ITT: Things you're still angry about.
ITT: Things you're still angry about
Just in general.
Ohmori was a mistake, I hate Masuda but Ohmori is like Masuda gone mad, Just look at SM
Mass Effect 3
Metal Gear Solid 5
ORAS in general makes me upset. The worst are the apologists.
>you just overhyped the game too much
No I didn't. And even if I did, is it wrong to expect some form of fucking quality? ORAS completely shat the bed, especially in comparison to HG/SS and even FR/LG.
Fuck you konami
Phantasy Star not getting a proper chance to grow in the west in general. Classic or Online
So much wasted potential.....
>Caring about any Silent Hill games after 3 or 4
This is what makes me mad. Resident Evil Outbreak was ahead of its time. If only it had waited a couple years.
Oras was pretty bad and no battle frontier pretty much was the nail in the coffin, if I wanna play the gen 3 battle frontier I have to get out my emerald version which I ended up playing more than oras.
In general though pokemon has been pretty shitty in general since going full 3d and all all of the games have almost no post game.
>Going through my hard drives to clean them up
>Find some old pirated version of Cortex Command with lots of mods
Xenoblade chronicles X localization
I will never not be angry about that
SH has been skidding downward post 3, however I always have hope for a new one. Silent Hills at least would have been done by someone who has a history of not making utterly shit games, or a literal who dev that konami was just whoring the franchise to for another horrible game.
Eastar Wars Battlefront
What did they do?
NoA cucking everybody from features japan got.
>this rushed piece of shit is the true ultra last final boss of the game
Thanks for the fucking steak, Edmund
Everything NOA has done in the past 5 years.
So far in this thread this hits me the hardest
Never again
>MNC was great
>SMNC was pure cancer
Thanks for reminding me you cunt.
fuck you, SMNC was fantastic. Uberent just handled the game like retards.
it has been almost 5 years and i'm still mad
sequel never
>5 years
>Mass Effect 3 and Andromeda
>Metroid: Other M
>Paper mario: sticker star & color splash
>Smash 4
And lastly
>That abomination of a SMT x Fire emblem crossover
Dark souls, going from demon's souls it really felt like they made no attempts to add anything new.
bioshock infinite.
Fuxk that, i was so excited when i got it for free with my graphics card. played 2 then 1 and was blown away (first games on my spanking new pc, first time id ever played a current gen game on a pc) and then infinite... oh boy i tried to like it but everything leading up to and especially the ending pissed me off so much.
even the little things pissed me off like the portable vinyl players scattered around the place. they feel so disjointed. then how easy the game was on difficult. especially that ghost boss mother thing, the story leading up to that was fucked and not interesting. sad how the decisions you make didnt even affect the game in any way. plus the combat is wonky as hell.
oh and now i remember it the airship battle with all those waves and songbird makes no sense.
only thing the game had in it was a single jump scare (and then never uses the boys of silence again....).
Seriously though, why were the gen 3 remakes so shit?
Why did they fucking cut out content from the original games?
>We will never release an unfinished game
>Amiibos come out and they get the brilliant idea to lock content behind them
>Nintendo apologists swarm you every time you bring it up, or just call you poor.
Witch's House ending
Deponia ending
Unepic ending
Giving $20 to Tim Schafer
What's this?
Sega and PSO2
Countdown thing for something The World Ends With You related, ends up just being an ios port
First and only time I've screamed about a game in public.
I know EXACTLY what i'm still mad at.
Probably my most hated purchase ever. What a piece of shit.
Is amiibo content all superficial still, or is there actual playable stuff locked behind them?
But what about all those MEGATEXTURES?
I will never not be mad.
>Make a fun TPS
>Murder it prematurely to make a half baked shitty MOBA riddled with microtransactions
Fucking thanks, Uber.
>Getting rid of the best edgelord for generic angry military family man
I am angry. Angry about elves. No good fragging dandelion eaters!
I will never, EVER stop being mad about Spore.
What an absolute shit show.