Companies that want to OWN the worlds water? Pffft, small potatoes...

>Companies that want to OWN the worlds water? Pffft, small potatoes. Companies that pump dangerous chemicals into the environment? Whatever
>You know who the true evil companies are?
>Game companies that charge $5 for DLC I don't have to buy. (Which I do anyway, because I'm an impulsive consumer whore who will bitch for months and then still buy it anyway.)

Why does Sup Forums do this?

Gee, I wonder... It's probably because this board is for discussing video games, not gay as shit politics that have been discussed to death for the past two hundred years.


Funny how a board about video games wants to discuss video games.

I talk about real world problems with real people irl

I shitpost about videogames with the chinese adbots on Sup Forums


Why is Sup Forums a such a bootlicker board?

Marketers, contrarians, and unironic dumb normalfags who shouldn't be here.

>board dedicated to vidya
>wonders why people get upset about bullshit in the vidya-industry

you might want to see a doctor, because you probably have serious brain-damage

butthurt much?


shit thread

Strawman, go away fbi

This thread is even worse than it was when you made it yesterday.

>Companies that want to OWN the worlds water? Pffft, small potatoes. Companies that pump dangerous chemicals into the environment? Whatever
>You know who the true evil companies are?
>Key selling sites that charge $5 for $60 videogames I don't have to buy

Is this spam?

Those other forms of media all run on PC, meanwhile pirates on PC are the reason that so few games are brought to PC, so the rest of us don't get to play them either.

if you want to play them so bad, and are willing to fork out that much money for games, then why not buy a console, m'redditor?

Buy the games you want to support, it's that easy.

>meanwhile pirates on PC are the reason that so few games are brought to PC
citation needed

>tfw notice from ISP to stop pirating
The best part was my roommate shitting himself in fear
Best advertisement I've ever gotten for a vpn, at least.

This is the second time you made this thread today