to me already
>buy season pass for 30 bux
>get a bunch of multiplayer shit and this dlc
Shoulda hopped on that ya bish.
Why the fuck do Sony fans actually like this SJW shit in the first place?
TLOU and Uncharted (their two flagship IP's at this point) are fucking full of this shit.
The uncharted DLC includes the U4 multiplayer and all the content updates as well.
If it has a physical release I might buy it that way
Anything Uncharted is an insta-buy for me, regardless of price tag.
>Surprised you're being fucked over when you own a PS4.
You pay extra just to use their online service.
Sorry peacocks!