Defend console exclusives

Defend console exclusives.


Defend them now.

You can't.

It helps sell consoles.

>pre-patch bitching
When did Sup Forums get THIS shit?

game still has awful frame pacing post-patch that makes it feel sub-30

There would be no BB without Sony. Now defend PCbro exclusive and Twitch garbage.

>lying to yourself

Because without a platform like that, several risky investment games we know and love would never get made because of lack of funding.
But it still feels great to play. There is a reason everyone loves it.
Fromsoft being shit at optimizing has nothing to do with the console.

It's one of my favorite games of all time but realtalk the framerate on bloodborne is fucking awful and it would of been better on PC.

Irrefutable fact.

>But it still feels great to play.
actually it feels choppy

>There is a reason everyone loves it.
because it's an exclusive

>Fromsoft being shit at optimizing
why does dark souls 3 run at 60fps on PC

>Bloodborne is 30fps
>Horizon is 30fps
>Nioh has to run in 720p just to hit 60fps and still drops
>Death Stranding will be 30fps

these games would be objectively better at 60fps. there's no excuse. underpowered hardware is killing these games' potential.

Many of these exclusives get moneyrolled by developers, and as such, actually have a chance at existing, when they normally wouldn't. Alternatively, there are developers who have built a niche market for themselves on one platform/company's territory, and said niche will always support them from there, where others wouldn't. Meanwhile, "muh pc master race" is dodgy at best, supports very little, and spend more time whining about how they don't have console games than actually playing PC games.


Anyone who has a decent (gtx1080+) gaming PC and a console will flat out tell you they'd prefer all of these games to be on PC.

That's just the way it it, it's objectively better. Why would anyone bother with Nioh 720p 60fps when they could have the same fps at 4k?

The sad part is the poorfags who can only afford a PS4 will actually defend this to their dying breath instead of getting a job and experiencing the better platform.

>even at sub-30 fps Bloodborne is still the best game ever created in the history of the universe with 100% praise from all lifeforms
that's how good console exclusives are


The answer, like always, is dosh.

If consoles were so much more convenient and what have you over PCs then they wouldn't need exclusives, but they aren't and they do.

Here's a picture of the game's framerate without getting funding by Nintendo.

holy shit dude

that's not "decent"

that's top of the line

decent is like a 780

The ps4 can't run it. Also (I think) these are exclusive because PC is the easiest to develop for without having to pay a load of kike bullshit.

because it's funny watching you fucking pcbros get mad as shit

So you're telling me
that there are people who are more enticed to buy a console
that costs less than a singular part on a PC
and would also be more likely to buy games on said console
which still costs less than a singular part on a PC
and this happens more often than people who are willing to spend $500 on a single PART, who instead opt to brand that as "decent"?

No wonder PC never gets exclusives.

>willingly eating shit to aggravate others

>if it be like it was then it wouldnt do what is werent

I own a good-tier gaming PC that I built myself and while I do wish I could play bloodborne at 60fps rather than 30, the amount of butthurt it generates is worth it

it's not exclusive

Yes it is.

Sony bankrolled one of the best games of this decade and gave Miyazaki full creative control. Because of the lack of BanNam's meddling, Bloodborne was coherent.

Basically, exclusives are generally just really great games because the publisher doesn't have to be a fuckaroo to try to milk the game itself for money; they want the game to ACTUALLY be really good to sell the consoles.

>that's top of the line
It's the flagship model from last year, it's literally been replaced.
>decent is like a 780
Yeah maybe four years ago.

ok but it runs like shit

I think you have a fundamental misunderstanding of what "decent" means

without consoles existing games, which are exclusives, would never be made in the first place cause no budget
More exclusives - more games in general. No exclusives - less games period.

I am primarily a PC gamer and the framerate on bloodborne has only bothered me 4-5 times out of the 100+ hours i've played, it's really not bad

>So you're telling me
So you're telling me people who spend $800 on a graphics card are less likely to want games?

Are you fucking clinically braindead? Do you have some congenital defect I should be aware before I reply to your next stupid post?

you might just have a less discerning eye, which is fine

not everyone can be smart

They give people a reason to buy certain consoles and help to foster competition between companies in order to keep the market healthy. Otherwise you'd have just one company with a monopoly that has no real incentive to make games that people want to buy or new consoles with fancy new hardware since they have no competition. I don't know about you, but I wouldn't want to live in a world where Microsoft is the only company to go to for video games

God forbid they'd have to actually make competitive hardware and console features, huh?

I straight up don't believe you. The framerate on Bloodborne is bad even by console standards, people who've never even played a 60fps release complained about it.

>30 FPS
>Yet still one of the best games ever made
There you go, successfully defended.

>Steam exclusive
>Early access open world survival game with crafting elements

>one of the best games ever made

you can build a budget pc that plays anything at decent framerates these days if you know what you're doing. Even youtube can help you with that.

>Literally zero reading comprehension
That's not at all what the poster I was replying to was mentioning or even suggesting. There's a difference between "You can make a budget PC that is strong" and "An average PC has a 1080+ graphics card, so why aren't they making games for us lmao".

Defend PC exclu-
Oh wait...

