Why do people hate achievements?

Why do people hate achievements?

It adds replayability since you'll be doing things you normally wouldn't bother doing. and once you have all achievements it feels like you've really gotten everything out of a game.

Insecure faggots hate them because you can see they are casual faggots that don't finish games. I think being ocd and trying to get all of them in shit games is a retarded waste of your life but they add a lot to games I love and want to keep playing.

because it increases unemployment.

Artificial shit to extend videogames duration.

Because it's extremely rare that they're done well

>It adds replayability since you'll be doing things you normally wouldn't bother doing.
Why though? It's not like you'll get an extra character or mode aince that kind of thing is sold as DLC now. Why keep playing a game that is not interesting anymore just to get a virtual sticker?

fuck off with your *gags*xbox*shudders* achievements... us Sup Forums channers only want to hear about trophies. this is a sony board.

Because it's a challenge, and challenges are fun.

I actually like them, because they are a good metric to see how good people are. The more gamerscore they have, the higher the chance of them being good (not counting smurfs).

If I'm LFG in destiny, I'll invite the guy with 40k gamerscore over some kid with a default gamertag and 6k gamerscore.

I wouldn't mind so much if it hadn't killed off cheatcodes in vidya.

It's a challenge mode. And you can show off how good you are depending on which achievements you have.

If you wanted challenge out of a specific game you would do these thing even without achievements. Everyone does challenge runs in games they really liked.

Cheatcodes died along with secrets in vidya because of the internet, not achievements.

>Achievement unlocked
>Finish tutorial
So, this is the power of achievements.

No, cheatcodes and the internet went hand in hand. There were years and years where the two coexisted.

Literally as soon as achievements came along cheatcodes vanished.

Achievements give you ideas for challenges and an incentive to do them.

I don't see how optional things to do increase the length required to complete the base game.

If you need an incentive for a challenge run then you didn't like the game enough in first place.

Ah yes, I was just having fake fun.

>Achievement: Kill 10,000 enemies - 10g


Yeah, pretty much. Chasing achievements is just like checking things from a list, just a chore.

As long as they're optional, yes. The problem is that they've moved on from this and some developers are locking content behind achievements, forcing you to do them to unlock said content. "Content" can be anything from a new level, to weapon attachments, or items.

Doom 2016 is the perfect example of this. I just wanted to kill shit, blow up demons, and do my own thing, but if you ignore the achievements (each level has three you must do), it severely limits your weapon upgrades, as you get weapon upgrade points for doing those achievements.

I agree with the other anons. It's essentially shit that is in place to make you forget unlockables are essentially no longer a thing. If you are fine with some hard as fuck challenge rewarding you with anything less than an item/level/character/mode you're just encouraging lazy development

>Achievement unlocked: Die 100 times

It highly depends on what you have to do

Achievements like COMPLETE CHAPTER 3 are dog shit and might as well not exist

Achievements in multiplayer games that force you to do fun stuff like throwing 30 opponents of a ledge or getting 3 kills with 1 bullet or something is better

because you get fuck all, usually
just stupid bragging rights, not a cool weapon of something
most are milestones so devs can see how far players get in a game

If that's your mindset going in then of course it will seem like a chore.

I love them but its hell if your an Idort. I love the trophy system on PSN but Gaymur score on Live sounds retarded as fuck and unsatifying.

Also I'm nit buying the same game twice

kek this, DOOM would have been a solid 10/10 if not for all the upgrade shit ruining pace

>it's a meta achievement/trophy thread episode

I have nothing against achievements, but people who actively collect them are failures.

I'm talking about people who buy shit games just to get the achievements, or because they're easy to obtain.

I'm just buttmad at the word 'Achievement'

You are playing a fucking videogame, this is no 'achievement' of any sort. I'm not against this shit but it should be named differently.

Most achievements in games are not even challenges. Finding a game which would have challenges that require the player to actually achieve something (requires difficulty, therefore not present in modern vidya) or use game mechanics in a creative, non-standard way would be a fucking miracle, and even if you found it, it would be just an exception to the rule. Roughly 99% achievements in 99% modern video games are uninspired, boring, repetitive and unchallenging chores that just waste your time and don't reward you at all.

And the user is right (I'm not him), if you need suggestions, then no, you didn't really like the game and yes, you did have fake fun at best.

>It adds replayability since you'll be doing things you normally wouldn't bother doing

That's just artificially extending the life of a game instead of producing something meaningful to actually warrant spending so much time on it.

