>Make Necromancer class for Diablo 3.
>No permanent skeletons.
>Make Necromancer class for Diablo 3.
>No permanent skeletons.
Other urls found in this thread:
>witch doctor is a better necromancer than the necromancer
>we want the heroes of the storm audience
But Xul is the D2 Necromancer.
Please tell me this isn't true. They can't be THAT retarded.
Will be on sets bonuses
All the devs currently working at Blizzard are too young to know what DII necro was.
It is.
Here are the "pet" options:
>A permanent Golem that's pretty much a Gargantuan 2.0 with the only difference being that you can move him with an attack.
>Timed Skelly mages that only last 5 seconds.
>Temporarily reviving corpses of enemies.
And that's it.
Sorry user, but I haven't kept up with D3 at all.
Is this D3 necro that we're seeing Xul? Has he returned? Or is this just another one of his disciples like Mehtan?
>game has 'summoning' class
>all the spell graphics just briefly display a character or creature
every time
Hope you like exploding corpses
>Passively summons skeletons (one each second), to a maximum of 5
Is OP retarded?
A skeleton constantly respawns every 2 seconds if you've got the skill on. Max 7.
They're endless.
There will be a summoner set, youll get it there
>caring about blizzcuck
sounds pretty cool desu
OP is retarded.
Pic related.
>mfw necromancers in games are so shit now
Holy fuck this is awful.
It's either:
>you get a horde but they are shitty without this really fucking minmax autism cookie cutter specific build that requires stupid gear
>you get a horde but they are stationary and decay rapidly and usually are also shitty
>you get a horde that can move but they decay rapidly instead of just following you around
>you DONT get a horde you get like 5 summons and thats it
>the things you summon don't match at all and instead of being cool looking they look really fucking lame
Seriously. Why do they keep ruining necromancers? I legitimately don't get it.
You summon skeletons passively.
But D3 is still shit so instead, if you really want to play a necro, play D2 again and do yourself a favour.
Are you even in the beta? They have cut that skill.
you mean
>make shitty ((((closed)))) beta to generate non existent hype about a shit game
you know why its funny? if you actually played d3 you know the only way to have some fun for a few hours is to play with the LoN set, and since there is no necro specific legendaries or sets right now they can go ham and do crazy stuff with all the imbalanced skills
when its released it will be bland as fuck like everything else and blizz will tell you how to play the game every season
repeat after me: jay wilson is a fat incompetent retard who ruined the franchise and bastardized the game
diablo is the cod of arpgs thank to him and the equally fat, retarded and incompetent team of 'developpers' in charge since ros
I don't understand that metaphor, but Grey Dawn is a great game honestly
The two games I've found that do Necromancers best are ToME and Elona.
ToME Necromancer most people know about. It's just a very good representation of the class. Spooks, lich, darkness, ice. Pretty sweet.
Elona is a lot more rare. It's not a super well known game and even then very, very few people know you can 100% be a Necromancer in it since it's a "class" based entirely on items. So much so that /jp/ got me to write a guide on doing so. It's really neat though. The strength of your summons is based on your alchemy and anatomy levels, you combine monster parts and put them in coffins, then lug the coffins around to summon liches, skeletons, and eventually "Dead Eyes Blood Dragon". The mechanics of the game lend themselves surprisingly well to it. It feels very Necromancer-y. Can't find my screenshots for that character right now though.
Grim Dawn i mean
No no, they know what it was. They just don't care nor understand what made the Necro a proper Necro.
That sounds like a steaming pile of piss.
>A Summoner Set
>Those Skelly Mages are reduced in count to 2, but at least they last forever!
I want dozens, preferably HUNDREDS of Skeletons or other corpse-like on screen at any given moment.
>TFW like well-done steak
>But hate D3
>TFW like well-done steak
Literal shit taste
meh, its one of those single player arpgs, just like d3 nowadays
for a good amount of time its more about chasing xp and devotions points than gear, which is the worst thing in this type of game for me
they aren't even skeletons at all, they are an half assed DOT mechanic, instead of turning green they get 3 skeleton models to teleport on the target.
They took like 5 months to come up with a shitty closed beta FOR ONE CLASS. No additional content.
The skills are fucking boring. The skeleton animations are worse than the skeleton mobs in the game. There is no way necro will be fun because D3 gameplay is horrendous. If you want the d2 necro nostalgia just play D2, seriously.
Blizzard doesn't care about the game anymore, this is pretty clear. All they want is to milk their diminishing base a little more before throwing the game to the sharks.
Yes, and? What is your business if I enjoy eating fecal matter.
they really are shit. I hate summons and I hate only having a few.
The corpses look better now. At blizzcon they looked so out of place.
I mean shit, nigger, even preferring to eat fecal matter like an Indian is better than Diablo 3.
Can someone post a link for skills ? Or how do you get into beta ?
You know they are going to hide permanent skeletons behind a class set or some kind of legendary power.
