Will we ever get a good Tom and Jerry game?

Will we ever get a good Tom and Jerry game?

Other urls found in this thread:


>what is War of the Whiskers


have fun user

>serial killer style game
>players play as Jerry and characters
>guitar mouse (hambone)
>tough mouse
>another player is Tom
>Tom has to catch the mice in traps and successfully cook them and eat them
>mice can collect power ups/weapons to temporarily injure tom and slow him down
>must work together to steal objective and then called in kangaroo/spike/aunt jemima to win

that has the potential to be fucking terrifying

It always amazed me how Tom and Jerry is a rare exception to rule 34.

>Sup Forums making a game
never ever


Are you sure about that?

That sounds great.

SNES Tom and Jerry is shit... but I like it.

Your post implies that you

A). Have searched for T&J porn before
B). You want someone to prove you wrong with even more T&J porn

Hana-Barbera, Chuck Jones, or Fred Quimby Sup Forums?

always hated tom and jerry. every episode jerry wins in the most smug way possible when I wish he'd get eaten.

I love T&J, but yeah, Jerry always winning is infuriating.
There are a handful of episodes where Tom wins though (or both of them join forces to fight someone else, or join in mutual misery)

Felt the same way about Coyote and roadrunner.

It was mostly the reality breaking failures that bothered me. Just wasn't fair.

well if Tom wins Jerry dies and the show ends, right

are you sure?


Tom is the good guy

Jerry is the bad guy

There are a couple episodes when they die (and appear as ghost with angel wings and halos).
I think in one episode both Tom and Jerry go to heaven.
It's like Kenny in South Park, they can die but come back the next episode like nothing happened.
Anyway, most times Jerry lose it was just a humiliation (like Tom always get), not actually a death.

Roadrunner wasn't smug about it or anything, dude just kept doing what he was doing.

Jerry would always turn around and rub it in his face.


this game was so fucking cool

No way, he was smug. He would look at the "camera" and do that tongue thing that sounded like an echo in a glass bottom, MEEP MEEP and zoom off.

House trap was GOAT, holy shit I had so much fun with that game
>mfw the fucking robot cat levels tho


What is upcomg Friday the 13th game? Or any Prop hunt mod.

House trap was fun as fuck.

How to make a good Tom and Jerry game:

>Travel in time back to the late 80s/early 90s
>Go to Japan
>Try to get Capcom, Konami or Sega to make a T&J licensed game, like the ones they did for disney/warner stuff


That was the idea. But more cartoonish violence and antics instead of more grimdark stuff.

Roadrunner & woody woodpecker are the same thing

>that episode where Tom gets legit decapitated



What angle is that corner of the room supposed to be at?

I don't know. Tom and Jerry is supposed to be a fast-moving cartoon. We weren't supposed to look at still images for this long.


I think the difference is that the coyote is always the instigator, whereas Tom is sometimes the instigator and sometimes the innocent victim.

>Grow up on the original Tom and Jerry
>Check out the new ones
>No guns, no TNT, no mousetraps, no fun allowed

What happened?

Tom also doesn't care about Jerry, like he isn't interested in eating him (he'd much rather eat some turkey or something from the fridge), but it's his job as a house cat to trap the mouse. He just chases Jerry out of duty, but he isn't interested in killing him.

Really? What is there then?

Mallets and fireaxes right?

It pretty much killed the series. The Fred Quimby Tom and Jerry is the shit. I miss the "Owohoehohoho!" scream.

War of the Whiskers. Still the only good Tom and Jerry game.

>the original Tom and Jerry

Lel, they have censored the politically uncorrect part.

I want Hideaki Anno to make a Tom and Jerry episode.


I never liked Tom and Jerry much because it was honestly the same shit over and over and over. And Jerry was a little faggot. There wasn't a whole lot of wit or humor to it. I flounder it amusing at first but after a while I got bored.

You fucking with me? The PS1 game with enviromental weapons and shit was the bomb



>female jerry
My friend who commissions a ton of gay Tom porn thinks that image is shit

I gotta admit, this is the last thread I would have expected today.

Tom and Jerry in the style of the ed edd and eddy game when?

