Why the west cannot make games like persona
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Because they put the money before the art of the game
That's basically all Bioware does now. Only their characters are ugly as fuck and they couldn't be stylish if their lives depended on it.
Cause they're afraid to experiment.
Name me one high budget west game with an actual team of proffessional devopers in the past 3-5 years that tried to challenge or improve the medium in any way.
please be joking
I'm not, the formula is the same. Half the game is lots and lots of talking and forming bonds and romances with teammates and other NPCs, the other half is exploration and combat. Except Bioware is really bad at it.
well that's because nostalgia for high school isn't a thing here.
They're so bad at it their attempts aren't even recognizable.
>want to experience western school life
>there aren't any good games for it
being westaboo is suffering
You're joking, right? Entirety of middle America and more have peaked in high school.
I'll go with The Crew, Destiny, and EVE Valkyrie.
As for actually doing something for the medium as a whole, I'll go with The Last of Us. Say what you will about movie games, but that was a good ass movie.
I can't honestly wish west cuck would stop doing vidya.
High school nostalgia is pretty universal. West just doesn't blatantly pander to that demographic that does live in their high school football days, because they aren't going to buy games if you did anyway. nfl has that demographic on lockdown.
The west is starting to prioritize the wrong things.The west has been moving towards focusing on graphics, marketing, multiplayer, gun play etc. And while all those things can be important, They aren't what makes a single player game truly unique and memorable.
>asks for games that tried to challenge or improve the industry
>lists fake-mmo garbage
is this bait
I mean he did say tried.
not arguing this, but what the fuck did those games tried to do?
first one is a shitty ubisoft open world but online and with cars
the second is borderlands with more mmo features
the third is a vr tech demo
not even talking about whether they're good or not, but I can't see a single reason any of these games even tried to push the industry in any way
The Crew tried to be the next big car game. They wanted people to seemlessly join up together to do car shit. It didn't really work out.
Destiny tried to be a big, social, console MMO shooter. Take Halo, Borderlands, and an MMO. Mash 'em together, and you get an absolutely genius concept that Activision managed to fuck. You had your PvP, your raids, your loot, you had players jumping in and out on the fly, your gunplay, your lore, but they fucked it. They fucked it so bad.
EVE Valkyrie was one of the first attempts to make a genuine VR game, but it turned into a tech demo with microtransactions. It was pretty neat though.
All of them tried to bring something new to the table but fell flat. I genuinely hope someone can take those games as a base and really make something special one day.
Persoma 5 didn't really -push- the medium in any way though. It just was a flat improvement on the base formula that Persona 3 had set in place for the series, while including various elements such as the demon conversations from mainline SMT/it's other spinoffs/earlier Persona games.
P5 is just a game that is incredibly polished
Persona 4 was great. Persona 5 kind of sucks. If you've played Yakuza 0, it really sucks, because Yakuza 0 had more mini-games and places to go.
It's been ages since I've seen fatlus. Time to bring this meme back from the dead.
>Persona 4 was great.
why the fuck are you even comparing a JRPG to Yakuza
is this autism
Persona 5 blows 4 and 3 the fuck out in terms of gameplay. Like I don't know how you could go back to playing through that tedious procedurally generated crap after that. Demons > OC donut steel shadows
He's right though, it's just so badly done it's nearly unrecognizable unless someone else points it out
>nostalgia for highschool isn't a thing in the west
An entire movie genre is built around highschool nostalgia. Many classic movies are highschool nostalgia.
I saw footage for this game like a year ago (maybe it's been two, god knows) and the battle system looked awful, have they made any improvements? Judging by the trailer I'd say no.
If anything, the most pushing the boundaries thing Persona 5 does is its commentary on Japanese society.
Alright I'm in NG+, Harem route or no?
Bully got close but Rockstar can't figure out how to force micro transactions into the ip so there will never be a sequel.
>tfw I see my highschool buddys everytime when I sleep
god... leave me alone already
Because the same empty Ubisoft open world shit sells
They've even gotten worse at it over the years but it still sells even more
The Witcher 3 does the romance and relationships pretty decently
But there's so many characters you wish you could get to know more and fuck
who is this semon demon milf? damn. waifu?
why is the running so choppy?
why would a ginger nu-male be your first choice for a main character?
i actually think the battle system looks kinda cool, just really poorly animated
What did P5 do that P3 and P4 haven't done?
I just wanted to fuck that big tit blind bitch witch damn it
I don't think you know what gameplay means, but stopping the game in its tracks to have a random ass retarded conversation with your enemies is the opposite of good gameplay.
Demon conversations are fucking great, way better than that card garbage.
You know, you don't have to have a lengthy conversation with them every time you want them or something. If you lower their health before chatting them you can get them instantly. Of course, certain ones require talking.
You'd be retarded if you knock them down when they have full HP and ask for money / items. They give significantly better the lower the health they have.
I want to marry her
>its commentary on Japanese society.
let's not get ahead of ourselves
It does comment but it just right to the face anime style
there's no subtlety or irony and alot of pessimistic anime already done similar
Because they believe turn based RPGs don't sell and also because of inherent leftist bias they can't write good characters and sexy girls for shit.
non english native speaker, what does that phrase even mean?
She's just being a cunt to Makoto pretty much saying she's slowly killing her by just existing