Where were you when Nintendo won the 9th generation of video game consoles?

Where were you when Nintendo won the 9th generation of video game consoles?

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ps4 sold over 2 million units within the first months and it literally had no games.

meanwhile switch costs less, has game of the year, and it still couldn't even break a million.

Call me whatever you want and claim I'm making excuses, but it's literally only March. The PS4 launched closer to the Holidays.

Your face is gonna break into a million pieces if you don't delete this.

even worse. switch literally had no competition. meanwhile ps4 had to go up against xbone and pc.


PS4 had netflix and other basic features since day 1.

>in the U.S.

But switch is a 7th gen console.

me? i switched to ps4

>B-but Sony!

The Switch is competing against the PS4 and Xbox One which have five years worth of games as well as being cheaper and having various bundles to choose from.

>still couldn't even break a million
Well, they broke something.

>no Bluetooth
>no YouTube
>no Netflix/Hulu
I have one and it's great but it feels like the prototype for something better to be released, opefully quickly.

>The Switch is competing against the PS4 and Xbox One
but nintendo said that they aren't competing against them. the switch is a handheld first, home console second.

That's not very impressive when you take into account that a) it was released during the christmas shopping season and b) the market for game consoles was at least 25% larger in 2013 than it is today.

>but nintendo said that they aren't competing against them.

I don't know how to break this to you but Nintendo lies a lot.

Isn't there a pretty certain consensus that being the earliest console to deploy it's next generation insures it's the most financially successful?

They said it's a home console FIRST

You can't just quote something they said and then immediately turn around and switch something else they said


Its almost like people know what shitposts to make in a console wars threads. Literally any console news basically means 48 hours of shitposts about it

But I was told that the Switch was gonna fail worse than the Wii U. What happened?

>hasn't even broken 1 mil

nice knowing you, nintendo


What matters is that the switch is not a failure, half of Sup Forums will have to eat a bag of dicks.

>you can't mention other companies in my console war thread!
Like pottery

The thing is that the WiiU was looking like a guaranteed success in its first months and look how that ended up

Playing my switch. Feels good lads

There were literally not enough Switches shipped to NA to even possibly break 1 mil in the first month.

>It's okay when Sony does it
Like Pottery

You realize "The Americas" are more than just the US right? If you look to the left of that table, you'll see that the Wii U sold 890k consoles in its first 41 days in the US during the christmas shopping season.

Or perhaps they aren't counting the returns for defective joycons

>Switch sells 906k in North America
>BotW Switch version sells 925k in North America


It's a portable gaming system.
Won't put a dent on PS4.

To be fair, the software droughts stopped any momentum it had after the 3rd month.

At least the Switches 3rd month has Splatoon 2, I dont even remember what the Wii U had in it's 3rd month.

>it's okay when Nintendo does it
Like pottery

And it came put when people are getting their taxes back

It's fucking march and has one game worth buying the system for which I've nearly completed on pc anyway. It's also the most child friendly console and when do kids get expensive gifts? Christmas. Not surprising at all. They were sold out in most places anyway they weren't expecting to sell as many as they did.

>meanwhile ps4 had to go up against xbone and pc.

The Xbone was dead on arrival.
PC is not, has never been, and never will be competition for consoles, they are different animals.

PS4 didnĀ“t won, the competition killed itself.

People don't need to buy anything other than a portable game system when it's able to play home console tier games though.

>during the christmas shopping season.
But only drones want a Switch and drones don't care what time of year it is

This "but it's not the holidays" is complete nonsense

not even a nintendo fanboy but holy shit, that's unheard of for a non-pack in game. they were smart to hedge their bets on zelda i guess.

switch only produced 2 million units and sold them out in the first day. this is only the US we're talking about.

that being said you faggots need to stop obsessing about sales and start obsessing more about games.

Does it really need streaming apps? Dish washers probably have Netflix at this point.

>Sony steals from Nintendo again
Like Pottery

you're literally making shit up but ok

Interesting notes about this image:
>GBA was their worst selling handheld (until the 3DS)
>Xbone is currently trailing the PS4 by over half
>DS and Wii are the biggest sellers on this list by a wide margin

First month sales are meaningless.

and look, ps4 still has no games
truly inspiring

I know its ok when nintendo is lazy

>it's okay when Nintendo does it
Like pottery


Unless this home console have a reason on its own, like having your friends on it's online network, which is why despise its best efforts, xbone can't crack the big black rubber.

My guess is that the casualdudebros will end using the switch to play CoD when they meet up, but PS4 when at home.

Is that all sales so far? Don't the other two consoles do more than that in a month?

