Dark Souls would be a flawless 10/10 if it ended after anor londo. O&S should've been the final boss
Dark Souls would be a flawless 10/10 if it ended after anor londo. O&S should've been the final boss
How would it have been flawless if Capra Demon was still in the game.
Literally the most lazily designed boss fight of all time.
boss was easy as fuck, just run up the stairs
I never understood the capra demon meme
So the game would have been better with less content? OP, you know you're free to just play up until gwyndolin, pretend she smothers you with her tits, and then the game end. No one is making you finish the game.
Only bad levels were the lava sections and crystal caves.
>implying the catacombs was good
It was a miniboss.
They are though. One of the better parts of the game.
Catacombs is the greatest of souls levels you dip shit.
>no Nito
>no Duke's Archives
literally die forever OP.
Some of the later parts are weaker but to throw out the whole later half would make the game worse for it.
Dark Souls would be a flawless 10/10 if it didn't have flaws and wasn't a 8/10
get fucking good.
it's a great fight and actually feels intense and traps you in a small space - something they should have used more rather than every fight being an enormous room with plenty of space to run and heal like a bitch and spam rolls
Last thread got deleted. Are we still doing the return to Lodran thing? Because I just made a new character
Did I fuck up?
I wanted to use Arty's gear, but I do fuck all damage aside from great chaos fireball
Game was fun after Anor Londo as well. First time playthrough I was excited to finally teleport and go kill the big bad 4. Every place was amazing to me. Even Lost Izalith pre-patch.
Fuck you catacombs is fun
>O&S should've been the final boss
>two literally whos with no relevance to anything
The four lords fighgts may have been fucking awful and easy barring bed of chaos, but at least they were relevant.
Been playing Dark Souls for the first time the past few days. Enjoying it quite a bit, I just got to the bonfire in Sen's. I think my favorite boss so far is Gaping Dragon, favorite area is Sen's, despite how wacky it is. Really looking forward to continuing, though the game really makes me wish they would put Demon's Souls on PC.
The more I think about it, the more I realise that there are more shit-tier sections and bosses in DaS than people talk about.
Depths, Blighttown, tomb of giants, izalith, Demon Ruins.
>game ends at o&s
>no gwynevere
>no gwyndolin
>no nito
>no dukes archives
>better game
>29 attunement
Yeah the game should've ended before you killed the main antagonists of the game.
Not him, but for me, it's the fucking dogs. Capra himself is a weakling.
Duke archives are awful, filled with reskinned enemies and with nothing of interest in them.
Besides Dragon butts Lost Izalith was tight. Rushed but tight.
I know everyone is programmed to parrot post "everything after AL was garbage." It's subjective
More than people talk about? People talk about all of those all the time. And you're basically talking about one long connected shit section anyway.
>reddit: the build
The entire game are enemy reskins.
The actual level is good though. Climbing that ladder in the initial jail area and looking at the giant dome above was worth the visit.
After AotA, all you need is 50 INT and dark magic to fuck every boss up.
>redo lost izalith and get rid of the lazy enemy placement in demon ruin
>move the daughter of chaos outside of bed of chaos into the bed of chaos room
>make the daughter of chaos the actual boss fight with the bed of chaos in the background passively watching, not attacking
>after beatin the daughter then go and kill the bug in the bed and retrieve the soul
>the daughter is basically a guardian for the bed of chaos, who can not attack or defend itself
There, now DS1 is much better and a little more emotional
There's never been anything wrong with Blighttown. People hated it because of the shit frame rate on console. That's over now.
>Attunement 29
>STR higher than DEX
Maybe. People who sperg about optimized builds in a single player game are trash. PVP I get.
All joking aside Depths is my least favorite part of the game.
I don't think the entire Depths to Blighttown run is fun at all, performance issues or not.
I'd wager even if the Master Key was limited to opening that new londo - > valley of the drakes letting you skip all of Depths / Blighttown, people would still select it.
Or you could just use a Halberd
I used the Halberd on my latest run thinking it would be a fun challenge but it ended up being the easiest run I'd ever done for PvE. Even better than black knight sword
That's just ripping off maiden astraea though.
>run up the stairs
The dogs can still stunlock you there. Capra demon is a cheap fight. It literally throws you into a small box without even hinting it.
No, Lost Izalith was genuinely dogshit
>fucking ages to walk from the bonfire to the boss unless you had the shortcut, which still took a long ass time
>area was empty; barely felt like the ruins of some grand city and had little to explore
>bright as fuck lava
>only notable enemies are the chaos eaters and the annoying dragon statues that you've been fighting since demon ruins
>boss is literally the worst boss in all of souls
It would still be better than what it actually is
I don't think DaS players know what a 10/10 is. The game is an 8/10 at best. And that's forgiving the copious amounts of collision detection errors, input delays, and outright glitches.
No, it would definitely be too short then
nice buzzwords
I platted Bloodborne before I ever played Dark Souls. So I went in kind of knowing what I was doing (similar controls) but I wasn't used to having a shield. Capra is the boss fight that taught me to block. I died about five times before remembering that I even had the fucking shield in my other hand, and then it was easy. So that fight kind of did me a favor tbqh.
izalith is the only bad end game area
second half isn't as good but it still have shit worth playing
>>make the daughter of chaos the actual boss fight with the bed of chaos in the background passively watching, not attacking
>>after beatin the daughter then go and kill the bug in the bed and retrieve the soul
>>the daughter is basically a guardian for the bed of chaos, who can not attack or defend itself
>collision detection errors
Will From EVER have smooth travel in a Soulslike game? Why does every single Souls/BB have this problem?
