>Still haven't played this game

Sucks being limited to one console huh pc fags?

still haven't finished it you mean

I got bored after the ayylmaos

But I have more than one console.

I did like two years and then I sold my Bloodborne Box because I realized that's all it would ever be.

I have it and its good but the 17 fps is hard to play.

An exception to the rule does not break the rule

pic related

>being limited to one console
But I'm not poor. PS3, PS4 and primarly PC for me.
BB is an awesome game, that much is true.

i don't like souls games, bloodbourne has literally no value for me

I'm playing it right now

I know there's a popular coppasta about it, but I'll wait for a port (probably never ever) or emulation instead of experiencing the 30fps with drops silky smooth experience for $200.

>An exception to the rule does not break the rule
Most people on here own more than one system though.

Not only do PC fags have bad taste, they also are illiterate.

When will console fags understand that pc users aren't against playing in multiple platforms but just can't stand a game as good as bb run terribly like that?

>grimdark, edgy dark souls with armour removed, barely any weapons and dead multiplayer

And this is like the one fucking game they have on PS4, 400 dollar bloodboner machine that goes to goodwill when it's time to buy retard box 5

Playing in muh -1fps emulator 10 years after game launch

>tfw it's been like 4 years and this image is still relevant
Has this generation been the one with the least reason to own a console ever?
Seems like the Switch is kinda trying to continue that path as well.

I don't have infinite money and the $200-$300 would be better spent on upgrading my PC. It's that simple, if the game was ported to PC do you think anyone would buy it for $200?

Easy there, it really is the best in the series IMHO.
And I've played them all, inluding DeS, going as far as buying a PS3 for DeS and PS4 for BB mostly.
I do agree it doesn't have many other games though, unless you're into weebshit.
Only have Alienation, Nioh and TLoU so far, aside from BB.

Ah... You were at my side all along.

I refuse to buy a console for one fucking game.

Best fight

If you don't like video games yes

Or you know, ports and multiplats that can be played on a better system.

t. Poorfag

I have played it but holy shit was it a disapointment. I just got Dark Souls 3 with fedoras.

good luck playing persona 5 on better systems

>playing weebsona

don't. i did and while i do like bloodborne, the sub 30fps is fucking atrocious. game runs in slowmotion half the time and feels just as unresponsive as other souls games on consoles

I am 19 (since a few days ago) and have $50,000 spare (mostly self earned/studnetbux/schoalrshipbux).

I'm not going to piss away money on stupid shit though, I want a house non rented the second I graduate and am saving towards that.

It's pretty grim. At this point in time PS3 had got its shit together and began to get dozens of games. Meanwhile, we're getting half a dozen questionable titles just now.

PS3 is better than the PS4, yes.

Still a multiplat though.

And Persona 3-4 is so boring it kinda turned me off the entire series.

>tfw 19 and have $15 to my name.

>dozens of games
Demon's Souls
Red Dead Redemption
Ni No Kuni???

What is everyone obsession about buying hoses anyways?

Like to the point where they will happily create a economical crisis.

Waiting for the inevitable PC port. Just like Dark souls.

>it's another false-flagging pcfag episode
whats the point of this thread?

Good shit user. Rents are traps. Dont fall for that shit.

>only time Sony games ever get posted about is when they're being used to shitpost
Containment board when?

I don't want to waste money on rent, and would like somewhere which actually belonged to me. I'm not exactly going to go outside what I can afford and get it repossessed

PCfags like me usually have jobs to buy expensive shit
we usually buy a PS4 to play exclusives like bb.
Sup Forums cant understand this i dont know why

>tfw shitty pc
>can only run dark souls 3 at 10 fps

At least I can run Dark Souls 1 at 30-40 fps I guess

Thanks. I've got to put up with the rented jew for a few more years, and hopefully that's it.

Iv played it when I visited my friends.

I dont see why people hype it up. Its blatantly worse Dark souls with more button smashing and less RPG. Fucking hell, the game is horrible

>>easy there

I am tired of the whole slash-parry-dodge meme.
They are all too samey to spark my interest anymore.

I don't want to buy a ps4, or any current gen console, because I don't like being forced to either pay a subscription fee for p2p multiplayer or miss out on big chunks of games I paid full price for.

>*I've watched a lets play on yt

I almost took your post seriously until I noticed the anime picture. Now I know you are baiting.

3D Dot Heroes
Armored Core
Binary Domain
Burst Limit
Dragon's Dogma
Tokyo Jungle
Valkyria Chronicles

And a lot of niche stuff you'd probably greentext.

Sorry user, I'm just not that interested in playing a grimdark Monster Hunter clone. Let me know when FROM figures out how to do good gameplay.

