From Software

Fucking B-team

This is a mod or something right?

I've only played DeS, DaS1, and Bloodborne and I never touched DaS 2 or 3.

It's a specific area. A lesson to new players than running away from enemies will lead to a mob ganking you. Unfortunately, the pussies of Sup Forums can't handle a little non-tutorialized lesson.

Area designed to teach you aggro management, has lots of enemies, wow.

"If we can't make it interesting just throw a bunch of enemies into a tight room and make it frustrating to simulate difficulty" B- team

Part 1/2
I loathed DS2. It was such an enormous disappointment to me, and it felt like FROM decided to make difficulty the main point of the game, as opposed to fun or fairness. It felt like the developers sat down and said

"Ok, people liked DS ONLY BECAUSE it was difficult, right? Lets add 20 times the amount of enemies in every single situation. That'll be great. Oh, O&S was hard right? Lets quadruple the amount of boss fights in the game have 2 or more bosses in them, that'll be fun. Also, poise is OP for players, so lets make poise on armor near useless in PVE and almost everything will stun you in one shot no matter what armor you have, but lets also give enemies and bosses infinite poise, so that hitting them with an ultra great sword 2 handed with the stone ring practically can't stun bosses/enemies at all and doesn't even work on half the enemies, and in the rare instance it does, the stun will last for about 0.2 seconds! Screw strength weapons. Oh, and lets go ahead and remove the stamina limit from enemies, so they can attack relentelessly and force you to wait and wait and wait foir a chance to attack, and even these huge guys with massive hammers that probably weigh a few tons can swing them over and over and over without stopping at all, and again, surround the area with 6 of them all close to each other. Make bosses attack non stop as well. Heck, lets introduce NPC invaders that have like, A MILLION HP and take of HALF YOUR LIFE BAR with ONE ATTACK that STUNS right through the players HEAVY ARMOR, because that's fun, right? Also, lets add another dark, swamp area. Players love those."

Part 2/2
"Add more small enemies the players with big weapons can't even hit as well, and make certain stats level much worse than in DS1. Lets also go ahead and make all enemies and bosses follow the character around like they have a magnet on their swords. Can't let players get behind them now, can we? Man, players are still so OP. Lets make dodge rolling into a stat, that'll show people for thinking they have good timing. Hey, people liked bleed weapons in DS, right? Well, let's make that completely useless, so that even if you use a bleed weapon with the bleeding ring and bleed gauntlets, it still will ALMOST NEVER bleed enemies, and when it does, it'll be almost useless and just take off a little extra HP. Also, people like long games, right? Well, lets introduce several blockades that can only be unblocked with random items scattered around the world in limited quantity, without telling people which ones are vital to unblock and which arent! Also, illusory walls aren't enough. Let's make people pay to unlock other walls with more limited and expensive items, again with no idea of what's actually behind them. This'll be so great. People loved how difficult the first game was, that was the whole point! OH! And we must not forget, PRAISE LE SUN HAHA SOLAIRE WAS SO COOL RIGHT GUYS HAHA man we are so in touch with our fanbase."

I apologize for the rant, but I was pretty disappointed with the choices made for DS2.

>They're all down on the ground
>"I know, I'll run around the room like a retard and wake them all up!"
>"Why are there so many enemies!"
>"Ree, B-team!"

>Sup Forums now loves DaS2 more than DaS, an objectively better game
did neogafddit leak again?

thats literally every encounter in the game even boss fights

The alternative is having levels that you can run through without fighting any enemies
which is 90% of the levels in every souls game, so fuck off

that's the scrubbiest ds2 screenshot i've ever seen
>greatshield and heavy armor
>souls spear
>dark magic buff
>he must be like level 300
>5 fucking estus left
>somehow only estus+4

like what fucking happened here

if it makes you feel any better I can run through every level in DS2 like that too

>le chuckling falseflag australian

>there are people who unironically defend DaSII
and they're in this very thread!


This ONLY ever happens ONCE, and it's in the fucking Old Iron King DLC. There is ONE ROOM in the entire game that cannot be managed by anyone with a brain and mobs can't be pulled one by one to be killed properly. And you know what that room has? A moving device that will do damage to everything in the room and explosive barrels.

Other flaws include the entirety of Frigid Outskirts and the tedium that is getting to Darklurker, but other than that, there's few issues. People complain about invader health, but that's just to emulate actual players. DaS2 invaders were the most threatening in any of From's souls games.

Don't get me wrong, DaS2 was an aggravating experience that was at times too easy, and at times, too hard and very rarely a fun, challenging middle ground, but it is not a pile of shit. I went into it thinking I'd see exactly what you said at every turn, but I didn't.

nice blog

nice blog faggot

nice posts faggots


>Every 1v1 non-boss enemy encounter is a fucking joke in souls games
>Instantly start crying and whining when something resembling a challenge appears

What room in the Old Iron King? I can't remember much of that DLC

I really ought to replay DaS2 but there's so much of the game that's a chore to play through that it very often leads to entire sessions of it just being tedium to get to the next area that's fun

People like you are exactly the reason why we have such a pathetic idiotic ADHD ridden society.

