Meanwhile, on Monstergirl Sup Forums

Meanwhile, on Monstergirl Sup Forums...

Other urls found in this thread:

>INB4 furfags anime girls in cosplay my monstergirl is best deus vult

Centaurs and driders are the worst monstergirls.


>still no robot monstergirls

She's the only one though. Treasure her always.

other thread died



>not Satyros


> mfw i'm libra
livin' the dream

Nothing changes because all you faggots crave cock and semen.

Playing vidya with my kikimora on a rainy day.

I'm a pisces and merfolk are meh

>tfw leo but bovidae fetish

>not sheepgirls
>not crabgirls
>not scorpiongirls
Shit list.

Not me. I am the exception.
I like girl(female). I don't like girl(male) or woman(male).
I am purest user in this site.


RIP Auroch

>mantisfags will defend this

Jesus christ you fucks, at least talk about videogames

How far did you make it into the labyrinth of chaos in Paradox?

well that was more gruesome than I expected

>Monstergirlfags refuse to talk about videogames
>Refuse to talk about any Anime/Manga related stuff
>It's always just image dumps.

Not like there's a lot of games besides MGQ.

I never bothered even trying it, the combat just wasn't all that fun for me
I'm just waiting for Part 2 now, I may do an Ilias playthrough of part 1 after it finally gets fully translated and do the labyrinth

People aren't even talking about it

What's with the sudden surge in Squorpiongirl posters? I swear this is a more recent thing, or have I been living under a rock with my spider bros

Nothing wrong with scorpionposters.

I will never understand how people chose Alice over Illias for their first playthrough.

You already had an adventure with Alice across 3 games. How are you not curious to see how a de-powered Illias will react to things?

>spider bros
I'm also a fan of the horrifying abominations breeding and mutating beneath the rocks separating the world above from the world below in general.

>horrifying abominations
Pick one and only one.

Because I had to go with my waifu user


>monster girls
>just regular anime girls with funny ears or extra body parts

So I'm dating an Arachne and she tells me she's afraid of EDF, but it's my favourite game. How do I help her adjust to the game since EDF isn't featuring a monmusu division yet?

Well that's one.

My fellow brethren

Closet furry general?
Closet furry general.

Well they are animals that eat their males while mating, so you know.



Yeah, no luck. I tried getting her to sing with me and I woke up webbed to the ceiling and she pouted for another week.

Well that's two.

Tell her to love and embrace humanity

This. Centaurs and non bipedal monstergirls are trash tier.

we do that when I bring home KFC for her.

It's only safe sex if you're not getting eaten

Guess I'm a furfag now.

Not video games

Get a better monsterwaifu.

You guys have like a billion places to post your autistic monster girl roleplaying shit, why choose Sup Forums?

crab-chan here. not being able to play video games with my claws and having to walk sideways all the time is suffering

Remove crabpeople

>Always check out these threads hoping for MGQ discussion or something
>Just autist RPfags nearly every time
Why do I even bother

>not using the original xbox controller


Go to /mggg/. It's legitimately the best place to go for monster girl discussion.


Reminder that the core of the monster girl fetish is femdom. Reminder that the main reason you like it is because it revolves around the idea of sexually assertive women initiating a relationship and relieving you of that responsibility.

Reminder that this is a complete fantasy, and doesn't happen in real life.

>good discussion

There's a difference between 'best' and 'good'. Your other alternatives are shit like /jp/ and /monster/ instead.

But what if I just want a cute submissive dog girl who likes to cuddle and go for walks?

I mean I'd give all three an equal ranking in monstergirl discussion

>Be Taurus with Daemon fetish
This only works if you look up a compatible one. Cowgirls are shit. Also, Taurus is spelled wrong.

Women are already more like dogs than any other animal.

In terms of community /vg/ is easily the least autistic and obnoxious (ironically). /jp/ are fucking assholes and /monster/ is literally underage.

Download where???

>insecure fags are scared of liking Polt because they don't want to be called a furry
>Don't care and would still fuck her furry or not

So is magic just useless in Paradox?
I tried to make a good mage but they didn't even come close to the amount of damage my physical attackers were doing

And women are pretty fucking terrible generally.

MGE isnt a game.

Also cosplayer monster girls are garbage anyway.

>furfags talking about things being garbage
Glass houses.

that's bestiality

Nah. Think about it.
Domesticated dogs with a human master wish to have his attention, to play and socialize, and generally are fun loving and cuddly animals. Women are the same.

Similarly, if you neglect a dog, it will make your life miserable. It just wants your attention and love. Just like women.

>monstergirls have become mainstream enough to shitpost with
I literally have nothing to live for now.

My house is made of steel.

I'll give you one reason.
genetically engineered monstergirls

Wish I was virgo though

And your taste buds are made of flies because you really fucking love shit.

I meant legit flesh nightmares brought to life.
Scorpions are fine too.

Flies love sugar and other sweet things.

women have no animal analog as there is no animal that is as amoral as human woman are to anyone they have bonded with

Will dargoth ever finish Paradox?

They also love shit and rotting corpses a hell of a lot more.

I'm a "cusp" so does that mean I get both Virgo and Libra?

We'll be long dead by then and feminists will make them unfuckable anyways cause much cconsentor something like that.

It's time.

Why not?

>he doesnt know about CRISPR
They're coming sooner thsn you think

>mfw dog girls are my favorite
How the fuck did they know?

You really think youre better because you prefer it when they take a girl and stick it on a horses ass so that you feel normal?

If so, youre beyond hope.

Today I saw a trex suck off a goatboy. That's what I did today.

>he thinks I like centaurs
>he thinks furfags arent the lowest common denominator

I think you like shit.

And I know you like shit.

Normalfags should be exterminated.

what does Sup Forums think of monster girl gamu?

Release it and I'll tell you.

>wah wah why are ppl so mean to me for wanting to fuck dogs and calling my taste shit i cant have shit taste it must be theyre too normal

>wah wah why do people like something that isnt just a multicolored human wah wah degenerates wah


Observing because thats literally what just happened.