
When I got up this morning I was wondering about the lack of threads about this game.

There's not much to talk about, except maybe speculating what on what this will end up being.

Will it be a port of an existing Senran Kagura title with added features or is it an all new Senran Kagura title

I don't speak ching chong.

What did he say?

how about not being an idiot Boco and following the link so you can put on the subtitles with translation

I'll wait for it to be on PC

The title given is "Shinobi Refle: Senran Kagura". It's most likely to be a spin off, specially considering it's a download only title.
A lot of people think it might be some sort of Dating Sim/Visual Novel.

Shut up boco

I'm confused, can HD Rumble emulate tits or something?

I'd be good with a visual novel or dating sim if it's done properly.
However I would prefer something similar to Senran Kagura 2 or Valkyrie Drive Bikhunni for gameplay style

Hm. Another spinoff that probably won't have yoma again.


He says the HD rumble can give a similar sensation as jiggling tits, and that's his current goal in studying it. I believe it's an interesting goal.

On the plus side, at least he used Asuka to show it off.

Holy shit Boco i just kinda assumed you knew moonrunes

Use your time in something productive man

there are downsides to this?

I wish Nintendo would make a simple demo of the kinds of sensations HD Rumble can emulate, all I've experienced so far is just basic bitch rumbling.

>tripfag isn't chased off the board with wiimotes and fire
What happened to this board?

No Nintendo Senran game has made it to PC, newfriend. And even if it does, it won't have HD rumble boobs.


Remember when this series kept the fan service as a bonus instead of basing the whole franchise around it?

Not Yumi

If Yumi was the one used threads would've been nothing but complaints and false flagging yumifags/haters.

He knows no one likes him, but comes back anyway.

Fucking based.

1-2 switch really should have been free. At the very least they could have included like 3-5 minigames so people could see what the rumble is all about, and then put the rest as dlc.

It's also a bit surprising that Zelda doesn't use the HD Rumble. I'm sure they had other priorities, but it would be smart to introduce one of the console's gimmicks in what would be the game's biggest game on launch.

no i dont

>Nintendo Won
>They get a SK game with no gameplay that's a noncanon spin off
I guess so. Whatever fag.

Stop pretending the draw of the game isn't the tits.

>This is somehow a bad thing

>date Mirai
>no HD rumble at all

The series has always been kusoge that sold on anime tits.

>This coming from the Morrigan poster

well that would be pretty accurate to her character

>date Mirai
>Switch alerts Nintendo
>Nintendo sends the Yakuza to "discipline you" like they did with Gunpei Yokoi

>download only
>probably just a tech demo to experiment with the rumble


I hope this isn't the only switch support they have planned.

When will he finally go too far?

It's nice that it's getting support at all. Means it won't be a third-party wasteland like the WiiU.

Well most of the canon games are on Nintendo consoles.

Wasn't that series always only serviceable when it comes to gameplay standards?

kinda. it's not the soft texture, but more of the weight jiggling when you shake them.

No. The series was literally made with tits in mind. Takaki said this himself.

Look I'm happy for you, Nintendo is taking an approach outside their bubble, it's not their first time though and it's a really tone deaf version of the series at this point, I mean it kind of loses it's joke when you just shred away the game behind it. I mean we all know SK gameplay is awful mediocre at best, funny even considering the content and context, when you strip that away the joke loses it's luster and you become stale cash grab.

Nintendo is just the last to get on board and the saddest example, they didn't even bother to give you gameplay.

Actual nudity or sex, but outside of some nipples slip on side material that is never happening.

The white and yellow water on PBS is on the limit though.

>Burst, SK2

Sorry user, that already stopped being a thing. We equal the numbers counting the first SK game, but then SK7 will be released on PS4 eventually anyway.

Maybe, but at least they tried.

What is this? A groping simulator.

Senran already has a Mobage, a Rhythm game and Splatoon clone, user, it's not like they are never making a mainline game ever again.

>this got cut from western stream
And Nintendo keep deluding themselves their audience is children


>last to get on board
>already has multiple 3ds games


>they didn't even bother to give you gameplay.
That's most senran presentations in a nutshell, It took like a whole month for them to show any in game screenshot from PBS, and even more for a video.

Yes, PBS is indeed a canon title.

Steam Controller has HD Rumble.

