Can we have a thread about vidya and your parents?
Vidya and Parents
mi padre caught me playing Katawa Shoujo once and called me a thot
>Hot version takes off the glasses
What the hell I'm offended now
I love the fact that the Hot filter removes glasses. People who deny glasses make you look worse annoy me
A snot?
I see what you're trying to do OP.
You know damn well this is gonna turn into a faceapp thread.
I hope it ends up being both. I'd post a story about m parents and video games but I dont have any interesting ones.
>Hot Rich
>playing DDR with the mat on ps2
>get a good score so I get hyped
>dad walks in
>"you're just doing what a computer tells you to do"
>walks out
>dont feel like playing anymore
female meme man is cute
My parents play Tetris or Dr.Mario with me sometimes.
Nonhuman things make for the best results.
Still gotta beard, dude
he looks decent in every version except original
My dad used to watch me blaze through MGS every year. This had stopped back around when MGS4 had been released. We wrapped that up and that was about it.
lmao these are great
Tzimisces just have weird aesthetics and are into body horrors.
The lore behind their fleshcrafting is especially retarded though and originally they were textbook draculas.
Wow that last one is pretty accurate.
>bottom left
thats a recation image right there.
Someone please do famous paintings and other classical art with doofy ass smiles.
>basing your taste on a app and not on your own tastes
get your own shit together
Has anyone done Brianna Wu yet?
I have a good green text story that I have somewhere else
Hang on
My pops watched me play MGS as well. 3 and 5. Also Bayonetta, so that's aight taste
She looked exactly the same in each pic, the app got confused
Here it is Sup Forums
>the app even uses a nigger female haircut
Good story senpai
I'm so glad I started browsing Sup Forums at a tender underage b&. I was taught to hide my power level from everyone, even my parents. I would have had to kill myself to save face if this happened to me.
So the other night, I scream and punch the wall because I got vac banned in csgo and my mother pitches a fit because I was "screaming too loud at 3 am".
Anyone on Sup Forums willing to help out a 35 year old, 450 pound baby user? I've got a week to move out.
>Vac ban so hard you got ban from your home
so you punched a wall and they got you banned
wow your parents are powerful
my heart
Haha non. That's you're fault exclusively for being such a damn raging neet.
For real. 11 years later and ain't nobody know shit about me
The wall punching was after I got banned. It was for completely bullshit reasons and a false positive too!
sure thing valve son
Valve is just trying to get your life back on track.
You're too old to be playing a kids game like CS GO
Just because I've gone through three accounts in the past two years is proof that the valve anti-cheat system is unfair and riddled with false positives!
Good story but "YOU JAM CLOTH" made me kek
That was pleasant
>Sakurai was just time traveller young Miyamoto
I'm going to play csgo not weebshit! csgo is a real game!
Girl Sakurai is fucking cute.
Holy shit this fucker looks like an irl Cain from the Sandman series by Neil Gaiman
Who is this Jimmy Neutron abomination?
i know it's not gaming related and this thread hasnt much longer, but holy shit
Would you female PJW?
Fuck how do you people get this app to work for video game faces? Shit never detects for me.
>spent 3 hours trying to beat a single gammoth
Holy shit, what a fucking casual.
The best threads on Sup Forums are the ones that are off-topic.
It's actually a pretty sad feeling when I'm browsing a good thread, it gets deleted, I wonder why, then remember I'm on Sup Forums.
At least I have dozens of console war, BotW, and bait threads, r-right?
Curse the mods
videogame faces aren't real
Goddamn you I know that I just want to join in by making some myself.
Would impregnate 1000 times
For years my dad firmly believed that game consoles ruined tv's , this started when I was in high school and was due to the fact that the plasma tv in the living room had small small dead spots on the screen, he would constantly claim that my ps2 being hooked to the tv caused it and not my brother who was ten at the time being a red neck in training watching hunting shows and shooting at the tv with an airsoft pistol whenever a deer came on screen
Can you retarded shills at least go into settings and disable the obnoxious watermarks if you insist on making these shit threads?
this is incredible
I love computers
Hey anons, post your girl selves!
Female Barneyfag is cute
What if Zelda was a girl
Can someone do this?