Are you tired of hearing the same five or six people in game dubs?

Are you tired of hearing the same five or six people in game dubs?

Blame US union rules. The Screen Actor's Guild has something called "Global Rule One," which prohibits its members from working non-union roles, which covers a lot of video game and anime dubbing. This makes it difficult for VAs who started with anime/games (e.g. Crispen Freeman) who are now SAG members from reprising old roles or going back to anime/games.

A lot of voice actors get around this by using pseudonyms, but directors will still avoid auditioning/bringing on those people just to be safe.

maybe if Nintendo subbed their Japan developed games, I would consider buying them.

that's why I hardly buy dub only games.

Okay, so why are you posting this?

This is common knowledge, everyone should know this already

Because XC2 is confirmed to have a shitty burger Wendee Lee dub instead of based as fuck British VAs like the original.

>to have a shitty burger Wendee Lee dub

And you know this how?

I just hope they'll put their head out of their asses and make dual audio.

It just doesn't make sense that a direct sequel to a game with bong voices suddenly has burger voices. I know the real world production reason for it (that being that NoE handled XB1's dub and NoA is handling 2), but it's still jarring. It was fine for X because it was a tangentially related side game, but not for a direct sequel.

What happens if a union actor does it anyways?

What bothers me is a lot of characters are modeled after the VAs too.

The union can fine or boot them. All union members sign a legally binding contract and pay dues when they join.

They can still do the role, but they can't be credited with their real name and usually can't be paid.

>a direct sequel

Do you even Xeno, bro?
This gonna be just like XCX, nods and references. That's it. Name is just bait and brand advertisement.

Except it was confirmed to be a direct sequel to the first Xenoblade when it was announced.

>Except it was confirmed
Gonna need a developer's quote from that and not NIntendo's marketing team.

The writing seems to be trash and the character design (especially the mc) is so awful.
I don't ask for much I just want something as decent as the first Xenoblade. Jesus Christ.

Alternatively, blame video game industry execs, who refuse to recognize the minimum working standards that a guild or union represents.

>The writing seems to be trash
>from the three lines we've heard

Yeah, it's basically been confirmed that this will be the worst game/biggest flop of 2018 at this point.

Takahashi sold out.

Thankfully I only buy games with Japanese voices

Unlike lazy Murrikans, Japanese people are hardworking and aren't political about everything

I sense a boycott coming...

xenoblade shitposting
xenoblade shitposting never ends

>you can't use union VAs
>can literally use anyone else
>still come out with the same shitty VAs while indies and Yurop AAs have vastly better VAs

Dubbers are just lazy as shit

I already fucking know that.

Can we please start talking about breaking into RoosterTeeth and beating them all half to death until they put some goddamn effort into their work?

shit pay what can we say

they tried to fix it, but you jews flipped tables

Burgers don't know the difference between a union and a guild.

But those actors have money and thus can buy political influence in Washington so it will never change.

>Are you tired of hearing the same five or six people in game dubs?
No but i'm tired of them doing poor job
It's like they're not even trying anymore