>Nintendo is just the last to get on board

Senran premiered on the 3ds though?

>Nintendo is just the last to get on board
It is a 3DS series with shitty Sony spinoffs...

There are African children starving to death right now and you are all too busy with fake cartoon breasts to care. Let that sink in. What a fucked up world we live in.

fighting games are ded, Jim. Enjoy your Senran Warriors and Senran shooter (oh, wait).

So what?

There are African children starving to death right now and you are too busy with shitposting on Sup Forums to care. Let that sink in. What a fucked up world we live in.

HD rumble my ass, I tried 12 Switch on a Nintendo Switch booth at NYC and it didn't feel any different from regular rumble

>Tortanic, then GooberGate and most recently the election.

The answer is Reddit.

Did you not play the one with the balls? Because that one sold me on the HD rumble being neat as fuck.
I din't know how it could simulate tits, but still.

Nintendo doesn't think westerners = children, they just can't be bothered dealing with the SJW backlash anymore

Blame SJWs, not japanese devs

>There are African children starving to death right now
>African children
isn't that an oxymoron?

Do they really feel like water balloons?????

And pudding, that's important too.

Girl here and no they dont feel like water balloons. Jesus Christ Sup Forums you are pathetic.

>Girl here
Here too ;)

anime tits are not like real tits.

tits or gtfo

There's no need to lie to him user

>caring about resource drains

tits or gtfo.

Then stop being a keyboard warrior and actually do something about it, user.

Just gotta love how they emphasized the pudding and water balloons

And yet here you are on a Mongolian potato printing board complaining about it

>trying this hard to deliver disgusting udder physics
>not seeing the potential of shota dicks simulation joycons

wow, dont just make fun of me because i suck at getting a gf

p-post timestamped pic for proofs

>posted on facebook and twitter from starbucks with a brand new Iphone
Virtue signaling, more like hypocrisy signaling

>eShop VN

Hardware test for future SK3

I clicked it for the slut in the image but it doesn't show any lewds. Who is that and where is the porn?

Her name is Asuka and she's not a slut. She's adorable.


Wrong series to want lewds

SK it's pure and sacred.

Yes, of course why don't I give money to Sally Struthers so she can buy a new yacht--- i mean help feed african children in africa.

I just want a MAIN game

Spin-off are OK but

Why is the woman using water balloons if she has her own tits right there?

There will never be a 3, user. That timeline is dead.

SK7 will be your main game now.

user, anime boobs aren't like real boobs. The waterballoon is proper for the motion and feel of anime

Casual fan of the series here, the idea of a beat em up or Splatoon ripoff is neat but....

.... Why the fuck does everyone have the exact same body?

You guys with girl are like "Oh man Honoka got thick between games" but ingame she's the same model as everyone. Gimme someone with a lil pudge. Then gimme someone with a bubble butt. Then gimme someone who's a stick with tits.

Does that mean my manboobs outclass your shit tits? These babies feel like water balloons alright.

Why did you lie? I found the lews and apparently she's into anal, too. Well, time to fap.

>Why the fuck does everyone have the exact same body?
Limited budget

Not him, but for me it's more the embarassment fetish material and girl-gropemaster queens Kat and Haru. Neither of which would be involved if everyone is supposed to be into the player instead.

Personally, I like the little girl.

user, she's nipponese. She doesn't HAVE tits.

>Why the fuck does everyone have the exact same body?
Lazyness. The games aren't really high budget, and most of it probably goes to the VAs, music, animations sequences, etc. while they reused most of the assets from the first Vita games for 3 more games. Not to mention, since the games have so may characters now, its easier to just copypaste the same body over and over with minimal differences, like the breast size and height.

Here's hoping the next action game will have better models, but I'd rather not expect much.

The theory behind this is fine with me. The SK3 bit is perhaps a pipe dream but test running the console is a-ok in my book.

When people are talking about the body type changes I think they are talking about the promo art and the anime scenes, because clearly in game most all the models, excluding Mirai and Ryobi are the same.

>.... Why the fuck does everyone have the exact same body?

This is exactly why I dont like the Senran series. I only like Mirai.

Laziness. Canonically speaking there are different body types but they simply won't make different models. Lame as fuck but it's not like I'm making these games so whatever.

SK2 is not canon

It was until the retcon happened.