Bloodborne is pretty bad even for PS4

From can't code for shit

>play it
>it's fine

>play it
>it's fine

why do people exaggerate about exclusives so much


>From can't code for shi--

Those games wouldn't exist without consoles, so you better be greateful and beg and make petitions so maybe in 5 years you get a port like the good cucks you are

Ark is one of the highest selling games on PS4 as well, so yeah

I have a PS4, Xbone, PC and Switch.

I get what I want and on the system I want it for. If Sup Forums influenced any decision I've ever made, I would be a total faggot.

user, that's too hard of a concept for them, it's better just whine instead of finishing your hundreds games backlog on steam

>wait 5 years
>get the definitive version of the game with solid framerate, high resolutions, improved textures, moddability, and extra content thrown in as a bonus
>all for a lower price than the original console release

People need to defend their console purchase.

>unironically enjoying leftovers.

I bet you make threads that start with "thanks for betatesting" too.

Someone makes a game they can put it on any system they want

thats why PCbros butthurt so much? Trying to defend they PC purnchase?

Games aren't food. They don't spoil. Bayonetta came out seven years ago. Why does that matter? I've never played it, and now I'm playing it in the best format that exists of it.

Enjoy your leftovers.

As a consumer, you can't.

Maybe my standards for console framerates are just super low because i assume they'll be shit

I never said the consoles had to be good. They only have to be just barely better than the other guy.

Because it keeps the pcbross triggered.

Realtalk, it wouldn't of been made if Sony didn't pay for it and still has been framerate than the PC version

*Kills you in one hit*

Thanks, I actually am enjoying them!

Nothing wrong with exclusives. If you want the game buy the platform. I keep my pc upgraded to play Total War, I bought a shitty fucking 3ds to play monhun. I bought a ps4 for those exclusives.

Except that doesn't happen with every console exclusive, but yeah enjoy leftovers after 5 or more years lil cuck, shit up the community and make vore and guro porn of the game like you fucked up deviants always do when a game gets ported to PC.

Or some people actually really do like it that much?
Like holy fuck, what is it with you people.

>one guy told me this game was like, the best ever
>this must mean that anyone and everyone who talks about it and says it good believes it to be the best ever
>i'll make sure to listen to one opinion at most, play the game and then shitpost about it

Every fucking time.

That's great! So how about you stop posting faggoty pictures, faggot. AND GO PLAY IT.

this is a weird as fuck post not gonna lie dude

are you sure you aren't projecting here

modern =/= decent
I have 2 760's that still outperform a titan, but of course nvidia has come out with better since.

I am, it's good!

I have a 980ti gtx 6gb and I prefer to play and buy games on/for my console. Upgrading my GPU will not change that.

>wait 5 years
Yeah and everyone who wanted to play X game already did so.
If you care about muh fps and muh grafixz so much that you're willing to wait 5 fucking years for something, go right ahead.

What did I just tell you about faggoty pictures?

>Yeah and everyone who wanted to play X game already did so.
Okay, and they played a worse version.

Like I said, games don't spoil over time. In PC's case, they get better when you wait.

Single 980ti cost more then any of those console or maybe even both if you buy used are you ok or what

Similar to B L A C K E

It keeps the cucks jelly.

A graphics card is an investment.

Relax champ. It's how consoles have always worked.

Typically people can only afford one and that being the case they want to feel as if their purchase is superior by citing the games on that system as the "best"

I agree its dumb but it happens all the time. Take a fucking breath before your next post.

I don't trust anyone who doesn't own multiple platforms to be even remotely objective.

>Okay, and they played a worse version.
And they probably enjoyed it very much.
If you can't enjoy games when they're not 1080p and 140fps, I pity your soul.

I played Bayonetta 3 years ago and it was fine. If I had a gaming PC I wouldn't buy it again.

If you can't enjoy games when they're not 240p and 10fps, I pity your soul. Why do you hate fun?

All these Sonybro's who probably purchased the 50th Kingdom Hearts collection for PS4 while saying PC gets leftovers

26 fps is a lot higher than the -0 you can play Bloodborne at on your computer PCbro

investment in what. You need to buy new one every couple years to play shitty console ports and pray you will even get one

>Playstation/microsoft/nintendo make or pay for an exclusive game
>paid with the companies money with the sole purpose of selling more consoles/making profit or whatever
What a bunch of pathetic cuckolds

Youtube plays it at 60fps


Did you think that was witty or funny at some point?

Now post the 360 version

That's a good way to be user.

>bu..but.. SONY!

Like clockwork.

>i it will get patched!

and so the cycle continues

go clop to undertale cuck

The only people who hate console exclusives are PC fags. I wonder why.

Reverse: the only people who like console exclusives are consolefags.

>((game)) looks early PS2 game
>PS4 cant run it

Really? Because I play at a perfectly spot on 30fps on my ps4 emulator. I'd hit 60 but the game is capped at 30 because its a shitty console game.

I'm about 50/50 and I don't mind exclusives.

Have you ever seen a person who plays on console BEG and WHINE for a PC exclusive?

It's pretty sad that PC gamers literally need to bow to us in order to get our superior games, don't worry pcbros you'll get some scraps in 10 years if you suck our big juicy cocks enough