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is this a godot engine shill thread?

yeah don't worry buddy. I'd rather live in poverty than make a living making unity games.

Mah if you're a Pajeet who needs C# to do the needful you should use Xenko

name 5 (five) things wrong with unity
100% of the time a dev blames unity "engine limitations" they're actually retards who can't code

I do agree that making your game from the ground up in c++ is superior, but Unity does save time for smaller projects. Honestly, most of the time, it's the developer that makes sucky games. Unity is just a tool. Dont forget hearthstone was made in Unity.

Uhhh... it teaches nodevs bad practices?
Where's the Unity hate coming from? Is it because of Yooka Laylee

nothing wrong with using unity for small projects or simple games.

if you're trying to make a full fledged open world MMORPG in unity though, you're fucking retarded.

1) unnecessary obfuscation

>mmo in unity
Cartoon Network did it

>Implying it's not an easy way to make games or apps for multiple platforms at once

and guess what it was awful and got shut down

>Dont forget hearthstone was made in Unity.

Way to shoot your post in the foot.

Won't allow you to touch the underlying code to help optimize processes nor is the engine mukltithreading friendly

>Hell fell for the Unreal Engine "And your royalties too!" Jew

i'll give you that but honestly that only really applies to closed off shit like the navmesh generation and pathfinding shit (which actually was finally open sourced after years of bitching just last week)
>Won't allow you to touch the underlying code
while it's total bullshit that they lock away their own features, you can ditch 99% of the out of the box unity shit and make your own, just about absolutely everything except the top level opengl shit can be reworked from scratch, which anyone worth their salt and aren't just going off of unity tutorials can do
>nor is the engine mukltithreading friendly
maybe learn to code?

You don't even use Unity if you don't understand how shitty it is when it comes to multithreaded tasks. It's one of the biggest flaws of the engine for modern development, so maybe you're the one that needs to go back to thinking python is a real language.

wasted trips
>using UE

>shit multi-threading support in the year of our lord 2017
>just git gud brah xD

fuck off

>TYRANNY isn't quality.

Fuck off, Reddit.

It's proprietary software.

Reminder Unity has heavy-duty corporate spyware built into the engine so even the developer can't disable it.

imagine if your mom was already good at finishing doing the dishes in k minutes

imagine now, if you had n moms, then they could theoretically do it in k/n minutes. they're all good at washing the dishes, but multithreading just is faster haha:—^—)

>not using source engine to make your game

>not using lumberyard

>I'm trying
every single time

>It make shit games
Shit games will be shit no matter the engine. Take for example one of the unity games you think are shit - think they were suddenly good if made with unreal? Highly doubt it.

>It floods the market with shovelware
If you can't identify shovelware from a 1 minute trailer / buy games without looking at gameplay, you deserve it.

>It teaches young devs bad practices
Perhaps, but it also makes the learning curve of gamedev slightly less steep and let noobs "make something", which motivates them to continue and learn. Some of them might turn out just fine.

>It's badly design
Yeah but that's the devs problem isn't it? Eventually you play in the game, if it's good it's good.

>It's a nightmare to work with and as a gamedev I don't want to have to work with it
The only valid argument really. I can relate with this notion, as I remember the pain from having to write some PHP code to integrate with existing project and it made me want to personally castrate every idiot who ever decided to use PHP by choice. With that said, there are plenty of game companies you can work for and most of them don't use unity.

Tldr why do you hate unity so much, variety in engines is a good thing.

How about you go fuck yourself while I do whatever I want?

> blaming the tools, because it's easy to make shit with them

Why does every game that uses unity turn out to be shit is the engine really that bad.

when is source 2 coming out for devs?

One reason may come down to perception. Many times when the dev is shitty, they don't bother even paying for a professional license so the game has a bit splash screen showing it was made with Unity. When a more competent dev makes something, the profession license allows them to replace that splash screen. What I mean to say is that you've probably played games you enjoyed that you have no idea were made in Unity.

engines that do everything for you absolve the developer from making their own gameplay code to account for the kind of things they want to happen - events, physics, gunplay, etc

it's the same reason why almost every UE3 FPS ever made has the same janky floaty movement mechanics - they're provided with a library to do a thing by plugging in pre-existing functions and just roll with it because it's "good enough"

on that note, fuck every single UE3 shooter ever, they feel awful to play

Yooka Laylee is allegedly the best unity game and that game is still pretty shitty tech wise.