It's a few fucking paragraphs. No more than what you would see in a SINGLE page from a book. You have read a book before, right?

not really, didn't even read the blog post
Sup Forums is more than one person, you know

>DaS2 invaders were the most threatening in any of From's souls games.
until das3's 2-shot wonder, hodrick

>Rat Covenant
>Aurous Set
>Soul Spear
>5 estus
>Cat Ring

Oh dear.


>first level
>New Game +
OP literally aggro'd everything on purpose

Yes, but you have to git gud and do this intelligently in order to pull it off, which makes it superior to the rest of the games.

didn't even notice the rat covenant holy shit lol

what is happening here

That's literally what I just said.
From Demon's Souls to DS3, you can just run through literally every level without getting hit.

It's the second room you need to go through to get the extra four smelter wedges. There's like four possessed armors and two ash knights. I just recently went back through Scholar start to finish so it's all fairly fresh in my mind.

oh fuck off you literal retards.

So to counter that you have to make the game tedious as shit? You're fucking dumb.

dark souls 2 problems aren't even remotely to do with how hard it is, or how "artificial" the difficulty is

there is no hard souls game, some just have much better game design than others. ds2 has shit game design.

I don't, but DaS2 is seriously good in its own right and does loads of shit better.

The only tedious levels are the second half of Undead Crypt, Frigid Outskirts (optional and not even worth it), and the dark chasm areas. Hell, even Blighttown 2.0 is easy as hell.

For every step forward it took it took 3 steps back

b-b-but muh git gud

game design don't matter it's all about the hard!

>pre-gape ring
>have to earn as few souls as possible while getting as far into the game as possible
>watching speedruns to optimize
>summon npcs the earn less souls in bossfights
>get to the arena with less that 50k soul memory
>proceed to generate salt

Opinion discarded. I won't reply to your idiocy anymore, dummy.

I only have 4 gripes with Dark Souls 2

>Soul Memory
>ADP and how roll effectiveness is determined by the agility stat
>The awful level layouts in most areas / some of the levels themselves
>movement, evading, and jumps all feeling like shit sometimes

That's really it.

>play DaS2 a year later than DaS
>spend 50 hours more on DaS2 than DaS
>still remember most of DaS
>forgotten more than half of the levels in DaS2
really woke my wookie

The soldiers aren't even tedious; They die in 2 hits using a fucking broken longsword.
If you want tedious, go try to kill a fucking bearbug.

Not really. DaS was mechanically broken with a shit netcode. DaS 2 was a great expansion on the mechanics introduced and was a step in the right direction (including ADP, which people hate for stupid reasons, despite it being the counter to the shit you see in Bloodborne and DaS 3) for the series. Everything from the art style to the slow, methodical, weighty movements still feels very Dark Souls. I'm curious to know what you think are these three steps back when it is the most mechanically sound of the franchise. Ignoring low level PvP antics like the Havelyn or buff-monsters, since twinks of retarded caliber have existed in every game.

>make the game tedious as shit?

You're pretty retarded.

>movement, evading, and jumps all feeling like shit sometimes
>The awful level layouts in most areas / some of the levels themselves

That's pretty significant though.

I'm not even the same guy. You're posting among twenty other people, you know that right?

I remember in iron keep there is literally a turtle armor man who stands in a door way, and you can't get past him without fighting. Not only that if you try to drag him back, the other enemies will box you in.

guess which one you are op?

Never said whether they were big or small gripes. Just gripes.

Just replayed it this week because of all of those constant shitpost threads about whether 2 or 3 were better.

Frankly, 2 is weaker, but 3 has a bucket of problems itself.

>instant estus
>incredibly generous iframes in rolls
>incredibly generous weight limit for rolls
>too many weapons with phantom length
>fun weapons aren't as effective in PvE
>PvP shit due because only able to invade people in phantom groups
>arena nothing but cheesers

if it's the one i'm thinking of, climbing up to the bonfire resets them and let's you kite out the door blocker

I see you never beat the Capra Demon. I've realized thats the make it or break it point for the first game. Those who never beat him tend to not play the later ones either.

>soul memory
>worst hit detection in the series
>copy paste everywhere
>levels are a straight fucking corridor with a bonfire placed after every enemy encounter (DS3 has this problem too but better in some ways and worse in others)
>quantity over quality approach to bosses. by far the most boss fights in the series, easily the lowest amount of GOOD boss fights
>huge graphical downgrade
>slight graphical fix sold as a seperate game

here are the things DS2 does best
>longest game
if you play souls for PVP you're autistic and if you care more about length than quality go play a shitty korean MMO you can play it 16 hours a day if you want

I was JUST playing Dark Souls 2 today.