>how come this class based around my minions playing the game for me isnt fun
>There is no way necro will be fun because D3 gameplay is horrendous. If you want the d2 necro nostalgia just play D2, seriously.
>Blizzard doesn't care about the game anymore, this is pretty clear. All they want is to milk their diminishing base a little more before throwing the game to the sharks.
fucking this
I trusted /v when a lot of people here said the game was actually fun and worth its price(got the ultimate edition, so ros is included)
It isnt
its one of the worse games I ever played in the last decade
And the fact its fucking labelled DIABLO makes me angry
You basically spam your skill set until your health goes low, then you use the potions, then you use the escape skill. rinse and repeat forever.
there are only 3 attacks in the game you have to actually look out for and dodge(rotating laser and shit like that)and that's all.
i tried playing with my eyes closed.
It works.
I want my money back. Fuck the shills in this board, fuck diablo 3, fuck blizzard.
>we want the D2 necro
>enter bossfight with no corpses to reanimate
Sup Forums game designers
>with the LoN set
which set?
are they done with this shit yet?
The point of the gameplay for a summoner class, at least the way it used to be, was for you to use your resources to build and maintain a force that fights for you. It's not all that different from using your resources to fight directly.
It's particularly egregious here because the D2 necromancer with its army of skeletons pretty much created an ARPG archtype that has slowly disappeared. D3 bringing back the necromancer and NOT having the skeleton army play style is ridiculous.
I don't recall exactly when, but I remember having a real moment playing Diablo 3 where I just said to myself "this is SHIT." The art style's all wrong, the music isn't right, there's not enough bad dudes on the screen, the items are so simplified, the abilities are brain dead I just... I just was like goddamn this is a shit game.
>Note: The following content is still under development. Both numbers and functionality may still be subject to substantial change
Rolling really hard with my eyes right now.
>ARPG archtype that has slowly disappeared
Yea, what games had a D2 style necromancer other than D2?
To be frank, the art style is the only thing I liked.
Its..pretty good.
Compeletely different from old diablos, a lot more "cartoonish", but the execution is flawless and it looks pretty good.
I hate it SO much
>unironically playing diablo 3
terrible game
Not only that, but you have to pay for it.
Season started like a month ago, necro wont be out till next and they have the fucking balls to charge for something that should be free lol.
Diablo III might be the worst video game in recent history as far as development goes.
Sure thing, Mr. Blizzard. Xul's core gameplay mirrors that of a melee D3 Necro, he plays nothing like how a D2 Necro did. They just called him the D2 Necro and gave him the VA to say they finally added the Necro. LORE-WISE, yeah it's the same Necro, but gameplay-wise he isn't anything like he was in D2.
We'll never get a D2 Necromancer in HotS, unless they add Mehtan and give him the kit of a D2 Necro.
Jesus fuck you're retarded.
And here comes the desperate ad hominem. Classic.
Closest you would get would probably be a Minionmancer from GW1.
>I don't understand that metaphor
It says D2 > PoE > GD > T2 (approaching inedible) > MH2016 (basically inedible) > D3 (genuinely a torment to eat)
But really I mean it's D2 a tiny bit better than PoE mostly having to do with nostalgia / more likeable characters, then a gigantic power gap deeper than the abyss that Raziel fell into, then other games
I don't understand how a game so starving for content is taking so fucking long to release a new class.
it's better than D2 in every way minus PVP which is something no one's given a try
You have no argument. You're just shitposting.
the d3 team was moved to other projects. d3 is now maintained by a skele crew.
If you want to throw a bait, at least put in the effort to write something at least believable.
>its better than d2 in every way
I wish you mentally ill faggots would just die.
Same type of freak who goes into NV threads and brings up 3. epic trolling for the win my NEETbro
>d3 is now maintained by a skele crew
I'm 22 and I beat D2 with all characters at least once. How are the devs too young?
So Diablo 3 took Beast Master hunter in WoW and added it to Diablo 3?
No, he's not.
He's not even close to it.
It legitimately triggers me that nu-lizard is a fucking mess.
>the d3 team was moved to other projects.
WoW. Just fucking say it. They moved on to WoW, and they're ruining that too.
You're surprised? Nu-Blizzard AKA Activision is a fucking joke that feels the need to tone down every single piece of gameplay to a mentally retarded level then add flashy FX to make it seem special.
All the devs working at Blizzard are incompetent hacks*
That's why their games are all so shit now
I've decided to play season 10 of d3 after a long pause and these are the things I think make the game bad.
The game has tons of stats, but as you go high levels, everything is irrelevant. You just run like a crazy spamming skills, and if you are killing to slowly, you adjust the difficulty a little lower, and if you are killing too fast, you make it a little harder, and so on. The monster's affixes and abilities are irrelevant, all you see is a group of life bars, you teleport/dash/jump into it, go nova, move one. And It's the same exact gameplay for all classes.