Even when AAA studios use it like capcom or blizzard the result is subpar to their other products.

>Yooka Laylee is allegedly the best unity game and that game is still pretty shitty tech wise.
According to who?

red pill me on Unity. I'm deciding on engines for my game.

What's wrong with unity? What are it's (dis)advantages?

it's easy to do easy stuff

it's really really hard to do medium or hard stuff

and good luck supporting multithreading

Scripts are done using C#
Can make 3D and 2D games, though it has less 2D support
Can port projects between a bunch of different systems
Like some anons of said, has some issues, though be real, your project will likely not hit those limits

>medium or hard stuff
Such as?

a good game

I'm trying to learn something, your shitposting isn't helping.

things that interact with other code systems
things that multithread
things that involve various non-FXAA forms of AA

from what i've heard anyway

UE4 is superior

>not learning to develop your own engine

anything that's not a 2D mobile puzzle game

Infinifactory, TIS-100, and Shenzhen I/O are some of my favorite games and they were made in Unity.

Still not helping

I'm confused, I've played games that are not that genre that were made with Unity that were fun.

The only real answer I've had is and it doesn't seem that huge. I'm sort of getting the impression that the anti-Unity side is a bunch of shitposting.

absolutely terrible idea for a beginner

it's not "huge" issues until you look at where hardware and engines and games are going as an intertwined system

everything is multithreaded in the future and unity is simply not at all built toward that end, it's a single-threaded codebase with obfuscated single-threaded libraries stapled onto it, and interacting with those libraries in ways that aren't prescribed by the literature and the exposed variables is asking for bugs and hack-tier workarounds

in a general sense, it's a shittier version of UE3 because it's easier to develop with but lets you do even fewer creative things code-wise without building half an engine alongside of it, at which point you might as well just use UE4 or even build your own engine if you're so inclined

It just seems that it's impossible to get decent lighting or a workable polygonal/texture budget in Unity. They don't run well.

I'm working if it's the physics engine or the default shaders, maybe you just need to turn them off and make your own.

this. use the right tools for the right things you morons, don't use a screwdriver to hit a nail.

unity engine's default shaders are pretty crap, just get better ones from the store

hl3 l4d3 is going to be made in unity

>build your own engine if you're so inclined
enjoy having nogaem

so is this a dev thread now or...?

If you make a shit game in Unity you'll make a shit game in any engine.

can I use Twine

wait for one with more proper op if you want to post your game

you can do anything

>not programinning your game bit by bit on punchcards

just write your entire game in binary using nothing but "if" and "else" in C

Name me an alternative that
>Is a set licence costs that doesn't ask for royalties
>Can export to multiple systems
>Supports multithreading
Not even shitposting, honestly want to know.

yes sir...

I know only Visual Basic, what can I use together with Visual Studio to render sprites/3D models/control sounds (don't need to be all in the same tool/library) ?

I don't know anything about programming or how to make a game.

How should I start?

I failed my Introduction to Web Design class.

Tying scripts to objects
Memory leaks
Jackie Chan

Maybe before you ask about how you can make a game, you should list what can you create that could be useful (can you draw ? can you animate ? can you edit sounds/music ?). Sometimes you can just jump in another person project and help them finish as you learn a little about everything by just doing what you like to do

> Jackie Chan
Explain this one

I can somewhat draw.

I animate sometimes.


Try Gamemaker's tutorials. It uses its own programming language but it's simple enough that it provides you with a proper mindset when it comes to planning ahead (lol) and problem solving if you ever feel like moving onto mainline languages like C, or Java.

Also, it's tailored towards 2D games so if you're a jack-of-all-trades type. you can probably draw some simple assets and get a cute little game going within an afternoon.

Name 5 things that aren't Jackie Chan

If you like 2D, Use Construct 2. You can get instant results with no programming required, and the engine teaches you basic logic which can carry over to programming.

Which one? Game Maker or Construct 2?