Like Pottery


>it's okay when Nintendo does it
Like pottery

>PS4 sold 1.1M in USA
>XBONE sold 909k in USA
>Holiday where people save money specificlaly to buy them

>Switch sold 906k in USA, in March, at a time where most people dont typically spend as much

comparetively it's fantastic

>it's okay when Sony does it
Like pottery

You could release a new Nintendo console with BotW when the world is ending and a few million people would want to buy it. The holiday season argument is retarded. BotW is easily the best launch title ever. Systems typically don't launch with good games

I bought a Switch that I haven't even played yet just to watch the Sonygroes squirm. Worth every penny.

>thinking my implications have been sony and nintendo exclusive
Like pottery


>not getting the joke
Like pottery


I'd also buy it if I could find it anywhere at $299

>not being exclusive in a console war thread

At least I can spell.

Prove it

>being exclusive in the current year of this century
It's a doggy dog world


Wii U's US launch sales for comparison:

Nov '12: 425K
Dec '12: 463K
Jan '13: 57K
Feb '13: 66K
Mar '13: 68K
Apr '13: 37K
May '13: 33K

How does it compare to the 3DS? I fucking love my 3DS. Fuck the WiiU, seriously.

Well if it's only looking at the month, then that's not really fair because the Wii U launched on the 22nd. 8 days is not a month.

>crafting vessels and containers by moulding clay on a spinning wheel
like pottery

The 3DS did about 398k on it's first month.

even so, in over a month it made less than the switch after 1

\V\ -Politics is so far gone at this point that I have no fucking clue if the anons correcting "pottery" are extreme newfags or on LE Xth LEVEL OF IRONY XD.

It launched on March 25th for fuck's sake. They're only counting the 6 days for all of March.

>Sonyshit assholes are THIS enflamed

This is why sales matter. Because tears of the Sonyshit are worth this

No it didn't.

In order to use Netflix, Hulu, or even the damn MP3 Player, customers had to wait a week for a patch to update to get it all available.

wtf thats really how u spell it. google poetry

>the Wii U sold 890,000 units in 6 weeks

Where were you when Nintendo won the 8th generation of video game consoles?

True but even if you add December's sales it doesn't match the Switch. In addition the Switch is more sold out than the Wii U was.

The supply constraint makes it difficult to say how the Switch will do compared to the PS4 and Xbone, but I think it's pretty safe to say at this point it's gonna beat the Wii U.


The PS4 had no competition

There's that Sony revisionist history we've all come to know and love.

>I think it's pretty safe to say at this point it's gonna beat the Wii U.
I don't think that was ever a possibility considering this is a handheld. It could easily go on to slouch like the Xbone though.

Just look at this graph: The first month performance is not at all indicative of long term performance.

I'm aware.

What did Nintendo do so well? I remember the reveal trailer had like 28 million views in 4 hours, shit's insane.

Not gonna lie, I think it was all Zelda. People wanted to play it so fucking bad and nobody wanted a WiiU.

isn't nintendo switch the only 9th gen console right now?

You're making it difficult to have an argument

>People going BTFO and posting vgchartz
>Backpedals to this


its a cool concept. being able to play console games without sitting next to your overheating black brick with nintendo exclusives and configrable controllers are things you cant easily do with current gen


It's like new coke all over again; release a product nobody asked for, people hate it, release the same product you'd made before, everybody thinks you're amazing and gives you money.

Nintendo handhelds have always sold far better than their consoles

Everyone thinks the Wii was the best Nintendo ever did, but the DS dwarfs it at 154 million units sold

Granted I'm not saying the Switch will become the next DS. Even the 3DS was a shadow of that. I think the main complaints with the Switch are still completely valid: it's too expensive and it's going to take a long time for it to have a worthwhile library.

The DS launched at $150, and the Switch is double that and has to compete with very capable mobile phones, which most casuals who bought the DS have migrated to.

It will be an uphill battle. I'm not saying this isn't good news but you can't read too much into first month sales. There are millions of Nintendo fans who can be expected to buy any new Nintendo hardware. Even the Wii U sold 13.5 million.

But it's selling? I think people are so used to not having any games the first year that the 2-3 games of the Switch is seen as a huge advantage over its contemporaries.

There's actually marketing for the Switch unlike the Wii U.

In fact, I've seen more ad's for the Switch in one month than I have the Wii U in it's entire life cycle.

>but nintendo said that they aren't competing against them
And market forces sway at Ninty's command?

Doesn't matter what they frame it as. It's perceived as a home console and competes as such.

like always out of stock, but the amount on ebay and being resold on amazon itself is fucking insanity

exactly the same thing that happened with the classic nes

yfw when possibility of switch being nearly 50% scalper sales trying to make money like they did with classic nes instead of actual sales

holy fuck i hate nintendo scalpers/nintendo for being full retard with stock