Japan is about to be vaporized

Japan is about to be vaporized.

If you could save one Japanese game company or developer, which one would it be?

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Suda and Swery. Counts as one.

Somebody get Yoko Taro to the bunker

None. Hope Japan gets erased from the map like they should have been.

>game company

Remind me again why only a select few countries are allowed to have nukes and we must sabotage anyone else who wants to develop them?

Maybe a 3rd nuke will finally set them straight.

This. I can't even recall the last time I played a gook game. Save Nintendo I guess because I enjoyed the Gamecube and PKMN Platinum a lot.

Yoshiaki Koizumi.

Suda and Yoko Taro are amazing, but Killer 7 and NieR are no where near as good as Majora's Mask. He needs to survive so he can make a good game independent of shitendo.

We try not to give volitile elements to volitile people


>If you could save one Japanese game company or developer, which one would it be?

fucking fatlus since i need my mainline HD SMT

because the countries on top want to stay on top?

your last couple games may have been shit but i still beriefe in u

B-b-but I thought Hillary was the one who was going to start World War 3! Sup Forums told me Trump was the peace and love candidate!


No they aren't. South Korea is the one that's in danger of getting vaporized just by the fact that the largest artillary barrage on the planet is pointed at Seoul.

As a PC gamer, this doesn't affect me at all. Can't miss what you never had. RIP consoles.

>tfw live in Japan

Thanks for voting trump guys :( nice knowing you.

Every additional country with nuclear capabilities drastically increases the chance of a nuclear exchange. Even a limited exchange between India and Pakistan would have far-reaching ecological consequences and likely an unprecedented death toll.

If only Tak Fuji and Kojima were still part of konami, I'd save them in a heartbeat.

imagine isis had nukes
whoops, western world gone


Nobody cares you dirty gook chasing english teacher

As much as I dislike American policies in general, preventing some countries like North Korea or Iraq from building nukes is not really a bad thing.

You realise if you allow that, it WILL lead to a nuclear war sooner than if you preemptively bomb them? Not saying I condone nuking a country for developing nukes, but you can't just allow everyone and their mother them to build them either.

Joke's on you, I voted for Trump PRECISELY so that he can destroy reality as we know it.

Compile Heart

That way Vert finally gets her game.

t. Somali.

>why isn't north korea allowed to have nukes

Wow I can't fucking imagine why North Korea threatening people every five seconds with nukes would lead to a country saying "hey maybe we shouldn't let them have nukes"

>directed Sunshine
let him burn

I really hate you racist pieces of shit

t. Davidu-kun

>forgetting about the soldiers stationed there
kill yourself

except theyve already nuked themselves for a 3rd time

whatever best korea launches is gonna be shot down anyway

>advocate for westphalian sovereignity and non-intervention for a whole year
>Proceed to intervene even more

What a disappointment.

>Trump starts trouble in the year gaming got good again



this guy has good taste.

Because countries with nukes aren't capable of dying. The nukes don't go away. France, UK, Russia, USA, China, India, Israel, and Pakistan are, unfortunately, permanent countries because of their nuclear arsenal. That means that their governments cannot be overthrown.

Well, maybe France not so much, but they're half Muslim anyways.

Take a wild fucking guess.

bargaining power.

Nuclear capability means that you can hurt the big dog. You can kill the rich men living miles past the human waved they send. You can also hurt their careers and popularity by making them the politicians that let their nation get nuked.

The world is divided between super powers. If you're in the cracks, you either whore up (like Europe) or you lock it down and try to be untouchable.

But most of this is posturing to look strong. The one thing Trump has going for him is that he act aggressive. If he and his adminstration dropped it there wouldn't be much left. So, it's just the dog barking back.

War is too unpopular right now to do anything but send in black ops and drop the largest bombs you have.

>people honestly think NK can actually hit another country with a missile

Fuck video games Im savin Mamoru Hosoda

atta boy!

How is striking N-Korea going to vaporize Japan?
Am I missing something?

what did you expect would happen

Prepare to eat Kim's Dong

No, those bastards are the first to go for their crime is ruining anime with K-On.

Reminder that some of the only rapes that occured in Japan have been done by our "soldiers".




>Vaporized by NK

SK on the other hand... I hope they evacuated all the k-idols

>Man constantly threatens to kill people

>If you stop your enemies you are worse than them!

You wanna trust fucking North Korea with nukes?

I take it you've never played MGS Peace Walker?

North Korea doesn't have any viable delivery method. Not to mention they only have 3 nukes. They couldn't even delete Sapporo, let alone Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, or etc.

>atoms are jews
wooooooooooow you really redpilled me this time, Sup Forums

That was years ago user, they're shit now.

North Korea is testing new missiles every godam day and all of them fall to the Sea. Now imagine the same, but with nukes.
I, for one, like the oceans to not be radiated.


literally only company worth saving now

everything has devolved into weeb shit. its fucking sad.

liberal scum pls go

Dude Hideo is chinese

When your country invades China to get all of its raping done, it's only fair that the same thing happens to them.

>No Dong


But the more liberal thing is to play global police.

it's happening

>countries joining in to the mutual assured destruction policy to defend their autonomy is bad and should be bombed

>Implying US and Japan won't be on the same side in the upcoming Pacific Asian war

Why Japan of all countries? Didn't they get enough nukes in the head?

If you asked me 5-6 years ago, I'd say the same thing. Now, probably not.


We should follow big boss's will, nukes for everyone.

i swear to god if any of my kpop waifus are touched..

Reminder that the Nanking massacre is a literal hoax. Japan dindu nuffin


Hopefully Kojima will be alright.

the star will gorge itself on clay

Yes. Fuck them. Enough countries had nukes when it was just the US. The fucking kikes leaked the nuclear bomb secrets to the Soviets.

Whatever you say, Tojo.

overrated hack

Every East Asian country hates Japan. It's one of the few things that South and North Korea still have in common.

I save Genki, then I run them over with an F-1 racer if they don't make Jade Cocoon 3.

You do realize she probably looks nothing like that for real? Too much surgery.

If they wanted food then they shouldn't have acted like cunts to everyone else.

>Fat Kim will bomb S-Gimji and Nips then Trump will nuke him and Burgurland will get vaporize by Chink.

...I can see Vlad and Soros laugh their ass off from miles away.


>BNO News
Literally who?

This is my only concern. Do Americans actually think NK could bomb them? They could send a missile into SK just for it to do a 180.


You too...Zhang

Korea and Japan have some stuff they still haven't talked out

This. If NK starts shit they'll be stopped before they can do any damage and either told to cut it out or be obliterated, to which no country will give a shit and everything will go as normal except there wont be a NK anymore

Fuck you, amerifat. You sold your soul to the Jews long ago. North Korea is one of the few places on this earth still save from their influence.

nukes were a huge fucking mistake and this is the damage control

Hey! Platinum have made games over the years.

whoever made honey select.

t. butthurt Chink

How does it feel that Japan is the only uncucked nation in Asia, not China?

the same reason why you don't allow mentally unstable people to purchase firearms.

who gives a fuck dude, i never understood that argument. that's like saying "dude she would never look good without makeup" except surgery doesn't come off..

You're not getting away that easy

Is there any better feeling than getting nukes first and having the rest of the world fear your great might?