>Most achievements in games are not even challenges.

Yeah, Resident Evil Remake has an achievement for dying the first time.

i dont hate them and i dont know anyone who does
but it Does ruin the feeling of beating a game when you see that you're at 45% because you didnt play 2000 online matches and missed 3 biddliebops on the 3rd level

Most of the achievements are some dumb "collect 1000 super secret bullshit" that you can't find on your own unless you spend hundreds of hours walking around empty maps

dark souls as well
all games do that shit
"clear chapter x"
"beat boss"

One has nothing to do with the other.

>Achievement unlocked
>watch the opening cutscene

Are you buttmad at autism aswell? You seem to know it well

cheats are dlc now

As soon as DLC for consoles came along, you mean. Instead of putting in codes to unlock alternate costumes, you now pay 0.99 for a skin pack

Achievements still exists? I though they died with the xbone

Why dont you print your achievement list, frame it and hang it in your living room so your parents can be truly proud of you?

Xbox friend here. For a while I enjoyed them but now they make me feel obligated to play games longer than I want in order to attain them just to make my gamerscore go up.

Instead of being something I want to do, they often feel like chores.

>It adds replayability
this is objectively wrong

it kills creativity, because players rarely try to do something special that does not reward them with a trophy
best example is WoW

I used to care about achievements
Then I got Gears of War 3 and my completionist nature demanded I earn all of them.
Including Seriously 3.0
Month after fucking month I slogged away on that shit. I don't even remember how many nights I had to leave it running to get the thousands upon thousands of matches needed for all the Onyx medals.
It damn near killed my Xbox.

Never again. No more. That shit's my vidya PTSD

because they can't git gud

When I got the mile high club achievement in CoD4 I printed out the webpage and kept it folded up in my wallet for years. I initially did it as a goof on my friend who broke two controllers trying to get it, but over time I kind of liked having it. Is that autistic? Probably.

>Seriously 3.0
yeah that shit was beyond silly


stopped reading there

>What are flags in Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood

Fuck you inFamous 1's blast shards, you are the only thing stopping me from platinum trophy.

I prefer it when achievements are implemented in a way that rewards you for completing them (like the way the Treasure Hunt/Challenges works in Kid Icarus Uprising/Smash Bros). Although just having achievements for gamerscore or whatever is fine. But a lot of the time these achievements are just "beat Chapter x", then "beat chapter x on hard mode", then "beat chapter x on extreme mode". If they're not going to give you some in-game reward, then achievements should only be used for things that a player might not do on a regular playthrough.

By your logic, any challenge the game sets you is fake and therefore shouldn't be done?

It really isn't that deep, why are you so vehemently against achievements? They, just like tasks set in the game itself, add a layer of difficulty and for some, including myself, a layer of fun.

Sure, achievements can be done bad, but so can tasks in game themselves.

pretty much

Achievements are a way of making a player do something unnecessary to clear the game for no actual reward in-game.

In the old days you'd unlock something neat for completing something optional. Now you just get meaningless acheievement points a lot of the time.

Multiplayer achievements that require really specific or lucky circumstances (looking at shit like Halo 3's 2 for 1) are also cancer

Early on, Achievements were actually something you had to achieve. Like being #1 in the world in GRAW. Then, people complained that it wasn't fair, which is why now most games will give you 3/4 of the achievements just for playing through the game.

You guys are idiots cheat codes were mostly for testing purposes, but now things like Dev consoles are standard, there is no need for them.

how does that change the fact that cheats are dlc now?

>give you 3/4 of the achievements just for playing through the game.
name 5 games that do this

There aren't even that many games that seem cheats as DLC, the only game that I know that still do that is Saint's Row.

What the fuck are you babbling about? Dev units have existed as long as the home console market has. Everyone knows that was their initial purpose but they became a long standing part of playing games because they were fun for the player. You think shit like big head mode was implemented because devs didn't have access to dev units? Cheats fell off at the beginning of the last gen, whether because of achievements or DLC is anyone's guess.

I only hate multiplayer ones.

>big head mode was for testing purposes
>disco mode was for testing purposes
>zombie mode was for testing purposes
>sexy costumes were for testing purposes
>playing as the final boss was for testing purposes
>an entire second story mode separate from the first was for testing purposes

hisako is cute

No game since the 360's launch 12 years ago has given you MOST achievements just for completing the game.