Got to Shrine of Amana without dying the entire game, then ate shit after slipping off an edge under the water because you can't fucking see shit.

After that, I ate massive shit from everything the rest of the way up to Dragon Arie. No fucking idea why. Especially ate shit in Aldia's Keep. Got wombo'd by the cyclopse grab 6 times and actually had to get up and go get a cig out of my car and take a few to calm down.

your text is the reason bloodborne exists and is one of if not the best in the series.

I pretty much discussed everything I hated about the game in my "blog post" near the start of the thread.

Sure, mechnically, they made some good decisions like duel wielding being done right, but they also made poise completely fucking useless, stunning impossible/useless, bleed became useless, and along with other non mechanical issues, it made the game garbage to me.

Maybe if you liked fast weapons and no armour, you would have had more fun, but compared to dark souls 1, 2 was awful for me. A non stop ride of frustration and disappointment.

you done? good, hang yourself now

Whats with all the DS2 threads lately. Let it fade into mediocrity. Sup Forums needs a new punching bag.

Easy replies

>Fucking B-team

Sup Forums has come out as loving ds2 lately

i assume it's both zelda cycle (people are disappointed with the new game and fall back on "hey [second most recent game] wasn't that bad looking back on it") and just general contrarianism

>Literally unable to counter my points so tells me to kill myself.

I'd love to see how you function in a real life situation.

Nobody cares to counter the points of a worm.

Not him but Capras easy mode. Ornstein and Smough are the make it or break it mark and even they're easy with a little practice.

Its okay when a-team does it

I'm not talking about DaS1

git gud


I'm not the one sitting behind the glow of a computer screen telling people to kill themselves for having a different opinion.

Honestly, if I'm a worm, you're a tick. A parasite, causing nothing but harm. At least I'm making soil better.

DS2 is the easiest DS.

>FROM decided to make difficulty the main point of the game, as opposed to fun or fairness.

Dark Souls 3 in a nutshell. Mostly enemies that swing quickly all day, erryday.

Not even the same guy user. Your posturing is just a waste of your meagre effort.

It would be weird if a boss didn't spawn a lantern

It's a specific area and you have to literally run past everything and aggro them all at once for like a straight mile for this to happen

>Calls me a worm
>"Your posturing is just a waste of your meagre effort"

Yeah, I totally believe you're not the same person, it's not like you both talk in a similar, fedora tipping superiority complex fashion after all.


they threw off the balance of the game by doing this
>lets make enemies swing 8 times in a row and never stagger or pause between combos
>well, now we have to let the player roll like 100 times to compensate
>and give them a bunch of iframes to compensate for when there's more than one enemy
>oh now you can roll 100 times without putting a single point into stamina and you have about the double the iframes you should, and now you have to wait like 30 seconds while mashing the roll button just to be able to swing twice at this enemy
i blame bloodborne

ds3 is still better than 2 despite this


thats.... actually pretty spot on when I first started playing DS2. Captures my initial frustrations, however I ended up really liking DS2 a lot. Shiet, I'm playing that shit right now!

>Every boss fight is a pack of dudes sleeping on the ground


>Comparing Corvians to the mystical Crow-people

that b-team meme really fell apart when dark souls 3 came out

They pull 1 by 1 if you're not a fucking retard.

They're also easy as shit to take down.

Frigid outskirts can seriously suck my dick.

Fuck the unicorns
Fuck the distance
Fuck the boss at the end
Fuck it all too many attempts.

dark souls 2 alteast had good looking armor

man i fucking hate the armor in dark souls 3 90% of it looks like crap and makes you look like a fatass

I count 8, how many are there actually?

DaS2 still has the best PVP

B-team my ass

lol, you idiot. I mean I'm not the same guy who told you to kill yourself.

Really though, that you'd even forget what you wrote immediately after you post it.

I have never fought the Taurus Demon or the Capra Demon properly, always relying on drop attacks.

>most people wanna be adventurer 1
>end up being adventurer 2

>outrider knights

And you except me to know that right after you making a previous point?

Superiorty complex isn't a strong enough term to describe you.

a select few will be the chosen ones and become adventurer THREE

hang on are you saying that OP isn't able to be pulled 1 by 1 and they aren't easy to take down?

Yes user, that doesn't make it not retarded though. Considering most enemy placements until that point have led to interesting encounters, and not just easily 1v1 pulled, after seeing them like that in the distance.

>decide to do a sorcery run and beat
>"huh, this wasn't that bad, lets try out the dlc"
>every single enemy has insane mgic resistance making spells useless

I like DaS2 for many reasons, but goddamn did they make some really, really bad design decisions.

try the new soul dregs spell

>DaS2 has the best sports
>DaS2 has the best invade