It has worse gameplay than it's predecessor, worst gameplay then DkS3, and worse gameplay than BB. It's competing for worst gameplay in the series and has objectively the worst movesets in all 5 games. The difference between DeS's DBS and Estoc versus their Dark Souls counterparts is unreal. Katanas, Short Swords, Great Axes, Scimitars, 1-handed axes are all much worse too.
If the games came out in a vacuum, nobody would say Dark Souls was the best.
>barely felt like the ruins of some grand city
where was it ever implied Izalith was anything but some region the Witches hung out in?
Those are actual technical terms jack ass.
You can't have
exactly, those are both post-anor londo. If the game ended before that, it would have benn perfect.
Every weapon move set is unique unlike Demons Souls. I have nothing against Demons Souls, but Dark Souls wins when it comes to making every weapon have a unique attack.
>Darks Souls would be a flawless 10/10 if it had less content
The second half should be fixed not removed.
From Eingyi
>Below us lies the ruins of the legendary city of Izalith.
>he couldn't get past the catacombs
>tfw just catacomb skipped every time and never explored
can't stop me exploration fags gotta go fast
Yeah I was in the mid-roll range my whole playthrough pretty much. Fuck fatrolling, but the fast/medium difference wasn't great enough to bother me. And I had decent poise.
That attunement is pretty overkill and you can shave off 2 levels each from Int and Fth if you go for the cursed Greatsword of Artorias or Abyss Greatsword instead. Magic split damage is a shit anyway, the non-cursed Greatsword is basically only useful to keep up with the DPS race on higher NG+ cycles when you've leveled beyond the point where anyone could call it a "build".
but all the flaws are post-anor londo, so if that part was removed it would be 10/10
Anyone wanna let me kill them 30+ times?
Still better than Demon's Souls.
Cool thanks. I stand corrected but if I may,
>fucking ages to walk from the bonfire to the boss unless you had the shortcut, which still took a long ass time
No longer than the run back to manus, elevator included
>what are the depths
>what is lower burg
blighttown and depts are great, you casul.
the only problem is the framerate becomes a powerpoint presentation in blightown if you're playing on a console
Duke's archives is mediocre.
Keep Gwynevere and have Nito be the final boss and that's a perfect game.
it's not subjective, the game becomes linear zelda-tier "lava world" bullshit
What sl
didn't they nerf miracles?
None of that matters when almost all the moves suck in DkS. Every rapier in Dark Souls haa unilaterally terrible moves. Even shit like Ricard's R2 isn't as good as the old Estoc R2.
On top of that, Estoc literally has zero bad moves, every move has it's uses, it works well in two hands, and works well with an off-hand. It also has combos that utilize unique button presses and have varying starters. DkS Estoc doesn't have any of this shit...
Like, did you play DeS? I can break down every move and why it was amazing and every combo route. It was literally better than the BB weapons.
Neither give you any space for ninja-rolling.
Fucking checked.
you have to stunlock the dog first numbnuts
what's the matter, afraid of a little puppy?
>Quelaggs fury sword
>It literally throws you into a small box without even hinting it.
What Miyazaki loves monster closests? Oh my GOD! and WATER IS WET!
>bright as fuck lava
thank you for putting into words why that level objectively looks like dogshit
what's a 10/10 then, user?
do the drake farming strat. It's easier.
You zig zag past the four on the bridge, then climb the ladder and do a backstep dropping attack with a high damage weapon.
What level are you? I've unflooded New Londo but I can't see shit.
I was in the same boat (platted BB first) but I still didn't block. I just instakilled the dogs with my zwei
That sounds cool, but I gotta use Caestus only.
Low level honestly
Ah, I'm SL5 and staying there. Too high for me, sorry.
That's k
i'm so sick of this meme opinion
the level design isn't any worse, and even if it is the core gameplay systems that make the game fun are still there, hell duke's archives is one of the best levels in the game
the only thing bad about the second half of dark souls is the lost izalith boss fights but thats not enough to really deteriorate the quality of the game so i don't see why so many people have a problem with it
I played Demons Souls and I agree the weapons were great to use. Every game favors a different weapon meta. My class in Demons Souls was the temple knight with a Moonlight Greatsword as my secondary. I fucking loved the halberd, and I was happy it was still amazing in dark souls. I don't know anything about the Estoc, but I know the Balder side sword was pretty good.
>so i don't see why so many people have a problem with it
It's the easy opinion too have. See "The water temple is so hard" and "Simpons was only good to season 10"
I decided I'd try this method but I just land and get rekd after they survive.
i love areas in games where certain enemies can resurrect other enemies because it really forces you to play aggressively and is extremely fun
I always play naked with a heater shield, it's overpowered as fuck. You can fast roll all over the place but can block fucking 100% of damage
Maybe try it with power within and some pine resin. Also wait a good 10 seconds before dropping to make sure they're all lined up.
absolutely nothing wrong with those areas, scrub.
and you TYPE like a REDDITOR!
Hardest boss for soul level 1?
if you are still here give me a minute to make a level 33 character, unflooded new londo right?
>Depths worse than blight town
Literally how? I get that it's a bit labyrinthian but it's pretty straightforward and the boss isn't that bad. Upper blight town on the other hand is an slog and queelags domain seems out of place compared to the gaping maw in the depths
Rolling a build was a mistake.
Would have been a 2 hour game. Wouldn't even be enough in the game to judge if it was good or not.