I never played the original Fallout games, but I want to.
I've heard that 2 is vastly superior. Should I skip 1?
I never played the original Fallout games, but I want to.
I've heard that 2 is vastly superior. Should I skip 1?
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When people say 2 is vastly superior, they're referring purely to things like writing, quest progression, plot, and capturing/solidifying the trule "Fallout" vibe.
From a gameplay perspective, they're virtually identical. Play 1 for sure. It's awesome. Coming from someone who started with 3, went onto NV, then went back to 1.
Okay, thanks bro.
Any recommended mods/fixes?
Start with the original. Seriously.
No mods technically even exist. This ain't no modern Bethesda bullshit. Look up the Widescreen patches to even get them RUNNING on modern machines.
The restoration project for 2 is crucial. Honestly, the first two don't have that much in terms of essential mods. They're pretty solid as they are. Just need official/unofficial patches and shit like restoring cut content
>inb4 reddit
Fallout Fixt for FO1 and the Restoration Patch for FO2.
Play both, they're good. FO1 is a lot tighter in scope, less content but more focused. 2 has a shit-ton of content but is packed to the gills with goofy stuff and pop culture references.
>The restoration project for 2 is crucial.
I don't know about the restoration project but I do know that you need the patch.
In the vanilla version of the game, the trunk of the car keeps disappearing and you can't store items in it anymore. I didn't have an internet connection when I was a kid and I had to play the entire game like this. It drove me mad. The only way to transport all my gear around was to endlessly savescum multiple journeys between towns. Not fun. My character did not have much carry weight.
Although this may only be in the broken European version of vanilla Fallout 2. Which removed the kids due to censorship and thoughtlessly broke the quest where you need to save a kid from the well in Modoc. You go down the well and he isn't there - I wasted many hours of my life trying to figure that quest out, not realising that it was impossible due to censorship changes. Honestly, could they not have just kept that one kid and made him invincible?
1 is actually better is a lot of ways.
Also, since the world is a smaller, it will mentally prepare you for FO2. If I did not play and learn game mechanics in FO1 first, figuring out what to do for FO2 would have been fucking impossible.
To be honest, the gameplay in the originals is sort of mind numbing and pretty frustrating unless you know exactly how to build your character in the beginning
I'm sure the plot and writing is really good but this is one of those games that's just too dated to truly enjoy the gameplay after playing the refined games that come out today
NO, if you skip 1 you will whine and complain about 2 be too hard. Just play the first one as an eye shot sniper tp get the hang of the game
>too dated
You sound like a big ol casual. The gameplay is fine you just need to read everything
nice bait mate
The gameplay's fine, it just starts off balls to the wall hard
>He doesn't play games in order.
>Leave vault for the first time
>oh no rats
>Attack: Miss, attack: Miss, attack: Miss
>Your turn is over
>Rat's turn
>Attack: Hit, attack: Hit, attack: Hit
>You die
Great gameplay, not dated at all
did you die to the rats at the start lol
>Being a fucking dumbass
Hit twice then back off the rat will waste its AP chasing after you so you can hit it again and back off again.
Its your fault if you die like a dumbass just standing there
You should not, although they work in any order, I played 2 first, it's a bit more polished but they're very similar. The game itself holds up pretty damn well, depending on your tastes and what you want in your game. If you're looking for a deep tactical combat and BethLout-like aestetics - this is not the game you're looking for. If you're looking for a classic western CRPG with lots of roleplaying oportunities, great story and fun dialogues, the game where it's creators actually cared about their creation, than this is the one. It's much more subtle in it's depliction of the Wasteland and actually makes sense most of the time, resembling Mad Max a lot.
>I didn't properly stat my character and died because RPGs where the RPG elements actually matter are outdated: The Post.
Did you try to min max or something? How the fuck can you lose to some rats lol.
Best villain ever or best villain ever?
2 is to 1 as 4 is to 3. More content, more color and silliness, better overrall game design, but lacking the tight focus and atmosphere of the previous game.
2 and 4 are also the stupidest lore wise.
What's so stupid about 2?
If it was released today Sup Forums would flip their shit over all the pop culture references. Every thread would be shitposted into oblivion.
It wasn't that bad. And 2 actually fits the logic of the universe and the lore presented by 1, whereas Bethesda Fallouts contradict even itself.
>3d fallouts better than 2d ones
This argument only works for triggering Morrowfags
1 > 2 = NV > WL2 > 3 > WL1 > 4
Yeah, I could see people shitposting about some of the more out there parts of the game.
1 had a better story and better villains. The timer system was also interesting and makes it so you have to think about grinding for levels or moving to the next town.
I played Fallout 1 a little bit a few years back. I got to around Necropolis of the main plot, got kidnapped by super mutants and was minigunned to death trying to escape.
It's a tough game, and asks you to work things out yourself or use a guide to make progress, but the combat mechanics and the noticeable impact your stats have on absolutely everything is quite remarkable even for today. I feel confident that if I actually went back with the intention of finishing it I'd still be impressed
>polygon employee attempts to play a video game.