GTA V has cheat codes but I can't think of anything more recent.

lol yes it has

Games like CoD definitely used to. I'm not sure about now.

Hate? I don't think about them at all.

You used to actually be able to unlock things in games by doing certain challenges, thus actually adding more content and replayability to the games.

You know, actually get stuff like costumes, moves, cheats, weapons, extras, maybe a whole playable character. Nowadays we just get fucking imaginary points that don't matter.

There have been several games like it but they're in the minority; a vanilla playthrough of most games would give you anywhere from 17-40% depending on what type of game it is. It's usually higher for shooters and adventure games (see: CoD, Terminator, Telltale games) and a lot lower for JRPG's and WRPG's.

I don't hate Achievements, I hate what people make of them.

This summarizes it for me best.

>It's usually higher for shooters and adventure games (see: CoD, Terminator, Telltale games) and a lot lower for JRPG's and WRPG's.
I think you could probably just say the more linear the game, the higher the achievement yield was.

>do 1,000,000 points of fire damage


Damn. It's been awhile.

Can confirm. I've gotten Seriously in every Gears game but 3 (well, still working on 4 but getting close). Some of those Onyx medals were so freaking ridiculous.

Didn't Dead Rising and L4D have ridiculous "kill this many zombies" achievements?

It's nothing compared to Gears 3 honestly.

I know. I love Gears but I never got close to getting those achievements.

>Achievement unlocked
>Press the START button

I'm currently going through and getting every achievement in the Master Chief collection. Once I'm done with that, I probably won't ever try and get another achievement again. Just the ones that come naturally during play.

>Do special thing, unlock cool extra
>Do regular thing, unlock pointless achievement

There is a difference between an in-game achievement like a boos fight or a difficult platform level or a puzzle, and an outside-of-game list of tasks like "collect x pieces of shit scattered around the world", "shoot x bullets" or "kill your enemy".

I'm pretty sure you *could* name a game which had some pretty achievements, necause I'm naturally a pretty optimistic guy and just want to believe that at least one game did it right, but not only little, if any, games did it right, but also the whole idea is inherently... Well, not inherently bad, but I'd say it (the idea of external achievements) is naturally very unlikely to be done well, because it's just fucking stupid.

achievements are just rotten breadcrumps
if a game is good and I like it I'll replay it and do the optional shit by myself
only shit games crown themselves with achievements

I did the first Seriously. Something like 50 sessions of 2 hours, suicide boosting. By chance, I was playing with friends but still, that's a chore. I need to to do Gears of war 2 now, but 100000 kills with the brumak is even worse.

>It adds replayability since you'll be doing things you normally wouldn't bother doing. and once you have all achievements it feels like you've really gotten everything out of a game.

like beating the game once, or performing some basic action a hundred million times?

proper achievements you have to go out of your way to earn are once in a blue moon, most are just used as a measure of too see how many people have gone that far into the game, others are just pointless unrewarding grinds that nobody but the most obsessive compulsive autist would ever think about completing

The only time I really like achievements anymore is if they're given for some seriously goofy shit, or when they're put in a re-release of a game.

It put a smile on my face when I burned two zombie corpses at once in REmake HD and the game gave me an achievement titled something like Time For Marshmallows

Oh no! Not... Replay value!

>If you beat the game twice you get a gold star
How is this replay value

oh yeah mate i really can't wait to replay that one level filled with zombies like a thousand times so i can kill the million zombies the achievement asks me to complete, i'll have the fun of a lifetime doing that, i'll feel accomplished when i finally complete it, and on my deathbed i will look back on that moment, sure i've lived my life to the fullest

How does it increase replay value? I mean, like Assassin's Creed and flags/feathers/other faggy shit. Do you really replay the game just to collect all that shit if you failed to do so on first playthrough?

Technicality, there is an incentive to replay it which is the definition of replay value. What it actually means, though, that a game is really good and simply the act of playing it is reward enough, achievements don't magically grant games that status.

Name 3 (three) games that did achievements right (and elaborate on how those games did them so we can know your definition of achievements done right and call you out for being a retarded faggot).

I'm waiting.

Goalpost moving

Not him but Skullgirls' achievements don't tell you how to do them. They're just vague enough to give you an idea.

Mixed bag but generally they're used for tedious things in an age where you have access to thousands of quality games at a reasonable price

Dude, good luck. I've got everything done but the LASO ones. Idk how Halo 2 LASO is even possible.