I play public games and do rifts and I don't even see or care for the other players around me. I play like hours in a game without even caring about the other characters classes and abilities or builds since they all play the same. And for someone who remember asking the barb to buff the pally to run ahead to open a TP at the boss, and other intereactions, D3 is appalling.
The item system is bad and not funny because the upgrades don't few interesting, except for the Legendary items who are big boosts, and some change the way you play the class except it is not enough since the endgame gameplay is always the same. D2 items felt more interesting because your skills got better as you leveled up, and the items felt like extra levels you could wear. In d3, the levels after 70 fell meaningless and like a half baked fix for the non-existence endgame.
Also, D3 is just too easy, too tailored.
Greater rifts and paragon are bad, rest is okay.
I never even played any diablo games and even I know that the necromancers big gimmick was having shitloads of skeletons all the time.
I 100% agree with you there.
>dont like what I dont like so i'll ad hominem
sums this place up pretty well. you probably haven't played the game past reaching MAYBE 70
I know you're a low-rate troll but I have no self control so I'll answer; I beat pre-nerf inferno on a fucking barbarian.
I'm statistically better than 97% of all d3 players. Farming gear and Grifting isn't difficult. It's a treadmill.
t13 gameplay is braindead easy shit compared to act 3 pre-nerf inferno elite packs.
>i played this game for 100 hours and it's shit!
good talk
Do you have a link to that guide? Or did you write the coffin page on the wiki?
You have no idea what you are talking about.
Come back when you've cleared a solo GR 100+.
It's a tiny bit out dated since a patch that released a new item allowing you to temporarily fuse your spooks came out, but that shouldn't change things too too much. Basics are the same. Hope it helps, and enjoy yourself.
>play game for 1 hour
>you haven't played enough, it gets fun 99 more hours in!
>play game for 100 hours
>you played it too much, you obviously enjoyed it
>wanting a class that fights by throwing skeletons at the enemy
What do you want to do, give yourself a heart attack?
D3 literally gives you a free set of items for one class when you ding 70 via some easy achievements, which represents like 95% of your power and gameplay.
You need around 4 hours of gameplay to get to 70.
How can they screw this game like this is beyond anyone.
its once per season
This is the change that bothered me the most. I absolutely hate having an entire set just given to you for leveling to 70, which kicks you off on your GR progression. The point of the genre is to find/craft your own gear, it completely goes against the genre.
just saying, it says more about you than the game.
like this user said, come back when you've cleared something or post a profile on this t13 character.
D2 was a Baal grindfest at endgame and nothing more. you had specific builds you followed or your character was useless. at least D3 offers some variety. take off the goggles, it's a better game with way more to do.
>you will never be happy like this again
>the necromancers big gimmick was having shitloads of skeletons all the time.
Apparently you don't know shit, since the necromancer's big gimmick was exploding mountains of corpses and debilitating enemies to the point that they couldn't do shit.
>necromancer joins the game
>fps drops into the single digits
>he's actually attacking your group
>D3 literally gives you a free set of items for one class when you ding 70 via some easy achievements
>I absolutely hate having an entire set just given to you for leveling to 70
In all fairness that is some major embellishment, you'd have to nolife it to have that set pretty quick and it also depends on your class and if ur playing softcore or hardcore.
The game is tailored for ladder. Most of the negative points people put out are moot in regards to HC ladder. For example:
>The game has tons of stats, but as you go high levels, everything is irrelevant.
That is patently untrue. Stats actually don't become important until around GR60. If they are important to you early in the game you are absolute trash at ARPGs.
The metaphor is saying that Grim Dawn is the best but your personal taste may be for PoE or TL, D2 is so raw that many don't prefer it and D3 is so overdone that it's ruined
As shit as D3 was, I genuinely love the witch doctor and his theme. I'm not a blood and bone kind of guy, but nature and poison really worked for me
Stats are so irrelevant that you can make gr60+ rifts with players with 300 levels of difference and it doesn't even matter.
Personally I don't care if they are relevant or not, I just think most of them are boring and feel like fillers.
>>I want dozens, preferably HUNDREDS of Skeletons or other corpse-like on screen at any given moment.
be realistic user, you know that is never gonna happen
You're a cool dude.
Thanks user. I'm just happy people still know and play Elona.
Too bad Diablo 3 is 5 expansions behind
Back to PoE then, where it is possible.
Diablo 3 may be shit but saying path is much better is a longshot.
Art direction is horrid, game looks like shit. Currency simulator, U CAN BUILD ANYTHING but you end up with the same build, spazzing around the map teleporting like a moron.
I guess if people like bad games then good for them, me personally I'll continue enjoying grim dawn and even: diablo 1 belzebub.
Currency is perfect.
Art direction is... normal.
And if you just do the same build you are a moron. (you talking about flicker build btw?)
If only they fixed their shit. Fps drops from 150 to 5 are killing me. Literally.