>My friend

I commission porn of sylvester from looney tunes senpai
he commissions tom


Never gets old
Don't forget the "AHHHHHHHAHHHHHHAAHHHHHH" one too

How did life lead you two to that?

we like cartoons and porn
that's literally it


I don't believe you

>t. xXxedgemaster2002xXx



kids mang, the imitate shit so they need to be more careful. The original Tom and Jerry is actually really violent some times. (shoving a huge needle up someones ass)

but i love it.

The original Tom and Jerry isn't even violent though.


0:20 is top tier T&J scream. I think they recorded Quimby screaming like a fucking madman onto a microphone for minutes straight and they used different cuts of the same scream for the rest of the series.

It's helplessly hilarious.

Kids are stupid sure, but they're not that stupid.

Sadly though I guess people just amuse kids aren't aware enough that they're getting parent-approved cartoons and nothing enjoyable.

Hell most of CNs audience are late teens or adults not children, and that's not even because of the content of the shows.

Bullshit, kids know what pain is.
No kid, retard or otherwise sat in a fucking beartrap to see if he would jump so high that his head tore through the ceiling.

>Kids are stupid sure, but they're not that stupid.

children are incredibly stupid, they choke on pretty much every toy there is

You mean the country is filled with more 70 IQ savage third worlders that shit out beans and niglets now that will believe cartoons are the real world

I agree with Sup Forums.

>Someone likes a thing
>They pay someone to make more of the thing
Not that hard to figure out.

>a Sup Forums thread is way more enjoyable in Sup Forums than in Sup Forums


Sup Forums is only good when they don't talk about video games

I don't think kids today even know what they are. or looney tunes. or the flintstones. or other old cartoons.

Which recent one? Tom & Jerry Tales or that shitty flash one? Tales isn't the best, but it's heart is in the right place. Some good expressions every now and then.

Looking back, Tom & Jerry was a lot more violent than Looney Tunes. The former had a lot more punch to its violence. Surprisingly, T&J has managed to stay relevant, while LT keeps coming and going. The original T&J shorts were played far more often on Cartoon Network, than anything Looney Tunes.

Also, shit load of DTVs. New one being a crossover with Johnny Quest.


Tom and Jerry was never relevant

At this point I'm pretty convinced that there's a guy set up with the same system as Barneyfag that has notifications for any time someone says something Un-PC on Sup Forums and immediately this one guy swoops in to call everyone Sup Forums when no one else mentioned it. Typing is always the same and he's always super triggered.

This is the case with literally every board.


How's the sex?

>characters getting crushed, sliced, burned, blown up

lol, okay kid.

>Kids are stupid sure, but they're not that stupid.
My cousin liked indiana jones, he wanted to be like him and have an adventure so he made a "temple" to explore with booby traps. One of these traps was putting thumb tacs on the ground. he knew they were there, and he would pretend to discover them and jumped or clibed over them. I did not, and came running into the room we shared, only to step on a bunch of thumb tacs. Kids are dumb.

it's only the other races with dumb children :^)

I have a friend who commissions porn of his OC that's loosely based off Tom's design.

We also like cartoons and porn.

I often fantasize about doing stuff with him, no homo. We have erp'd as our OCs on Discord before and often share gfur/hfur findings.

tom and jerry violence is tame compared to most anime senpai

My favorite Tom and Jerry episode is the Thanksgiving one where Jerry and Nibbles cosplay as Pilgrims and Tom cosplays a Native. All that cartoon food made me hungry

I don't give a fuck.


>only to step on a bunch of thumb tacs.
The worst feeling

Are you the guy that was posting cute sylvertes days ago?

Post the one with the underwear bulge


that fucking episode fucked me up since tom was my favorite. Looking back that's fucking hilarious.

>Kids are dumb.
Yes, and I'm sure your mom told you a hundred times not to run in the house, but just because your cousin was an inconsiderate retard doesn't mean that we should censor action movies.
Also he didn't do anything truly damaging, nothing to warrant killing Tom and Jerry.

yeah thats me
dont have the underwear version on me, so heres a cropped gay version

This thread is getting a bit too gay.


He did nothing wrong

Yikes, no one cares, retard.

Would be better if it was gay.

Even to this day I am still mad about that.

Post husband cats

cats make the best husbandos

I came here to say this, "FUCK YOU JERRY".