Silent Hill

How the FUCK am I supposed to complete this game? The controls are a fucking mess, combat is absolutely horrendous and how the fuck is anyone supposed to know where to go to progress the story aside from randomly wandering around?

How can anyone like this piece of shit?

You aren't supposed to complete it.

You are obviously incapable so go play what you can play.

It's as simple as that.

You must be at least 18 to post here.

Confirmed faggot.
Beat it for the first time towards the end of last year. Great fucking game and tank controls are nothing if you aren't some underage piece of shit.


It seems like underage people need extreme handholding to complete games.
Seriously, the opening part of SH 1 gives you like 3 fucking clues to know what to do.


Here's the attention you wanted.

Now fuck off.

Everything is marked on the map for you.
It adds notes for you as well for christ sake.

You're underage you're not supposed to finish any game that doesn't have QTEs and arrows stick to games on your level like Resident Evil 4 or Outlast.

So which Silent Hill game is unanimously the scariest in the series?

The first one was the scariest for me, the second one is the most sad.

My opinion obviously that's a subjective question.


I wouldn't call them jump cares, but when Pyramid Head walks into frame unannounced at certain intervals in the game is legit terrifying

Always thought the concept of 4 was great but just not properly utilized. Wasn't supposed to be a SH game, so I guess there's that.

Switch the control scheme to the joy stick if you're having issues. This game has better controls than the original Resident Evil.

I found them to be sad more than scary.

It's kind of subjective depending on how you react to what each game was going for. 1 was the straight up scariest to me, 2 was the most unsettling, 4 was the most disturbing.

People may tell you 1, others 3 and even 2.
For me its 3, it has the most polish out of all SH games. Sound design is above anything before it, graphics took a huge jump and it has the most enviromental events out of all SH games, It also helps that SH3 has good enemy variety compared to 2 or 1.

Underage would find even RE4 overbearing in the agency it grants the player. I've seen young players freeze up at the village section due to the amount of options it gives the player.

I agree with this.
The first has been the most scary, and to me it still is.
But 3 is a good contender, nightmare levels are absoluetely horrifying(in a good way)and its incredibly scary. Too ba dthe plot and character(and gameplay, as you realize you can katana your way to the end)pretty much suck.
2 is not the scariest, but the best game in the series.
Design, musics, and plot are absolute masterpieces.
4 has some incredibly scary moments(THE FUCKING HOUSE SESSIONS), but they are brief and when you realize how it works its not scary anymore.
not really a SH, but I loved it anyway, even with all its flaws.

no, wait, probably the most scary is probably downpour.
it scares me everytime thinking about what SH has become.

>how the fuck is anyone supposed to know where to go to progress the story aside from randomly wandering around?
There are insanely obvious fucking clues OP

The hospital basement part made me shake in fear. It was really well done, the way it transitions from silent calmness to intense chase sequence is great.

pay attention to the fucking cutscenes

The real question is how you were supposed to know what to do with the red liquid to get the true ending.
Now that is some bullshit.

The clunky controls and weird camera job added much to the atmosphere of uneasiness the game was so great for.
If you don't think this you are a babby faggot that didn't play it the year it was released on the PSX, whose idea of "survival horror" are TPS bullshit games like Deadspace with objectives and quest markers. Therefore your opinion is invalid.

>true ending
That's not how it works in these games. In fact, it's likely that the good ending is canon and not the good+ ending since there isn't a single sign of Cybil in SH3.

The true ending was intended for the hardcore fans of the game, who would replay it over and over and explore every single corner of the game. It's basically "hey the red liquid Kaufmann throws at Alessa works on her, i have this red liquid in my inventory, maybe it will work on Cybil too?". It's perfect subtlety of the lore, flawless execution of a "show, don't tell" narrative design. Too bad the internet has basically ruined this sort of thing.

Underage pls go.

Are you fucking serious? Even my mom can pass the intro

My age was in the single digits when I beat this game. You're just an unskilled faggot that needs to be chemically castrated.

Who likes Downpour ITT?

I do. Aside from the enemy designs, some character models (the kids), and performance issues, it's great.

The only thing anyone needs to be clued into in Silent Hill 1 is that when doing a puzzle, there's a difference between a silent bird and a singing \bird

other than than you're a gigantic faggot for giving up on it

probably Silent Hill 2
I got that today. It doesn't seem bad so far

Any thoughts on emulation?

All the PC ports end up looking like dogshit in high resolution with various bugs (SH2 has music bug out a lot, even in first cutscene)

I'm torn between mucking with an emulator or just buying a component cable

Better than Homecoming. It has a lot of flaws, but it feels like they at least tried to not just be derivative.

are there any good videos on Silent Hill HD Collection that's not from those Twin Perfect autists? If i'm going to know why the hd collection is bad, I'd rather watch something that doesn't have garbage skits

Anybody have more of these sweet, sweet SH .gifs?