I bought a ps4 just for bborne, but i would buy it in a heartbeat for pc if it came out. I hate 24 fps and playing with a controller.

Its not really a bait, those nips took the worst aspects of Souls series and discarded everything that made them good.

The game is overhyped, its not trash but just full of mediocrity.

why the fuck would anyone watch gameplay on youtube? Thats more tedious than playing it yourself

I've played it and it's alright

but I'd much rather it be on PC as that would make it a much more enjoyable experience.

Hey man be fair. They have Nioh now too. So two games. Bloodborneniohbox.

If I get off my ass and get a part time job a sonybro4 will be the first thing I buy.

>Yakuza 0/Kiwami
>Persona 5
>Steins;Gate 0

It's not a huge list but at least it's not just BB. And I suppose I could try out some other stuff like Utawarerumono whilst I'm at it seeing as I'm kinda a weeb.

Are you an autist who tries to kill him self when an ant doesn't go in a straight line?

whatever you say brother, the only games i can bear playing nowadays are arma 3, squad and RTS games, something your outdated console doesn't have, have fun playing bloodbourne though.

I've got a PS4 and still haven't played it

that pic looks exactly like when you're on top of Lothric, about to fight the Dragonslayer Armor.


I can afford a ps4 bit don't buy it for the same reason that I can afford a Subaru STi and don't buy it. I don't vape.

>i can bear playing nowadays are arma 3, squad and RTS games
so this is the kind of people I'm discussing videogames with
no wonder this board is so shit

It's ok, we're get used for sucking console god big dicks..

>He doesnt like games which take communication, teamwork, skill and game knowledge

kys, enjoy your hearthstone shitter

I dunno it doesn't really look like my type of thing despite being a huge souls fan. Story/lore is pretty important to me and from what I've seen and heard that's not exactly Niohs strength.

That and the whole eastern samurai vibe ain't really my thing. Only character in souls that is an exception to that is Sir Alonne.

I'd greentext every single game you posted.

Best music!

That's fine, not everyone likes videogames.

>Playing a game that dips in to single-figure framerates
Disgusting, famburger.

The fuck is happened to the best hunter and was it really him?

>Kind of a weeb
>Doesn't wanna play grorious samuriau darkusoulsu

I played it on PC.

Yeah hence kind of. I don't even like anime, I just like shitposting with anime pictures.

That game looks like a PS3 game. I have a PS3. I don't play games on it though.

>wasting time on a game that sold the least out of all the souls like games
>bloodborne being relevant

>Buying a console to play one game at sub 30fps

>Sucks being limited to one console huh pc fags?

Yeah, concept of exclusives does suck

>tfw never played any soulsborne games

good bait picture, made me look

no interest in playing it but one day I might watch it on youtube to know the story of the hunters whatever the twist at the end was.

>game only on 1 platform sells less than games on multiple platforms
>inb4 merely pretending

Ds1 set us on a path of disappointment after disappointment. Just wasn't expecting it to last 3 games

>spending scholarship money on housing instead of education
It's just as well, since you clearly weren't going to make much use of it the intended way

played through it 2 times
its a good game, but not nearly as good as Sonybros make it out to be

>making the same shitposting thread every day
kill yourself, this is why we can't discuss bloodborne.

meh... BB might be great but it's the same formula as DS games which I'm tiered of.

I did play it while I was at a friends house for vacation, did a semi-quality build (mostly strengh with a dash of dex) and got through the game in about 4-5 days and had a grand time. however when I started the chalice dungeons I got bored quick and went to start a new character with dex/bloodtinge and found myself getting bored quickly. I would probable enjoy the game again but not something I could play every day like dark souls series

Should I stick with the kirkhammer? Are there better heavy weapons later?


I just got to Micolash and dropped it.

You couldn't tell what half the bosses were because it was so blurry.

Personal taste I guess? I enjoyed bb much more than the other souls games. It basically removed all the padding and distilled the gameplay to it's core and I liked it. Now, if only it was 60 fps.

I see no point in buying a console when there's only 2 games that interest me on it.

>Still replaying this game

Sucks being limited to one game huh sonyfags?

I prefered Ludwig's holy blade because greatswords are my fetish. Pizza cutter is good str weapon if your into that

I've got way, way more then I need, not sacrificing my education at all.

>Red Dead Redemption

Those 3 games were terrible on PS3

Im convinced Sonyfags never actually played Bayonetta & just used it to hold over PC gamers heads, it ran at 20fps on PS3

The game is from 2015 & got old a while ago, i dunno why Sonybro's keep talking it up

I actually went back to DaS2 for PVP, the PVP in BB isn't that good

someone hasn't ben paying attention to recent games

>not emulating
