Small ass studio does character creation better than AAA developers with 300 people and $200,000,000 budgets

>Small ass studio does character creation better than AAA developers with 300 people and $200,000,000 budgets.

Why is this allowed?

That looks like fucking trash tho

What is wrong with her face and head? Looks too small and weird.

even random skyrimfags can make far more attractive people than some AAA studios so that's hardly a surprise

What's so good about it? She's not even a half naked child.

What shitty mmo is that?

What is this, tyranny?
Man that game was a dissapointment.

Is this game good? Looks better than D3 2bh.

Is that Vikings : Wolves of Midgard?

That game is really casual and easy as fuck, finished it some days ago

What game is this? Does it have exaggerated body sliders so I can make a bimbo amazon

I'll kill you irl.

I've only played the beginning. So far it's good, but not forty-five dollars good.

I'm playing on the hardest setting. I sure as fuck hope you're wrong.


Also, you can't be black. This is a whites only game.

You again? Jesus the game is not that good though

too bad your mum's bedroom isn't whites only

I played it on normal (as I play all games) and went Thor-based.

I really liked the fact that you had your own village but besides that the game is really average. The dodge button is a fun mechanic though.

I didn't say it was, man. I'm just impressed by the solid character creation. It's simple but effective, unlike every AAA release ever.

I'm going Skathi (bows). Gonna do a movement speed + critical hit build, I think.

Have fun I guess. But compared to games like Grim Dawn or Titan Quest, Vikings is quite weak.

Shit. I didn't like Titan Quest. Can't even remember why.

One thing I like about Wolves of Midgard is the presentation. Seems like that's the game's main strength.

How's the exposure to the elements shit?

Later on you'll encounter freezing or too much heat, and you'll have to run into safe spots to regain your composure.

How punishing is that shit?

It drains your health. If you're quick enough you won't likely get bothered with it that much but it can be annoying at times.

Appreciate the info, homie. Have a good day.

Are you posting this because it virtue signals to you?

What did he mean by this?

Don't make me look it up, faggot.

It's one of the worst and dullest character creations ever man

The game isn't that bad but the character creator is nothing special man. Why do you keep hyping it? There's only like 5 choices per category and you can't even fine tune any specific details. Even your average korean MMO has more customization than that.

It's simple but effective.

I gotta check the female side of things, but there's no shit options. Long hair works, as in it doesn't float on the dude's neck.

Compare Viking's character creation to Dragon Age, Mass Effect, The Elder Scrolls, or any MMO. More =/= better.