Let's create a shmup really normal... all of sudden you'll be fighting ancient cosmic horrors (for real, I'm making a tutorial about creating such game with nothing but code & some sprites)

unity is ok for mobile games, i would never use unity for anything more than that

oh ok, where should I contact you?

Is Source worthwhile if I want to make a small multiplayer FPS?

Look, if I can make the awesome shit I made with Mugen's engine, you can get around the limitations that Unity has to make nice stuff.

Fuck no.

Source isn't not worth using for anyone in 2017.

Unity is fucking shit, and their price is misleading. The price is a trick, because the engine is not complete, they lure you in with the price and then blindside you with the plugins that cost 200€ each.

With, for example, UE4 you get a final engine up front with all the tools needed. It may seem more expensive with the profit cut but it's a complete engine and you know what you're paying for. Unity on the other hand is lacking massively in just about anything and just getting decent tools will be a few hundred dollars of plugins.


If you pick a pre-made engine like Unity, the whole idea is to save time by NOT doing all that framework yourself.

>maybe learn to code?
See above.

No not really. Unreal is probably your best bet for that kind of thing nowadays. Unity works too if you get uFPS or are willing to work completely from scratch.

UE4 is worth just because of the time I don't have to waste (and the money I don't waste before being sure about my game too)

There's 0 reason not to make your own engine if you're doing a 2D game.

Oh boy, contact information on Sup Forums is not a smart move. If you have any site of yours that DON'T have any personal data, just link it

I've never used Construct 2 so I can't really give you a comparison (all I know is that it uses Javascript or something for programming) but Gamemaker has some pretty damn popular indie games (Hotline Miami, Va11Halla, Nidhogg) under its belt.

Or hell, why not try them both out for an evening, do a tutorial or two and see what strikes your fancy.

Propose some alternatives then. I'm not some kind of wizard that can create an entire game engine out of nothing.

>It may seem more expensive with the profit cut

It's incredible to me how people are scared of the royalties. Most likely your first shitty game is not going to hit the threshold for it.

In the meantime, it gives you the ability to learn gamedev on a full-featured engine for free, that you can still use and modify for anything after you git gud.

You know who programmed his own engine? The guy who made Lugaru. Or should I say, still making Lugaru AFTER MORE THAN A DECADE.

Don't fall for aggy daggy memes, just use a premade.

That's a terrible idea for any programmer.

It's like making your own casket, it's alot of work for something you'll probably only use once. And don't forget you're the only one going to use it.

The creator of Cave Story also made his own engine, and he's one of the most successful indie developers ever. What's your point?

There are a ton of engines better specialized for 2D. Gamemaker has several recent hits if you want to follow the trends, but you can just google and find decent, less popular 2D engines if you don't like it.

For 3D, just use UE4, there's no reason for a beginner to use anything else, unless they like publicly admitting they are a shitty dev and relying on Unity plugins.

>Jackie Chan

Wew now that's a meme I haven't seen in a LONG time.

he also took 5 years to make it
if you have the determination to keep making your engine and game for 5 years you deserve to be successful
Also, for every success story there are 1000 failed engines/games

CryEngine was good for any other game than Crysis ?

It's kinda sad that ES7 Javascript is slowly becoming a better solution for making games than a dedicated game engine like Unity.

yeah it's been a few days

>Cutting off a percentage of your profits before you even start
You have a point with the learning thing blueprints aside but your 'why are people scared of royalties thing, it's not like your game is gonna sell' point falls apart when you include gitting gud.

Not only that but success is massively unpredictable as far as gamedev goes. A fucking throw-away game like flappy bird turned a guy into a millionaire because an LPer played it. Notch 'released' his unfinished game and is now a bazillionare. FNAF. Edge cases? Absolutely but why would you plan around not being successful? Why not aim for a future where you are successful?

But UE4 is aiming for a successful future. Unlike Unity, it scales according to both your abilities and needs.

You will also know exactly how much you need to pay and it would never be more than you make, while a beginner with Unity has no clue what their final cost will be as they keep using the store as a crutch, and if their game fails they are probably out of money and time. If you do get super popular with UE4, they will negotiate a contract with you like they do with established publishers.