>discounted for the first time
Thinkgen of buying. Give me the quick rundown on Haydee
>discounted for the first time
Thinkgen of buying. Give me the quick rundown on Haydee
Other urls found in this thread:
It's shit
dev is russian, don't buy
dev 100% legit shilled on this site, don't buy
game is shit, don't buy
Play the demo. It's Tomb Raider but slower mixed with all the worst aspects of Resident Evil 4's control scheme. And there's no further fanservice. What you see is all you get.
That's too short a rundown
Thicc XD meme: the game
All you're going to do is spam screenshots of the game and annoy people saying THICC
Shill to the max OP
here you go man this should be everything you need to know
If I wanted to shill I wouldn't ask how it is (which makes the narrative completely leave my control), I'd just make a thread praising it
is it like the ps1 tomb raider series?
It sucks. It relies on extremely tight platforming and long gaps between checkpoints, rather than interesting puzzles or fast action for gameplay. And by "tight" I don't mean "good", I mean "very little margin for error and if you fuck up even a little you're losing a lot of progress".
Ironic or not, you're not helping the situation at all.
It's an ok metroidvania, most of your gameplay time will be attributed to deaths.really, I' wait for a 75% off deal. I think the devs have a demo of it somewhere.
Somewhat. The platforming is far more "railroaded" if that makes sense, though. You basically only ever jump to grab a pre-programmed grabbable ledge
And then you have to wait, for several seconds, each and every time you make these jumps, to wait for her to climb or shimmy or mantle or scamper. BOY. This is slow. This is not fun.
no one talks about the game though, they just post shots of the ass
seriously how fucking desperate are you? literally exabytes of porn online and you are shilling shovelware because there's an ass in it.
>It's an ok metroidvania
It's hardly a Metroidvania. If this is a Metroivania, so are RE1-3
"Metroidvania" has lost all meaning, people just use to mean it's a sprawling game with backtracking, who cares if it's not 2D and not at all like Metroid or the Castlevanias who take after SOTN
>And then you have to wait, for several seconds, each and every time you make these jumps, to wait for her to climb or shimmy or mantle or scamper.
Gotta make the player really stare at that ass
Yep, looks fucking agonizing. And the animations are horrible.
>Scrungusbungus literally just slaps on a deathclaw frame on hayadee.
>Everyone goes "M-MUH DICK"
it looks like someone exported secondlife avatars in order to make models for this game
yeah the game is the most shallow garbage there is
You can trust this guy, he's a genius at video games and absolutely not me shilling my own opinion on a video game I beat.
Haydee is hard as shit, you won't beat it unless you have huge brass balls
oh go fuck yourself stalinslav pedropenko, there's nothing to talk about when this really is a generic piece of shit with an horrible ass model slapped on it
Haydee's models/animations do not look bad at all. It looks a bit bad on account on every wall being a flat texture and the only variation being hard color changes on some props - the game has that stock unity project appearance
The sounds and feedback for killing enemies are also very barebones, like the devs stopped working on it as soon as they got it working
I've never even played the game and have no idea what it is.
I just think it's pathetic to yell "shill" as soon as someone talks about a videogames you dislike.
the dev shilled the shit out of this game a while back, it wasn't even a secret or anything
Nigger, pretending to be a robot.
They took the futa mod off the Workshop
The game is ass. Literally and figuratively. Why do you fags always ask when it's clear what the game is? Just so you can post your thicc meme robots?
tits and ass with puzzles
Haydee isn't a negress though, that's just pantyhose
Or are you saying white girls don't get that thicc?
I'm just offended with "make a girl and call it a robot"
Aegis is my acceptable threshold
Look at the reviews on steam, it's a very good game for what it is and the price.
I enjoyed it and played it right to the end, 40 hours of play.
I also like big bouncing tits and fat asses.
Gee I wonder why.
The "beating the game in
But all sorts of other lewd mods were left in.
I would think that slapping on an actual dick would be crossing a line. Besides, It should be available in the Nexus or easily searchable.
Steam works around people reporting things.
If you find the other things offensive report those, someone found a dick offensive and reported that.
If you enjoy jumping puzzles that require extreme levels of precision while also worrying about the steep death penalty, then you'll like it. If you enjoy enemies that kill you in 2-3 hits falling from the ceiling in groups of 4 or more every few seconds, you'll have fun.
The only appeal the game has is Haydee's ass. That's it. Other than that it has the complexity of baby's first flash game.
>bought it
>installed mods
>watched thicc robutt bounce around
>haven't touched it since
>bought game to watch a butt bounce
If only you knew about Google beforehand
As small and shallow than a petri dish. The only thing it really has going for it is robutt and mods for the robutt.
a slow and shitty game
come on
don't be a dick
post link to archive
>Get to section on blue sector after clearing green (sans the gas mask part)
>haven't saved in a while, don't want to save in green as it's far from where I'm going
>start swimming and exploring the first room
>Haydee runs out of oxygen without warning
Fucking slavs. Why would a robot suffocate. A sexbot of all things, made to endure an extreme amount of exposure to "liquid"